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Change log entry 67398
Processed by: richwarm (2019-05-16 23:04:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62162 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic. gives: ◎ 經行 / 经行 jīngxíng
[follower of Buddhism go around a place for resting, etc.] 佛教徒因养身散除郁闷,旋回往返于一定之地叫“经行”
雁荡经行云漠漠。—— 宋• 沈括《梦溪笔谈》

經行(梵語:Caṅkramati,巴利語:caṅkamati),又稱行禪,佛教術語,一種以步行方式來修行止觀的方法。 經行除了可以提振精神,促進消化,還可以作為禪坐的輔助,以增進修行。
經行 To walk about when meditating to prevent sleepiness; also as exercise to keep in health; the caṅkramana was a place for such exercise, e.g. a cloister, a corridor. [SOOTHILL]

Editor: Please don't submit definitions based solely on the English definitions given at zdic ("travel round looking for a place to rest").
Zdic's English definitions (and pronunciations) are quite often wrong, and need to be corroborated with more reliable sources.

# 經行 经行 [Jing1 xing2] /travel round looking for a place to rest; or else to perform a walking meditation (Buddhism)/
+ 經行 经行 [jing1 xing2] /to perform walking meditation/

Change log entry 67392
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-15 09:55:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61703 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic: ◎ 巡更 xúngēng
[keep night watch] 夜间巡逻, 打更

1. 從前負責守衛的人,在夜間擊柝鳴鑼報時、往來查看,稱為「巡更」。
# 刁斗 刁 [Diao1 dou3] /soldier's mess-kit used for cooking food by day and for sounding any change of the night-watch during the hours of darkness/
+ 刁斗 刁斗 [diao1 dou3] /soldier's mess-kit used for cooking food by day and for sounding the night watches during the hours of darkness/

Change log entry 67385
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-12 06:23:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61150 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: ◎ 遗民 yímín
(1) [adherents of a former dynasty]∶指改朝换代后仍效忠前一朝代的人
(2) [survivors of a great upheaval]∶泛指大动乱后遗留下来的人民
Hyperlink: http://www.zdic.net/c/7/150/332322.htm
GRAND RICCI, vol. III, p. 435, col. 2, within entry no. 5459, gives: "遺民 yímín 1. Peuple d’un pays conquis; people d’une dynastie déchue. 2. Partisans d’une dynastie déchue, refusant toute function sous la nouvelle dynastie. 3. Reste d’un peuple, d’une race."
# 遺民 遗民 [yi2 min2] /'leftover men', loyalist adherents of a former dynasty; surviving members of an ethnic group./
+ 遺民 遗民 [yi2 min2] /lit. leftover men/fig. loyalist adherents of a former dynasty/surviving members of an ethnic group/

Change log entry 67384
Processed by: richwarm (2019-05-11 23:01:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63991 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
http://www.zdic.net/z/17/js/5697.htm and GRAND RICCI, 9223 (vol. IV, pp. 1149-50) for the first two senses and http://www.exam58.com/tllsjx/3755.html for the last one, as part of a commentary on 皮日休's 《正樂府十篇。 橡媼歎》 (this sense not in Kroll, Mathews, zdic or Ricci).

1) It doesn't mean "drying in the sun" – you misread that reference. The character 嚗 doesn't even appear on that "exam58" webpage.

2) [pao4] and [bao4] and [pu4] are all incorrect for the senses you submitted (according to your own references).

3) See also https://www.moedict.tw/~%E5%9A%97
# 嚗 嚗 [bo2 pao4 bao4 pu4] /Onomatopoeic for either a cry of anger or the sound of an object breaking; drying something in the sun/
# Editor:
+ 嚗 嚗 [bo2] /(onom.) sound of sth splitting or breaking apart/sound of an object falling to the ground/a cry of rage/Taiwan pr. [bo1]/

Change log entry 67340
Processed by: vermillon (2019-04-14 08:38:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63914 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%B8%B9%E5%BD%A9
丹彩 :
+ 丹彩 丹彩 [dan1 cai3] /vermilion/rhetorical language/

Change log entry 67316
Processed by: richwarm (2019-04-11 21:37:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63621 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: "天子或將軍所立於軍營前的大旗,因竿上以象牙為飾,故稱為「牙旗」。"
# 牙旗 牙旗 [ya2 qi2] /Ivory-tipped imperial or military banner set up in front of a barracks/
+ 牙旗 牙旗 [ya2 qi2] /emperor's or general's banner erected on an ivory-tipped pole at a military camp or headquarters (in ancient times)/

Change log entry 67304
Processed by: richwarm (2019-04-11 01:28:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63074 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
提提 títí 1. Paisible; calme; posé. 2. Louer; exalter. GRAND RICCI
# 提提 提提 [ti2 ti2] /calm, peaceful, poised/
+ 提提 提提 [ti2 ti2] /calm/poised/

Change log entry 67275
Processed by: richwarm (2019-04-04 09:58:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63916 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic (http://www.zdic.net/z/19/xs/5F52.htm) gives as meaning number 16 for this character: (16) 趋向;归向 [tend], so I've added this to your definition.

