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Change log entry 72730
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-18 22:31:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68549 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
See "以巴冲突" in this article for example: https://dw.com/zh/%E4%B8%93%E8%AE%BF%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E6%98%AF%E5%B7%B4%E5%8B%92%E6%96%AF%E5%9D%A6%E7%9A%84%E7%9C%9F%E8%AF%9A%E6%9C%8B%E5%8F%8B/a-57551978

"以巴冲突" has far less Google results than "巴以冲突", but still a significant number. Interesting that the dominant ordering is opposite from English.

Editor: It looks like Wikipedia, Taiwan and Hong Kong follow the West (以 first, 巴 second), while the PRC chooses the order independently.
E.g. Google results for the traditional forms (verbatim option)
"以巴衝突" - 3,970,000
"巴以衝突" - 255,000
# 以巴 以巴 [Yi3 Ba1] /same as 巴以[Ba1 Yi3]/
+ 以巴 以巴 [Yi3 Ba1] /Israeli-Palestinian/

Change log entry 71223
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-12-30 08:56:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67390 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
- 漸變 渐变 [jian4 bian4] /gradual change/
# + 漸變 渐变 [jian4 bian4] /gradual change/gradient (graphic design)/
+ 漸變 渐变 [jian4 bian4] /gradual change/(graphic design) gradient/

Change log entry 70579
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-03 09:25:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66344 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
"ago" vs. "before" - depends on frame of reference (now vs. some other time). the default if no frame of reference given would be now, hence "ago".

"for the last few days" - when collocated with "一直", "都", or similar, "前几天" indicates a constant state.

- 前幾天 前几天 [qian2 ji3 tian1] /a few days before/
# + 前幾天 前几天 [qian2 ji3 tian1] /a few days ago/a few days before/for the last few days/
+ 前幾天 前几天 [qian2 ji3 tian1] /a few days ago/a few days before/the past few days/the previous few days/

Change log entry 70485
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-28 08:28:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66737 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
+ 中央企業 中央企业 [zhong1 yang1 qi3 ye4] /centrally-managed state-owned enterprise (PRC)/
# 央企 央企 [yang1 qi3] /abbr. for 中央企業|中央企业, centrally-managed state-owned enterprise (PRC)/
+ 央企 央企 [yang1 qi3] /centrally-managed state-owned enterprise (PRC), abbr. for 中央企業|中央企业[zhong1 yang1 qi3 ye4]/

Change log entry 70371
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-13 02:42:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66697 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
Unfortunately, it seems there isn't much consensus as to the standard terminology for "ADHD" in Chinese; however, it looks like this is the single most common permutation (except from "多动症", which isn't really accurate but is far and away the most common colloquially, at least in mainland China).

This was obtained by running the following query in the Chrome dev console on google.com:

(async () => {
const one = ['注意力'];
const two = ['缺陷', '缺失', '不足'];
const three = ['', '多动', '过动'];
const four = ['症', '障碍'];

let terms = [];

one.forEach(_1 => {
two.forEach(_2 => {
three.forEach(_3 => {
four.forEach(_4 => {

terms = terms.filter(t => t.length > 2);

const out = await Promise.all(terms.map(async term => {
const r = await fetch(`/search?q="${term}"`)

const t = await r.text()

const m = t.match(/[0-9,]+(?=\s+results)/)

return {
count: parseInt(m?.[0].replace(/,/g, ''))

console.log(out.sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count));

Overall results were as follows:

{ "term": "注意力缺陷多动症", "count": 181000 },
{ "term": "注意力不足过动症", "count": 174000 },
{ "term": "注意力缺陷障碍", "count": 142000 },
{ "term": "注意力缺陷多动障碍", "count": 76200 },
{ "term": "注意力缺失症", "count": 57300 },
{ "term": "注意力缺陷过动症", "count": 54900 },
{ "term": "注意力缺陷过动障碍", "count": 36100 },
{ "term": "注意力缺失过动症", "count": 17200 },
{ "term": "注意力缺陷症", "count": 17000 },
{ "term": "注意力缺失过动障碍", "count": 16700 },
{ "term": "注意力不足多动症", "count": 15400 },
{ "term": "注意力不足过动障碍", "count": 12900 },
{ "term": "注意力缺失多动症", "count": 12700 },
{ "term": "注意力不足症", "count": 7470 },
{ "term": "注意力不足多动障碍", "count": 3780 },
{ "term": "注意力缺失障碍", "count": 2580 },
{ "term": "注意力缺失多动障碍", "count": 1760 },
{ "term": "注意力不足障碍", "count": 702 }

Note that Google will lock you out with a Captcha if it thinks you're making too many automated requests.

