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Change log entry 64346
Processed by: richwarm (2017-09-13 08:24:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59825 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
How do I answer your comments richwarm? I can't find a way to do it? About 往往 there is a book "Introduction to Chinese Syntax" by Xu Dan. In the chapter "3.2.2 Changchang and wangwang" he explains the difference and there is a table in the chapter 2.4.4 too. Take a look and tell us what do you think. Thanks.

The OED distinguishes two main senses of "often":
1. Many times; at many times; on numerous occasions; frequently; ...
2. Used to modify the whole of a statement of fact or opinion: in many instances; ...

I think you can pretty much say that 常常 corresponds to {often(1)} and 往往 corresponds to {often(2)}.
# 往往 往往 [wang3wang3] /used to/
# Editor:
- 往往 往往 [wang3 wang3] /often/frequently/
+ 往往 往往 [wang3 wang3] /usually/in many cases/more often than not/
- 常常 常常 [chang2 chang2] /frequently/usually/often/
+ 常常 常常 [chang2 chang2] /frequently/often/

Change log entry 63334
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-03-18 16:32:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59896 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
老师让他不要再迟到了。“The teacher ask him do not be late again”.
爸爸让我学开车 means "My dad ask me to learn how to drive"

Editor: we already cover this sense in our definition of 让: "to have sb do sth"
# 让 让 [rang4] /to ask/

Change log entry 63305
Processed by: monigeria (2017-03-14 08:45:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59824 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
Originally 署 means to arrange / to write down / to put down, this can be seen in a verb 部署 (divide + arrange = deploy). So adding "to arrange" meanign to the dictionary can help with translation.
# 署 署 [shu3] /to arrange/
- 署 署 [shu3] /office/bureau/to sign/
+ 署 署 [shu3] /office/bureau/to sign/to arrange/

Change log entry 63295
Processed by: richwarm (2017-03-12 19:38:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59848 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
The example below is taken from cn.nytimes.comt


Editor: That quote is a translation of the following paragraph of the original English nytimes article: "After that meeting, many thought Mr. Bannon’s strategy was crazy, the person who was present said. Then Mr. Trump won the election. And now we can argue that Mr. Trump is, in many ways, the first genuine Silicon Valley start-up candidate and president."
# 就 就 [jiu4] /however/

Change log entry 63259
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-03-04 16:15:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59816 - submitted by 'manuka' >>

Editor: just a construct 可+效仿
# 可效仿 可效仿 [ke3xiao4fang3] /an example to follow/

Change log entry 63240
Processed by: richwarm (2017-03-03 04:15:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59768 - submitted by 'manuka' >>

Editor: Thanks.

# 上佳 上佳 [shang4jia1] /top, good./
+ 上佳 上佳 [shang4 jia1] /excellent/outstanding/great/

Change log entry 63239
Processed by: richwarm (2017-03-02 23:00:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59769 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
往往 means a situation or condition would often happen in the past. For example, you can say: “I used to/would often jog in the morning.” 我早上往往會跑步。
See 我早上時常會跑步 for the difference with "often" in present tense.

Editor: It looks like you either uncritically read the following blog post or you wrote it yourself.

(往往會跑步 appears nowhere on the Web except on that page.)

往往 doesn't mean "a situation or condition would often happen in the past", as claimed in that blog.
It's easy to find counterexamples. Here are a few:

1) 遺憾的是,病毒感染往往會留下終身烙印,
Unfortunately, the viral infection frequently leaves scars for a lifetime.

2) 每次破獲一個案件後,只要耐心抽絲剝繭,往往會追到另一個集團,這種「案中查案」方式,占了破獲案件的很大比例。
Every time police break a case, they only have to patiently follow the threads and often they will come upon another organization. These instances of "a case within a case" account for a large proportion of police successes.

3) 背包客的旅行目的不僅在於遊覽風景名勝,更在於體驗一段「和異鄉人一樣的生活」,並打破語言和文化的樊籬,與當地人做朋友,因此往往會主動且積極地與當地民眾、其他旅人互動,分享彼此的價值觀及所見所聞。
Backpackers are interested in more than seeing the sights; they hope also to experience how other people live and to get past linguistic and cultural barriers to make friends with locals. As a result, they actively engage with locals and other travelers, discussing their values and talking about what they've seen.