Editor: I'm not sure how our entry for 归 needs to be modified to account for that phrase in the poem (任所归), or if it needs to be modified at all. But I'm pretty sure 归 doesn't mean "to care for" in that phrase.
# - 歸 归 [Gui1] /surname Gui/
# + 歸 归 [Gui1] /surname Gui/to return / to go back to / to give back to / (of a responsibility) to be taken care of by / to belong to / to gather together / (used between two identical verbs) despite / to marry (of a woman) (old) / division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor/to tend, care for/

Change log entry 67258
Processed by: richwarm (2019-03-30 22:54:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63915 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
I've added the meaning 'plague'.
Line 6 (況當劄瘥年,米粒如瓊瑰。) of 正樂府十篇。 卒妻怨 by the late Tang poet 皮日休. Glossed by baike (at https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8D%92%E5%A6%BB%E6%80%A8) as 札(zhá)瘥(chài)年:瘟疫流行之年。札,瘟疫。瘥,病。

HDC (sense #13 of 25): 疫病
- 札 札 [zha2] /thin piece of wood used a writing tablet (in ancient China)/a kind of official document (in former times)/letter/note/
+ 札 札 [zha2] /thin piece of wood used a writing tablet (in ancient China)/a kind of official document (in former times)/letter/note/plague/

Change log entry 67257
Processed by: richwarm (2019-03-28 23:52:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63906 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E6%9D%9E%E5%A6%87 gives: "1.指杞梁妻。 2.借指丧偶的妇女。 "
Clearly means 'widow' in this line from a poem (《正樂府十篇。 卒妻怨》) by 皮日休: "處處魯人髽,家家杞婦哀。"

# 杞婦 杞妇 [Qi3 fu4] /woman from Zhou Dynasty vassal state of Qi/any widow/
+ 杞婦 杞妇 [Qi3 fu4] /the wife of 杞梁[Qi3 Liang2], a senior official of the state of Qi 杞[Qi3] who died on a military expedition/(fig.) a widow/

Change log entry 67198
Processed by: monigeria (2019-03-08 07:03:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61101 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. three meanings given in the zdic entry for 胡越 at http://www.zdic.net/c/1/94/169433.htm
Also cf. GRAND RICCI, vol. III, p. 121, col. 1: "胡越 hú yuè Aussi éloignés l’un de l’autre que] la Mongolie (au nord) l’est de 越Yue (au sud): grande distance; vaste étendue."
# 胡越 胡越 [hu2 yue4] /胡越 胡越 [hu2 yue4] /Mongolian tribes in the north and Yue tribes in the south; hence any huge distance; or (in reference to the frequent invasions by both groups of people in ancient times) any disaster or calamity./
+ 胡越 胡越 [Hu2 Yue4] /ethnic groups of the north & south of China/
+ 胡越 胡越 [hu2 yue4] /large distance/disaster/calamity/

Change log entry 67147
Processed by: richwarm (2019-02-17 22:03:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63443 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>

土器...是一種低級的粗陶器,有的施釉、有的不施釉,通常低於1200°C燒制。... 土器燒制時沒有玻璃化,質地軟。

Matching article:
"Earthenware is glazed or unglazed nonvitreous pottery that has normally been fired below 1200°C."

As early as the 9th or 10th century, the local method of boiling salt brine in earthenware pots was already quite well known.
# 炻器 炻器 [shi2 qi4] /stoneware ceramics/
# Editor:
+ 炻器 炻器 [shi2 qi4] /stoneware/
# adding
+ 土器 土器 [tu3 qi4] /earthenware/

Change log entry 67143
Processed by: richwarm (2019-02-15 00:00:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63536 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Line from a poem 賀新郎(兵后寓吳)by 蔣捷 ((1245–1310) 醉探枵囊毛錐在,問鄰翁、要寫牛經否。
GRAND RICCI gives 'pinceau' for 毛錐. de Francis gives 'writing brush'.