Editor: Thanks -- I tweaked your submission to add "(ADHD)" at the end as you suggested.

I guess it'd be a good idea to label 多动症 as (coll.)
BB says: 注意缺陷与多动障碍(Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder,ADHD)俗称多动症 ...
+ 注意力缺陷多動症 注意力缺陷多动症 [zhu4 yi4 li4 que1 xian4 duo1 dong4 zheng4] /attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/
# Editor:
- 多動症 多动症 [duo1 dong4 zheng4] /attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/
+ 多動症 多动症 [duo1 dong4 zheng4] /(coll.) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/

Change log entry 70347
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-07 21:57:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66677 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
Seen here: https://www.fuhaozi.com/unicode/3/31D4.html
"域名编码: xn--2kk"


Editor: thanks
# 域名編碼 域名编码 [yu4 ming2 bian1 ma3] /Punycode (encoding for internationalized domain names)/
+ 域名編碼 域名编码 [Yu4 ming2 Bian1 ma3] /Punycode (encoding for internationalized domain names) (abbr. for 國際化域名編碼|国际化域名编码[Guo2 ji4 hua4 Yu4 ming2 Bian1 ma3])/

Change log entry 70284
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-31 04:12:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66607 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
Wording change to accurately reflect how the character is used to form words.

曾祖父, not *曾父亲; 曾孙女, not *曾女儿

Editor: thanks
- 曾 曾 [zeng1] /great-grand (father, child etc)/
# + 曾 曾 [zeng1] /great- (grandfather, grandchild, etc.)/
+ 曾 曾 [zeng1] /great- (grandfather, grandchild etc)/

Change log entry 70272
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-30 07:40:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66604 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
# 量子糾纏 量子纠缠 [liang4 zi3 jiu1 chan2] /quantum entanglement/
+ 量子糾纏 量子纠缠 [liang4 zi3 jiu1 chan2] /quantum entanglement (physics)/

Change log entry 70264
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-30 06:25:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66603 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
Cf entries for 曾祖父、曾祖母、曾祖 (in this and many other dictionaries)

Editor: thanks
- 曾祖父母 曾祖父母 [ceng2 zu3 fu4 mu3] /great-grandparents/
+ 曾祖父母 曾祖父母 [zeng1 zu3 fu4 mu3] /great-grandparents/

Change log entry 69946
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-01 10:39:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66345 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>

60k exact match Google results:
# 重複性勞損 重复性劳损 [chong2 fu4 xing4 lao2 sun3] /repetitive strain injury/RSI/
+ 重複性勞損 重复性劳损 [chong2 fu4 xing4 lao2 sun3] /repetitive strain injury (RSI)/

Change log entry 69840
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-06-23 19:22:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66282 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>

> 英国国家医疗服务体系(简称NHS)周四表示,它已经 “同意与谷歌和苹果联手,将两个系统中最好的部分整合在一起”。


> NHS(National Health Service),即英国国家医疗服务体系,这个体系一直承担着保障英国全民公费医疗保健的重任,遵行救济贫民的选择性原则,并提倡了普遍性原则。
# 國家醫療服務體系 国家医疗服务体系 [Guo2 jia1 Yi1 liao2 Fu2 wu4 Ti3 xi4] /National Health Service (UK)/NHS/
+ 國家醫療服務體系 国家医疗服务体系 [Guo2 jia1 Yi1 liao2 Fu2 wu4 Ti3 xi4] /National Health Service (UK)/

Change log entry 69828
Processed by: richwarm (2020-06-23 02:30:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66262 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
Google search for +"十·一国庆"


Unfortunately, Google's "exact" search ignores punctuation, but it's clear that 十一 is a lot more common, as almost all results are in fact for "十一国庆".