Depending on context, the situation *may* be one that occurred in the past, but that sense of "past" is not conveyed by 往往.
(In the following example, it's 過去 that indicates that it's something that *used* to happen.)

In the past, there used to be a "September abortion wave" following the summer vacation,


往, used singly as in 往事, can mean "past; previous", but as one dictionary (GF) notes, “往往”的词义跟“往”的各义项都不同.
They also make the following point: “往往”可以指将来发生的事, which directly contradicts your claim.
# 往往 往往 [wang3wang3] /Used to./

Change log entry 63201
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-02-25 15:19:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59680 - submitted by 'manuka' >>

Editor: see discussion
# 推文 推文 [Tuī wén] /tweets/
+ 推文 推文 [tui1 wen2] /tweet (on Twitter)/(HK, Tw) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile/to reply to original poster (or recommend a post) on PTT bulletin board/

Change log entry 63147
Processed by: richwarm (2017-02-15 07:23:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59587 - submitted by 'manuka' >>

Editor: Left examples on the RQ.
Here are a few of them ~

Setbacks of all kinds [have been a major theme of Taiwanese agriculture for the past two decades.]

[failed the college entrance exams twice running.]
> Lee says that this is his greatest failure in life.

Chu Bong-foo is not afraid to admit that his defeat when he took on Microsoft ten years ago caused him to throw in the towel for a while.

Seeing a product withdrawn from the shelves just two weeks after launch is devastating.
# 挫败 挫败 [Cuòbài] /Frustration/
# Editor:
- 挫敗 挫败 [cuo4 bai4] /to thwart/to foil (sb's plans)/to defeat/
+ 挫敗 挫败 [cuo4 bai4] /to thwart/to foil (sb's plans)/a setback/a failure/a defeat/

Change log entry 63116
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-02-11 11:14:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59678 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
# 私交 私交 [Sījiāo] /personal friendship/
+ 私交 私交 [si1 jiao1] /personal friendship/

Change log entry 62888
Processed by: richwarm (2017-01-15 00:34:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59455 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
一块手巾 means "a hanky or the napkin you use to wipe your nose", but 一条手巾 means "a hand towel".

Editor: I don't think 一块手巾 is such an informal term as "nose-rag".
Also, I get the impression from Web snippets such as the following that 一块手巾 can refer to a towel.



晚上,一妻子用辣椒水情悄地放在一塊手巾上, 然後把它晾乾了。

优质解答: 平方分米
[That's too big for a hanky.]

手巾 : 【量词】 块、条【辨析】 用“块”、“条”搭配时,都表示单个的手巾。用“块”搭配时,强调的是手巾摊开的形状;用“条”搭配时,强调的是长条形的手巾。



# 一塊手巾 一块手巾 [Yīkuài shǒujīn] /nose-rag, hanky/
# Editor:
- 手巾 手巾 [shou3 jin1] /hand towel/
+ 手巾 手巾 [shou3 jin1] /hand towel/handkerchief/

Change log entry 62836
Processed by: richwarm (2017-01-02 07:08:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59429 - submitted by 'manuka' >>

Editor: Thanks.

1. 應於兩年內修法 The law should be amended within two years.
2. 立法院方才積極修法。Only then did the LY begin actively working to change the legislation.
3. 因為若直接由立院修法,必須有過三分之一出席,because for the Legislative Yuan to amend the law directly requires one-third of the members to be present on the day and a majority to be in favor,
# 修法 修法 [Xiūfǎ] /Amendment/
+ 修法 修法 [xiu1 fa3] /to amend a law/

Change log entry 62733
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-12 22:25:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59397 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
谁的棋局?谁是棋子?中文网读者评“川蔡”事件. a title of an article.
In that article title, it seems to me that 棋局 is what LA says ( 下棋時,雙方對陣的形勢 ), and that the first bit could be translated as "Whose game of chess is it?" (Tsai's or Trump's)

The "chessboard" sense (i.e. the board on which the game is played) is in M, for example, but PLC and Z mark it as "old". Z ~ 旧指棋盘.