毛锥,壳斗科锥属植物,在中国南方分布较为广泛。[...] 坚果扁圆锥形,

毛錐(學名:Castanopsis fordii),為殼斗科錐屬下的一個植物種。

"Castanopsis, commonly called chinquapin or chinkapin, is a genus of evergreen trees belonging to the beech family, Fagaceae. [...] The calybium (nut) resembles a pointed acorn"
# 毛錐 毛锥 [Mao2 zhui1] /painting or writing brush/
# Editor:
+ 毛錐 毛锥 [mao2 zhui1] /writing brush (old)/Castanopsis fordii, species of evergreen tree common in the south of China whose calybia (nuts) resemble the tip of a writing brush/

Change log entry 67024
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-01-11 09:13:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63615 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Thus in de Francis.
+ 評注 评注 [ping2 zhu4] /notes and commentary/

Change log entry 66842
Processed by: richwarm (2018-12-11 21:17:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63402 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
GRAND RICCI gives: "雚菌 huán jùn (Pharm. chin.) Nom d’un champignon vénéneux poussant sur les roseaux et utilisé comme medicament pour guérir des ascaris."

1) 雚[guan4] is "stalk; heron" whereas 雚[huan2] refers to reeds. So it's [huan2] here.

2) Your reference GR says "champignon", but that can refer to fungus in general.
And that appears to be the relevant sense here, because HDC gives [jun1] as the pinyin for 菌 in 雚菌.
If it were a mushroom, the mainland pronunciation would be [jun4].
Also, HDC says 雚菌 is 一种菌类植物, which means it's a fungus.

3) GR isn't wrong to say [jun4], because that's the Taiwan pronunciation for 菌, regardless of whether 菌 is a mushroom or fungus.

4) @Matic: I will put your suggestion for 雚 (huan2) on the RQ.
# 雚菌 雚菌 [guan4 jun4] /type of poisonous mushroom that grows on reeds, used in Chinese medicine to help cure patients suffering from ascaris (parasitic worms)/
+ 雚菌 雚菌 [huan2 jun1] /a type of poisonous fungus that grows on reeds, used in Chinese medicine to help cure patients suffering from ascaris (parasitic worms)/

Change log entry 66796
Processed by: richwarm (2018-12-01 22:48:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62956 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic. gives 1. 漢代的宮殿。 漢章帝時曾會集大夫、博士、儒生等多人於此地講議五經同異。
Also, cf. http://www.chinaknowledge.de/Literature/Diverse/baihutong.html
and http://www.elisabeth-rochat.com/texts/Bai_Hu_Tong.html

Editor: [bai2 hu3 guan1] is incorrect.
zdic gives the correct pinyin: "bái hǔ guàn".
# 白虎觀 白虎观 [bai2 hu3 guan1] /White Tiger Hall, a Han dynasty palace hall in which the famous 白虎通德論 Bai2 hu3 tong4 de2 lun4 or "Virtuous Discussions Held in White Tiger Hall" were held, under the aegis of Han Emperor Zhang./
+ 白虎觀 白虎观 [Bai2 hu3 guan4] /White Tiger Hall, a Han dynasty palace hall, in which the famous Virtuous Discussions Held in White Tiger Hall 白虎通德論|通俗白虎通德论 were held under the aegis of Han Emperor Zhang 漢章帝|汉章帝/

Change log entry 66785
Processed by: richwarm (2018-11-30 01:24:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62932 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: 1. 古代江、淮、河、濟諸水的總稱。 見爾雅.釋水。 江、淮、河、濟古時皆獨流入海,今淮奪於運河,濟奪於黃河,四瀆僅存其二。
And the Grand Ricci gives: 四瀆 sì dú 1. (Géogr.) Les quatre grands fleuves de Chine: le 長江 Chang Jiang ou fleuve Bleu, le 黃河 Huang He ou fleuve Jaune, la riv. 淮河 Huai He et la riv. 濟河 Ji He. 2. (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé à l’avant-bras. Usuellement, le neuvième point du méridien du Triple Réchauffeur. (GRAND RICCI)
# 四瀆 四渎 [si4 du2] /The 'Four Rivers', i.e. the Yangtse/Chang Jiang, the Huai, the Yellow River/Huanghe and the Ji. Also the name of a meridian point in traditional Chinese medicine./
# Editor:
+ 四瀆 四渎 [si4 du2] /(archaic) the four rivers (Yangtze 長江|长江[Chang2 Jiang1], Yellow 黃河|黄河[Huang2 He2], Huai 淮河[Huai2 He2], Ji 濟水|济水[Ji3 Shui3])/(TCM) acupuncture point SJ-9/
+ 濟水 济水 [Ji3 Shui3] /Ji River, former river of north-eastern China which disappeared after the Yellow River flooded in 1852/

Change log entry 66729
Processed by: richwarm (2018-11-20 22:01:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62941 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: 宗派。