FWIW, SymbolHound, which _does_ provide exact search, returns 0 results for 十·一


However, that's of limited significance, because SymbolHound trawls a significantly narrower slice of the web than Google. 十一 returns 89 SymbolHound results, but they're almost all referring to the number 11.

In cc-cedict, this term "十·一" (with the dot) came from a large batch in which katakana middle dots (・) were converted to middle dots (·).
Almost all of the entries in that batch were for names consisting of a given name and a surname. E.g.
- 鮑勃・伍德沃德 鲍勃・伍德沃德 [Bao4 bo2 · Wu3 de2 wo4 de2] /Bob Woodward (Washington Post journalist)/
+ 鮑勃·伍德沃德 鲍勃·伍德沃德 [Bao4 bo2 · Wu3 de2 wo4 de2] /Bob Woodward (Washington Post journalist)/

Among these entries, however, was "十・一", which was originally created by editor miles. I think he probably unilaterally decided it would be a good idea to insert a dot to indicate that this was not 十一 in the sense of "eleven". I doubt that he actually saw 十一 somewhere with a dot in the middle, let alone a Japanese katakana dot!
# - 十一 十一 [shi2 yi1] /eleven/11/
# + 十一 十一 [shi2 yi1] /eleven/11/first of October/PRC National Day/same as 國慶|国庆[Guo2 qing4]/
- 十·一 十·一 [shi2 · yi1] /first of October/PRC National Day/same as 國慶|国庆[Guo2 qing4]/
# + 十·一 十·一 [shi2 · yi1] /variant of 十一/first of October/PRC National Day/same as 國慶|国庆[Guo2 qing4]/
# Editor:
+ 十一 十一 [Shi2 Yi1] /PRC National Day (October 1st)/

Change log entry 69456
Processed by: richwarm (2020-03-18 23:22:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65793 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>

"Smilence" also frequently comes up as a translation, but I've unfortunately never seen it used "in the wild" in English.
# 笑而不語 笑而不语 [xiao4 er2 bu4 yu3] /to smile but hold one's tongue (typically implying sarcasm or discomfort at what the other person is saying)/
+ 笑而不語 笑而不语 [xiao4 er2 bu4 yu3] /to smile but say nothing/

Change log entry 69275
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-27 03:19:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65813 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
This edit is just cleanup, but I'm not convinced this entry should be included at all as it seems pretty rare and has unclear metaphorical implications. I can't find a single example in natural usage (i.e. not meta-discussion of the phrase itself) that isn't 文言文.

Sample Google query that failed to turn up anything relevant:
"酒酸不售" -成语 -故事 -解释 -文言 -词典 -Chinese

Editor: I'll delete the entry – it does seem pretty useless.
- 酒酸不售 酒酸不售 [jiu3 suan1 bu4 shou4] /"The wine´s gone bad and it cannot be sold"/
# + 酒酸不售 酒酸不售 [jiu3 suan1 bu4 shou4] /The wine's gone bad and cannot be sold/

Change log entry 69273
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-02-26 22:15:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65812 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
Replace rogue non-breaking space (U+00A0) with normal space (U+0020)
- 工業學校 工业学校 [gong1 ye4 xue2 xiao4] /technical or industrial school/CL:個|个[ge4],所[suo3]/
+ 工業學校 工业学校 [gong1 ye4 xue2 xiao4] /technical or industrial school/CL:個|个[ge4],所[suo3]/

Change log entry 69272
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-02-26 22:15:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65811 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
Replace rogue non-breaking spaces (U+00A0) with normal spaces (U+0020)
- 蘇曼殊 苏曼殊 [Su1 Man4 shu1] /Su Manshu (1884-1918), Chinese writer, journalist, Buddhist monk, participant in the revolutionary movement/
+ 蘇曼殊 苏曼殊 [Su1 Man4 shu1] /Su Manshu (1884-1918), Chinese writer, journalist, Buddhist monk, participant in the revolutionary movement/

Change log entry 69265
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-02-25 12:10:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65794 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
I haven't touched the duplicate entry under □, as it seems there are 2 others like this as well (biu1 and ging1) - not sure on editorial policy for these.