Examples ~
However, though the rules of xiangqi are easy to learn, the situations, positions, and possibilities are immensely complex.

How Taiwan maneuvers within the ROC-PRC-US triangle will be a test of our country's wisdom.

The Xi'an Incident played havoc with Chiang's plans, starting the chain of events which led to the current situation.

樹梢沙沙,桌布飛揚,讓 賞心悅目的熱帶花園騷動起來。不過,真正掌控著整個花園氣氛的,是草皮上、棚架下的一方方小小棋局。
Trees sway and tablecloths flutter, but no matter-no one is paying attention to anything but the little chess tables placed here and there on the lawn and under the shelters.

But the mainland market has been growing too fast, upsetting all previous calculations.

Taiwan, for special political reasons, is unable to join any of the ASEAN+N groupings
# 棋局 棋局 [Qíjú] /Chess board/
+ 棋局 棋局 [qi2 ju2] /state of play in a game of chess/(old) chessboard/

Change log entry 62729
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-11 10:41:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59388 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
Editor: Trad 湧入

移民湧入使房價大漲 "with immigrants flooding in, house prices have soared"
# 涌入 涌入 [yǒngrù] /overflow, sudden burst, strong influx/
+ 湧入 涌入 [yong3 ru4] /to come pouring in/influx/

Change log entry 62661
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-02 22:25:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59310 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
adjective Chinese.
# 中国籍 中国籍 [Zhōngguó jí] /Something/someone of chinese nationality./
+ 中国籍 中国籍 [Zhong1 guo2 ji2] /Chinese (i.e. of Chinese nationality)/
# Editor:
- 美籍 美籍 [Mei3 ji2] /US citizenship/having American nationality/
+ 美籍 美籍 [Mei3 ji2] /American (i.e. of US nationality)/
- 外籍 外籍 [wai4 ji2] /foreign nationality/
+ 外籍 外籍 [wai4 ji2] /foreign (i.e. of foreign nationality)/

Change log entry 62591
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2016-10-29 10:41:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59318 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
# 都会 都会 [dou huì] /usually/

Change log entry 62590
Processed by: richwarm (2016-10-28 20:05:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59317 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
# 就像 就像 [Jiù xiàng] /just like, just as/

Change log entry 62587
Processed by: richwarm (2016-10-25 03:02:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59311 - submitted by 'manuka' >>

Editor: In your example, 具 means "to possess".
It's (最 (具 (影响力))), not ((最具) (影响力)).
I.e. "most (最) influential (具影响力)" rather than "the most (最具) influence (影响力)".
# 最具 最具 [Zuì jù] /the most/

Change log entry 62582
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2016-10-21 20:25:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59308 - submitted by 'manuka' >>

Editor: a construct 装+进.
# 裝進 装进 [Zhuāng jìn] /Load Into/

Change log entry 62498
Processed by: richwarm (2016-08-19 23:58:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59216 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
"to live .... life" as in "过着平淡的生活"

Editor: See our entries for 过 and 着.
# 過著 过着 [guo4zhe5] /to live/spend/

Change log entry 62491
Processed by: richwarm (2016-08-18 11:59:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59217 - submitted by 'manuka' >>
而 here acts as "yet" (contrary to expectations) and "且" "futher" is an ancient word indicating future tense similar to 将.

1) We already have 而且 in the dictionary.

2) 「藥很苦,而且具有微毒,」
This is translated as "The (medicine) is very bitter and slightly poisonous,"
There is no element of "contrary to expectations" in 而且 here.
In fact, it's the opposite – it means that something *consistent* with expectations is being added.

3) It's hard to find a meaningful English sentence containing "yet moreover".
I did find this on the Web ~ "Say positive things out loud, yet moreover, believe them!"
But I can't make sense of that.
I think she meant "Say positive things out loud, and moreover, believe them!"
# 而且 而且 [er2qie3] /yet moreover, yet further/
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