Editor: The trad character was incorrect. 数 --> 數
# - 家 家 [Jia1] /surname Jia/
# + 家数 家数 [jia1 shu4] /one sect/a school of art or of some branch of learning/one art or craft's distinctive style/
# Editor:
+ 家數 家数 [jia1 shu4] /the distinctive style and techniques handed down from master to apprentice within a particular school/

Change log entry 66714
Processed by: vermillon (2018-11-16 22:31:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63284 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
de Francis: 'baby swallow'
+ 乳燕 乳燕 [ru3 yan4] /baby swallow/

Change log entry 66652
Processed by: richwarm (2018-11-05 20:08:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62293 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
拼音:lóng tāo
# 龍韜 龙韬 [Long2 Tao1] /1. military strategy in general; 2. one of the names given in ancient times to the imperial guard/
+ 龍韜 龙韬 [long2 tao1] /military strategy and tactics/the imperial guard/

Change log entry 66605
Processed by: richwarm (2018-10-27 23:24:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63091 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: 山岳; 小陵; 山凹
de Francis gives for shan1 a1 'bend in a mountain range', and for shan1 e1 'a nook in the mountains'

Editor: Lots of errors here.

1) A note in de Francis' ABC entry for "shan1 a1" (山阿 shān'ā p.w. bend in a mountain range) says they got that from the Far East dictionary.
But when I looked up Far East, I found it actually says shān'ē , not shān'ā (and they have exactly that definition, "a bend in a mountain range").
In other words, ABC was attempting to copy verbatim, but got it wrong.
Also, other dictionaries disagree with shān'ā.

2) Your "cave, hole" appears to be from the zdic/MOE definition that says 山凹, which CEDICT defines as "cave, hole, recess".
But 山凹 actually refers to a low-lying area in the mountains like a col or valley. In other words, our definition of 山凹 is wrong.

3) I don't see any other dictionary that says 山阿 means 山岳; 小陵.

4) What does "a bend in a mountain range" (copied by you from ABC, who copied it from Far East) actually mean?
It's not a geographical feature that I've heard of.
There are only 4 Google results for the expression "a bend in the mountain range".
I suspect it was a lousy attempt to render in English what HDC says: 山的曲折处
GR says "recoin dans la montagne" and I think that's what HDC is referring to.
# 山阿 山阿 [shan1 e1 / shan1 a1] /Hill, small mound; mountain cave, hole, nook, recess; bend in a mountain range/
+ 山阿 山阿 [shan1 e1] /recessed area in the mountains/

Change log entry 66460
Processed by: richwarm (2018-09-15 22:37:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62291 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Poem by 李夢陽 entitled 朝飲馬送陳子出塞: "今年下令修築邊,丁夫半死長城前。" in which the phrase clearly refers to labourers working on the building of the Great Wall.
丁夫dīng fū (Mil. — anc.) Homme adulte (en âge de service).
# 丁夫 丁夫 [Ding1 Fu1] /man old enough in ancient times for corvée or military service/
+ 丁夫 丁夫 [ding1 Fu1] /(in ancient times) a man old enough for corvée or military service/

Change log entry 66459
Processed by: richwarm (2018-09-15 22:32:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62269 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
baike.baidu.com: 1. 平明(píng míng),指天刚亮时;公平严明。
2. 平正明察;明白。 平白无缘无故。
zdic: gives: 天剛亮的時候。
# 平明 平明 [ping2 ming2] /dawn, daybreak; to perceive accurately/
+ 平明 平明 [ping2 ming2] /(literary) dawn/daybreak/impartial and astute/

Change log entry 66458
Processed by: richwarm (2018-09-15 22:26:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62958 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
漢語大詞典 gives: (1). 谈论儒家经义。 (2). 讲说佛经;念经。 3). 宋 代“说话”的四种家数之一。 讲说佛经经义或佛经故事。
# - 談 谈 [Tan2] /surname Tan/
# + 談經 谈经 [Tan2 jing1] /to explain a sutra/to expound the classics/
+ 談經 谈经 [tan2 jing1] /to explain a sutra/to expound the classics/

Change log entry 66434
Processed by: richwarm (2018-09-11 22:59:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62939 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: ◎ 扑责 pūzé
[beat] 责打
# - 撲 扑 [pu1] /to throw oneself at/to pounce on/to devote one's energies/to flap/to flutter/to dab/to pat/to bend over/
# + 扑責 扑责 [pu1 ze2] /to beat, to employ corporal punishment/
+ 扑責 扑责 [pu1 ze2] /to punish by flogging/