In any case, the pinyin for this one should be moved into the correct field.

Editor: to quote another editor:

"One pinyin (pseudo-)syllable for each character in the headword -- that's a basic principle.

"xx5" is the "pinyin" we've been using for characters that don't have a reading that can be expressed as a single Hanyu Pinyin syllable.

〻[xx5] /iteration mark (used to represent a duplicated character)/
龶 [xx5] /component in Chinese characters, occurring in 青, 毒, 素 etc/
峠 [xx5] /(Japanese kokuji) mountain pass/(fig.) crisis point/pr. tōge/
All these entries have one character in the headword.
My proposed entry has four characters in the headword."
# - ㄅㄧㄤˋ ㄅㄧㄤˋ [xx5 xx5 xx5 xx5] /(Tw) (coll.) cool/awesome/pr. [biang4]/(etymologically, a contracted form of 不一樣|不一样[bu4 yi1 yang4])/
# + ㄅㄧㄤˋ ㄅㄧㄤˋ [biang4] /(Tw) (coll.) cool/awesome/(etymologically, a contracted form of 不一樣|不一样[bu4 yi1 yang4])/

Change log entry 69212
Processed by: monigeria (2020-02-17 00:10:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65741 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
Fix syntax (+= ] after pinyin gloss)


ed: thx
- 邊控 边控 [bian1 kong4] /border control (abbr. for 邊境控制|边境控制[bian1 jing4 kong4 zhi4)/to place sb on a border control list (a list of people to be detained if they attempt to enter or leave the country)/
+ 邊控 边控 [bian1 kong4] /border control (abbr. for 邊境控制|边境控制[bian1 jing4 kong4 zhi4])/to place sb on a border control list (a list of people to be detained if they attempt to enter or leave the country)/

Change log entry 69204
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-16 18:39:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65746 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
not a proper noun

Editor: thanks
- 市中區 市中区 [Shi4 zhong1 qu1] /central city district/
+ 市中區 市中区 [shi4 zhong1 qu1] /central city district/

Change log entry 69203
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-16 18:33:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65747 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
not a proper noun
- 海鮮醬 海鲜酱 [Hai3 xian1 jiang4] /hoisin sauce (barbecue sauce)/seafood sauce/
+ 海鮮醬 海鲜酱 [hai3 xian1 jiang4] /hoisin sauce (barbecue sauce)/seafood sauce/

Change log entry 69199
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-16 18:04:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65750 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
fix grammar and remove redundancy. "to relish" isn't correct - never used as a verb

Editor: That's better - thanks
- 津津有味 津津有味 [jin1 jin1 you3 wei4] /with keen interest pleasure (idiom); with gusto/to relish/eagerly/with great interest/
+ 津津有味 津津有味 [jin1 jin1 you3 wei4] /with keen interest (idiom)/with great pleasure/with gusto/eagerly/

Change log entry 68915
Processed by: richwarm (2020-01-18 05:24:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65579 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
See https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E9%AB%98%E7%BA%A7%E8%AF%AD%E8%A8%80
vs e.g.

Also anecdotally, I've heard only 高级- used in mainland China, never 高阶-

Editor: three times as many G (verbatim) results for 高階語言 as there are for 高阶语言.
- 高階語言 高阶语言 [gao1 jie1 yu3 yan2] /(computing) high-level language/
+ 高階語言 高阶语言 [gao1 jie1 yu3 yan2] /(computing) high-level language (Tw, HK, Macau)/

Change log entry 68912
Processed by: richwarm (2020-01-17 20:22:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65578 - submitted by 'lionel_rowe' >>
"good wine taken in excess" is erroneous - the 好 is hao4 "to be fond of", rather than hao3 "good".

Reference: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%A5%BD%E9%85%92%E8%B4%AA%E6%9D%AF

Editor: thanks
- 好酒貪杯 好酒贪杯 [hao3 jiu3 tan1 bei1] /good wine taken in excess (idiom); fond of the bottle/
+ 好酒貪杯 好酒贪杯 [hao4 jiu3 tan1 bei1] /fond of the bottle (idiom)/
By MDBG 2024
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