Change log entry 66345
Processed by: richwarm (2018-09-02 00:13:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61717 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/臥薪嘗膽#Chinese
# 臥薪嘗膽 臥薪尝胆 [wo4 xin1 chang2 dan3] /to sleep on brushwood and taste gall, i.e taste revenge after a long delay (reference to the long time spent plotting his revenge by Gou Jian king of Yue)/
+ 臥薪嘗膽 臥薪尝胆 [wo4 xin1 chang2 dan3] /lit. to sleep on brushwood and taste gall (in order to recall one's humiliations) (idiom)/fig. to maintain one's resolve for revenge (like King Gou Jian of Yue 勾踐|勾践[Gou1 Jian4])/

Change log entry 66324
Processed by: vermillon (2018-08-30 07:02:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62865 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/the-complete-beginners-guide-to-chinese-fonts--cms-23444 (probably not the most scholarly of sources)
# 逆流而上 逆流而上 [ni4 liu2 er2 shang4] /to go against the flow/
+ 逆流而上 逆流而上 [ni4 liu2 er2 shang4] /to sail against the current/(fig.) to go against the flow/

Change log entry 66290
Processed by: richwarm (2018-08-25 21:17:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62829 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odd_Tablet article.
I can't find this is any of my dictionaries, however.

Editor: As another editor remarked, you don't find a phrase like this in Chinese dictionaries for the same reason you don't expressions like "Oh, sadness!" in English dictionaries.
# 傷哉 伤哉 [shang1 zai1] /'an expression of deep grief'/

Change log entry 66289
Processed by: richwarm (2018-08-25 21:15:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62828 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odd_Tablet article
But I can't find this is any of my dictionaries . . .

Editor: A few years ago there was a song 《叹叹叹》.
I don't think anyone had to consult their dictionary to work out the meaning of the title.
The meaning of 叹叹 is just as evident.
That's why you don't find it in dictionaries.
# 嘆嘆 叹叹 [tan4 tan4] /Alas!/

Change log entry 66267
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-08-20 11:28:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62124 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
line from sole surviving poem by the Daoist poet and painter Zou Fulei 邹复雷

Also see https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%93%AC%E5%B1%85

No entry in either Grand Ricci or de Francis for this phrase, alas.
# 蓬居 蓬居 [Peng2 Ju1] /tumbledown hovel, pauper's thatched hut/
+ 蓬居 蓬居 [peng2 Ju1] /tumbledown hovel/pauper's thatched hut/

Change log entry 66239
Processed by: richwarm (2018-08-16 21:01:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62323 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
In the line 英風截雲霓,超世發奇聲。from 其四十七 of 阮籍's 詠懷詩 this character clearly means 'reputation'. Similarly in the line 垂聲謝后世,氣節故有常。 from 其五十三 of the same series. Definition (6) of the zdic extended entry is (6) 声望,声名(名声) [reputation] Cf. http://www.zdic.net/z/17/xs/58F0.htm

Editor: LA sense #5
- 聲 声 [sheng1] /sound/voice/tone/noise/classifier for sounds/
+ 聲 声 [sheng1] /sound/voice/tone/noise/reputation/classifier for sounds/

Change log entry 66238
Processed by: richwarm (2018-08-16 20:58:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62324 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
xdic gives: 天的九大區域。中央曰鈞天、東方曰蒼天、東北曰變天、北方曰玄天、西北曰幽天、西方曰顥天、西南曰朱天、南方曰炎天、東南曰陽天。見呂氏春秋.有始覽.有始。

九州的土地。 The reference is to 天有九野,地有九州,土有九山,山有九塞,澤有九藪,風有八等,水有六川。 from 《呂氏春秋》
Thus in line 3 (揮劍臨沙漠,飲馬九野坰。) of 六十一 of 阮籍's 詠懷詩.
# 九野 九野 [jiu3 ye3] /The nine 'fields' into which Heaven was anciently divided; the ancient Nine Provinces of China./
+ 九野 九野 [jiu3 ye3] /the nine "fields" into which Heaven was anciently divided/the Nine Provinces of ancient China/

Change log entry 66203
Processed by: richwarm (2018-08-11 09:09:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62783 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
1. Ancien fonctionnaire. 2. Ancien subordonné. GRAND RICCI
# 故吏 故吏 [gu4 li4] /former subordinate/
+ 故吏 故吏 [gu4 li4] /(literary) former subordinate/

Change log entry 66090
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-30 10:54:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62268 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
de Francis, ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary, p. 926, col. 1: "daybreak"

Yu Hua - To Live
+ 天剛亮 天刚亮 [tian1 gang1 liang4] /daybreak/

Change log entry 66086
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-30 10:14:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61098 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
《漢語大詞典》:卫霍(衛霍)  拼音:Wèi Huò
西汉 名将 卫青 和 霍去病 皆以武功著称,后世并称 “卫霍”。
Also GRAND RICCI, vol. VI, p. 572, column 2, entry 12201.
Used as such in many biansai (border poetry) verses.

Editor: thanks for the wording, Matic
# 衛霍 卫霍 [Wei4 Huo4] /衛霍 Wei4 Huo4 = Joint term designating the two Western Han generals Wei Qing (d. 106 BCE) and Huo Qubing (140–117 BCE), famous for their success in quelling the Xiongnu barbarian invaders./
+ 衛霍 卫霍 [Wei4 Huo4] /abbr. for generals Wei Qing 衛青|卫青 and Huo Qubing 霍去病 of Western Han 西漢|西汉[Xi1 Han4], famous for their success in quelling the Xiongnu barbarian invaders/

Change log entry 66053
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-26 22:43:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61891 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
雁也。以雁多棲於北方胡地, 故名。
Source: 中文大辭典 The Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Chinese Language, vol. 7, p. 11741, entry 30073.393
# 胡雁 胡雁 [hu2 yan4] /'Tatar goose'/wild-goose found in NW non-Han territories in ancient times/
+ 胡雁 胡雁 [hu2 yan4] /Tatar goose, wild goose found in non-Han territories northwest of China in ancient times/

Change log entry 65969
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-23 02:53:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62636 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
◎ 禁卫 jìnwèi

(1) [guard the capital and the imperial palace]∶古时指保卫京城或宫廷


(2) [emperor’s guard]∶指保卫帝王或京城的卫兵 (zdic's definitions) at http://www.zdic.net/c/1/1d/46830.htm

Editor: As your source says, it's [jin4] rather than [jin1].
Additional reference:
# 禁衛 禁卫 [jin1 wei4] /imperial guard at court in ancient times/
+ 禁衛 禁卫 [jin4 wei4] /defense of the imperial palace or of the capital/the palace guard (or a member of that unit)/

Change log entry 65933
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-16 03:13:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61648 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
五濁 wŭzhuó (Bouddh.) Les cinq périodes ou stades qui correspondent au 住劫zhù jié ou kalpa d’existence: 劫濁jiézhuó, kalpa de décadence, quand toutes sortes de maladies fondent sur l’homme; 濁見jiànzhuó, détérioration des manières de voir; 煩惱濁fánnăozhuó, prevalence des passions; 眾生濁zhòngshēngzhuó, augmentation des misères humaines; 命濁mìngzhuó, diminution de la longueur de la vie à dix ans; affaiblissement du principe vitale et reduction de la longueur de la vie. GRAND RICCI, vol. VI, p. 622, col. 2
wŭzhuó五濁 <Budd.> The five impurities. de Francis, ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary, p. 1015, col. 2

Editor: We don't aim to be as encyclopedic as Grand Ricci.
Similarly, we define 流形 as "manifold (math.)" without explaining what a manifold is.
# 五濁 五浊 [wu3zhuo2] /five impurities (Buddhism): 劫濁 jiézhuó, kalpa of decay; 見濁 jiànzhuó, when vision becomes clouded; 煩惱濁fánnăozhuó, when passions predominate; 眾生濁 zhòngshēngzhuó, when human miseries abound; 命濁 mìngzhuó, when life-spans diminish/
+ 五濁 五浊 [wu3 zhuo2] /the five impurities (Buddhism)/

Change log entry 65928
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-15 11:58:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62500 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
"quartier de lune" GRAND RICCI

Editor: "quartier de la lune" means "quarter moon", the dictionary says:
But that's ambiguous apparently:

quarter moon
1. The moon as it appears with a quarter of its face illuminated, a crescent moon.
2. A time when the moon is at its first or last quarter; the moon as it appears at such a time (with half its face illuminated).

But in any case, I have not been able to corroborate Grand Ricci's definition.
On the contrary, everything I find suggests that 月缺 means "new moon".




# 月缺 月缺 [yue4 que1] /One quarter of the moon; moon's position when half-way between a new moon and a full one/
+ 月缺 月缺 [yue4 que1] /new moon/

Change log entry 65869
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-08 21:49:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62294 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
魚麗yúlí 1. (Mil. – anc.) Disposition des troupes où les escadrons de chars étaient suivis des fantassins. 2. (Litt. chin.) Les Poissons passent la nasse: titre de l’ode no. 170 du chap. II, deuxième partie 小雅Xiăo Yă du詩經Shījīng ou Livre des Odes.
# 魚麗 鱼丽 [Yu2 Li2] /'fish' battle formation in ancient times: chariots in front, infantry behind. Also the title of Ode 170 in the Shijing./
+ 魚麗 鱼丽 [yu2 li4] /"fish" battle formation in ancient times: chariots in front, infantry behind/The Fish Enter the Trap (title of Ode 170 in the Shijing)/

Change log entry 65788
Processed by: richwarm (2018-06-28 00:46:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62310 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
魚鱗 yú lín 1. Écaille de poisson. 2. (Serrés comme des) écailles de poisson. 3. (Mil. – anc.) Var. de 魚麗yú lí Nom d’une disposition des troupes.
魚麗按圖列,龍韜應機呈。 Line 3 of 戰城南 by 顧璘
# # 魚麗陣 鱼丽阵 [Yu2 Li2 Zhen4] /Variant of 魚鱗 Yu2 Lin2 Zhen4, meaning "fish-scale formation", an ancient military battle-formation, not unlike the Roman 'testudo' formation./
+ 魚麗陣 鱼丽阵 [yu2 li4 zhen4] /(archaic) formation of infantrymen led by chariots/

Change log entry 65685
Processed by: richwarm (2018-06-19 22:39:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62180 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
http://www.zdic.net/c/d/15/33137.htm gives 每天。
Editor: Your source (zdic) says [zhao1 zhao1], and that's correct.
朝[chao2] means "Imperial court", not "morning".
# 朝朝 朝朝 [chao2 chao2] /every day/
+ 朝朝 朝朝 [zhao1 zhao1] /every day (archaic)/

Change log entry 65659
Processed by: richwarm (2018-06-13 04:23:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61538 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
1. 渡口,過河的地方。zdic.net http://www.zdic.net/c/1/28/61559.htm
渡头 dùtóu 1. Embarcadère d’un bac, d’un ferry-boat (angl.). 2. Gué.
GRAND RICCI, vol. VI, p. 233, col. 1
# 渡頭 渡头 [du4tou2] /a ferry/a landing-stage/
+ 渡頭 渡头 [du4 tou2] /ferry crossing point/

Change log entry 65652
Processed by: richwarm (2018-06-12 11:47:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62340 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: 中醫上總稱分布在經脈體表循行路線上的穴位為「經穴」。為氣血循行經脈時聚集、灌注和轉輸的部位。
Grand Ricci gives: "經穴 (Méd. chin. trad.) 1. Points jing: la quatrième station des points des cinq agents où le meridian règle son cours. --- Cf. 五行 wŭ xíng. 2. Points situés sur les méridiens."

Editor: 经穴 can be more or less a construct: an acupuncture point (穴) on a meridian (经).

It can also refer to the category consisting of the 12 specific points below.
(I list them for possible future reference -- the names are from LA and the def's are from GR.)

肺經的經渠 (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé près du poignet. Usuellement, le 8e point du méridien du Poumon, correspondant à l’agent métal.

大腸經的陽谿 (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé au poignet. Usuellement, le 5e point du méridien du Gros Intestin correspondant à l’agent (phase ou élément) feu.

心包經的間使 (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé au dessus du poignet. Usuellement, le cinquième point du méridien du Maître Cœur, correspondant à l’agent métal.

三焦經的支溝 (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé au dessus du poignet. Usuellement, le sixième point du méridien du « Triple réchauffeur », correspondant à l’agent Feu.

心經的靈道 (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé au dessus du poignet. Usuellement, le quatrième point du méridien du Cœur correspondant à l’élément Métal.

小腸經的陽谷 (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé près du poignet. Usuellement, le 5e point du méridien de l’Intestin Grêle correspondant à l’agent (phase ou élément) feu.

脾經的商丘 (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé à la cheville. Usuellement, le cinquième point du méridien de la Rate, correspondant à l’agent (phase ou élément) métal.

胃經的解溪 (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé au cou-de-pied. Usuellement, le 41e point du méridien de l’Estomac, correspondant à l’agent feu.

肝經的中封 (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé au cou-de-pied. Usuellement, le 4e point du méridien du Foie, correspondant au métal.

膽經的陽輔 (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé au-dessus de la cheville. Usuellement, le 38e point du méridien de la Vésicule Biliaire correspondant à l’agent (phase ou élément) feu.

腎經的復溜 (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé au dessus de la cheville. Usuellement, le 7e point du méridien des Reins correspondant à l’élément Métal.

膀胱經的崑崙 (Méd. chin. trad.) Point vital, situé près du tendon d’Achille. Usuellement, le 60e point du méridien de la Vessie correspondant à l’agent feu.
# 經穴 经穴 [Jing1 Xue2] /Acupuncture term./
+ 經穴 经穴 [jing1 xue2] /acupuncture point (any one of the hundreds of acupuncture points)/category of acupuncture points consisting of 12 points – one on each of the 12 principal meridians, each point being located near the wrist or ankle (one of five categories collectively referred to as 五輸穴|五输穴)/

Change log entry 65607
Processed by: richwarm (2018-05-30 22:26:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62181 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
網罟 wănggŭ ‘string-bag’ (de Francis ABC); ‘1. Filet de pêche. 2. (Astron.) Réticule.’ (Grand Ricci)
Apologies for accidentally describing this an hour or so ago as a 'corrected entry' instead of a new one.

1) 網罟 can refer to nets for catching other animals:
- 捕魚及捕鳥獸的工具。
- 指法網。
(and other dicts as well)

2) "string-bag"
I could not corroborate that sense. By the way, it's spelled without a hyphen ("string bag"), in Merriam-Webster, Oxford etc., and indeed in the edition of ABC that I consulted.
I think a string bag is usually referred to as a 网袋.

3) "reticule"
I could not corroborate that sense. It's not in the dictionaries I consulted, other than Grand Ricci.

The word is usually spelled "reticle", by the way.

It's plausible that 网罟 might be one of the words used to refer to a reticle, but it's not in this definition, for example:
reticle: 光网; 分划板; 十字线; [光学测距仪]瞄标; 十字刻线; 热变形; 交点线; 分割板; 光栅; 标线片; 网线; 调制盘; 掩模版; 中间掩模; 十字丝; 网袋
# 網罟 网罟 [wang3 gu3] /fishing net; string-bag; reticule (astron.)/
# Editor:
+ 網罟 网罟 [wang3 gu3] /net used to catch fish (or other animals such as birds)/(fig.) the net of justice 法網|法网[fa3 wang3]/

Change log entry 65603
Processed by: richwarm (2018-05-28 21:51:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62270 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
You do provide a definition for 残余: 'remnant / relic / residue / vestige / surplus / to remain / to leave surplus'; I strongly suspect that this is just a variant of the same phrase.

Editor: We have the following entry:
殘餘 残余 [can2 yu2] /remnant/relic/residue/vestige/surplus/to remain/to leave surplus/

and also
餘 馀 [yu2] /variant of 餘|余[yu2], remainder/

From these two entries, suitable software can deduce that 残馀 "is just a variant of the same phrase [残余]".
In such cases, we do not list the variant explicitly.

Of course, 残余 is by far the more common variant – about 170 times more common, according to Google Verbatim results:

"残余" - About 10,100,000 results
"残馀" - About 58,700 results
# - 殘 残 [can2] /to destroy/to spoil/to ruin/to injure/cruel/oppressive/savage/brutal/incomplete/disabled/to remain/to survive/remnant/surplus/
# + 残馀 残馀 [can2 yu2] /what's left of something/

Change log entry 65555
Processed by: richwarm (2018-05-03 23:10:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62212 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
http://www.zdic.net/c/9/14f/331503.htm gives: 及早、趕快。
Editor: I think our current entry does the job:
早早兒 早早儿 [zao3 zao3 r5] /as soon as possible/as early as one can/
# 早早 早早 [zao3 zao3] /as soon as possible; immediately/

Change log entry 65521
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-04-30 19:10:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62179 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
網罟 wănggŭ ‘string-bag’ (de Francis ABC); ‘1. Filet de pêche. 2. (Astron.) Réticule.’ (Grand Ricci)
# - 網 网 [wang3] /net/network/
# + 網罟 网罟 [wang3 gu3] /fishing net; string-bag; reticule (astron.)/

Change log entry 65517
Processed by: richwarm (2018-04-26 23:42:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62173 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. https://www.douban.com/group/topic/4913597/
# 宮位 宫位 [Gong1 Wei4] /astrological 'house' used in horoscopes/
# Editor:
+ 宮位 宫位 [gong1 wei4] /house (astrology)/

Change log entry 65516
Processed by: richwarm (2018-04-26 23:35:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62174 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Also cf. Cambridge History of Chinese Literature, vol 1, p. 586 ff.
# - 元 元 [Yuan2] /surname Yuan/the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)/
# + 元詩四大家 元诗四大家 [Yuan2 shi1 si4 da4 jia1] /The Four Masters of Yuan Poetry, namely 虞集 Yu2 Ji2, 范梈 Fan4 Peng1, 楊載 Yang2 Zai4 and 揭傒斯 Jie1 Xi1si1./
# Editor:
+ 元詩四大家 元诗四大家 [Yuan2 shi1 si4 da4 jia1] /the four masters of Yuan poetry, namely 虞集[Yu2 Ji2], 範梈|范梈[Fan4 Peng1], 楊載|杨载[Yang2 Zai4] and 揭傒斯[Jie1 Xi1 si1]/

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