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Change log entry 71626
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-21 21:32:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63822 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. the poem 被遺棄在路旁的死老總 by 杜運燮
Also zdic. gives 1. 清代對政府高級官員的稱呼。2. 舊時老百姓對軍人的俗稱。and 3. 總經理。
- 老總 老总 [lao3 zong3] /boss/executive/
# + 老總 老总 [lao3 zong3] /boss/executive/common soldier/high-ranking government official under the Qing/
+ 老總 老总 [lao3 zong3] /boss/sir (person with a leading role in an organization)/(after a surname) high ranking commander in the PLA/(Qing dynasty) high ranking government official/(old) courteous term used by the general populace in addressing a rank-and-file soldier or police officer/

Change log entry 71622
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-21 03:08:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63630 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
de Francis, p. 579 gives 'high building; tower'
GRAND RICCI (vol. IV, p. 179) gives "樓台 lóutái 1. Pavillon à étage et terrasse. 2. Terrasse sur un bâtiment à étages. 3. Scène (d’un théâtre)"
# 樓台 楼台 [Lou2 Tai2] /tower/terrace/stage for theatrical performance/
- 樓臺 楼台 [lou2 tai2] /balcony/high building (esp. in poetry)/tower/
+ 樓臺 楼台 [lou2 tai2] /(dialect) balcony/terrace/(literary) high building/tower/(old) stage for theatrical performance/

Change log entry 71610
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-20 01:40:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62355 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: 1. 樂器名。 指拍板。 因多用象牙或檀木做成,再漆成紅色,故稱為「紅牙」。亦稱為「紅牙板」。
Poem by 項安世 entitled 寄題四川總餉陳郎中籌邊堂 has in its first line: 四寸紅牙一幄籌,萬山牛馬去如流。
# 紅牙 红牙 [Hong2 Ya2] /Red clappers or castanets, used for beating rhythm./
+ 紅牙 红牙 [hong2 ya2] /clappers (musical instrument used to mark the time, made from ivory or hardwood and painted red)/

Change log entry 71490
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-09 02:28:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66800 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Poem-title from poem by Wang Yanhong (Ming dynasty): 仲父水部公世母焦孺人余妻賀氏相繼奄逝七月之望同諸父昆弟設薦盂蘭盆道場即事棲感因申慧命用遣悲懷(戊辰年) 明•王彥泓
Also zdic: https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E4%BB%B2%E7%88%B6
1.古代称父亲的大弟。 2.春秋时齐桓公尊管仲为仲父。《荀子.仲尼》:"﹝齐桓公﹞倓然见管仲之能足以托国也……遂立以为仲父。"杨倞注:"仲者﹐夷吾之字;父者﹐事之如父。"后因用以称管仲。 3.用于帝王对宰相重臣的尊称。 4.指孔丘。丘字仲尼,故称。
# 仲父 仲父 [Zhong4 Fu4] /title given to father's younger brother/
+ 仲父 仲父 [zhong4 fu4] /father's younger brother/(sometimes used to refer to Confucius)/

Change log entry 71471
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-08 00:48:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63913 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. http://www.zdic.net/c/1/6b/104455.htm
# 品秩 品秩 [pin3 zhi4] /An official post's rank and salary/
+ 品秩 品秩 [pin3 zhi4] /(old) rank and salary of an official post/

Change log entry 71432
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-04 23:01:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66804 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Paul W. Kroll, A Student's Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese, REVISED EDITION, P. 284, COL. 1
Your editor goldyn_chyld said he couldn't find any examples of this being used, so rejected my submission. But how about this poem from Lu You:
Or this one by Liao Xingzhi:
Or this one by Zhang Shao:
Or this one by Song Xiang:
Or this one by Tang Shisheng:
Or this one by Shi Zhipeng:
Or this one by Jia Dao:
Or this one by Pu Shoucheng:

At the time you submitted this, I didn't have a copy of Kroll. I do now.

1. "rough and unworked" applies to stones and gems, according to Kroll. That's not indicated in your submission.
We like to see some usage when we create an entry.
Is this a sense that appears in the poems you cited?
I don't think so, but I'm not familiar with the language of this poetry.

2. "crude or common" is a sense that seems to be used in contemporary Chinese as part of the expression 庸庸碌碌. We have that, and it may be enough for our purposes.

3. Not sure about "creak and rattle". Some sources suggest it's more like "rumble".
Kroll himself says "grumble and groan of cart-wheels".
His "creak and rattle" might be a bit of poetic license perhaps?
Anyway, the submitted gloss "creak and rattle" doesn't mention cart wheels in motion, which seems to be the what 碌碌 refers to.

4. We mainly deal with the Sinitic language we are most familiar with, Mandarin.
# 碌碌 碌碌 [lu4 lu4] /rough and unworked; crude or common; onomatopoeia for 'creak and rattle'/

Change log entry 71329
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-25 22:41:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63770 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: "1. 一種漢代的鼓吹樂。為軍中馬上的音樂。2. 橫笛。"
GRAND RICCI SIMPLY gives: "(Mus.) Flûte traversière. "
Kroll gives: "blow (flute) sideways, a cross-flute, transverse flute".
+ 橫吹 横吹 [heng2 chui1] /military wind and percussion music played on horseback under the Han/transverse flute/to play such a flute/

Change log entry 71154
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-21 06:49:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66571 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
放旷,汉语词语,拼音是fàng kuàng,意思是旷达;放达。

Editor: A definition like 旷达;放达 seems rather ambiguous.
放达 can mean "unconventional", for example, and 旷达 can mean "unrestrained by conventions".
(I'm quoting definitions in other C-E dictionaries here.)
That's somewhat different from "tolerant" and "philosophical", which you submitted.

HDC 's definition of 放旷 is 豪放旷达,不拘礼俗, and "broad-minded, tolerant, philosophical" doesn't seem a good match for that. The last bit (不拘礼俗) makes it sound more like "unrestrained by conventions".

So I'd need to look at examples to check the definition you proposed.
But there aren't many examples given in your reference (Baike) or in other references.
(The word is only in two of my dictionaries -- MoE and HDC.)
Moreover, those examples are written in a language that is outside my wheelhouse -- a centuries-old form of Chinese.
So, unfortunately, I decline to process your submission.
# - 放 放 [fang4] /to put/to place/to release/to free/to let go/to let out/to set off (fireworks)/
# + 放曠 放旷 [fang4 kuang4] /broad-minded, tolerant, philosophical/

Change log entry 70962
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-21 22:06:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67082 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>

Editor: A town or nation located in such terrain could be said to be impregnable, but I wouldn't describe the terrain itself as impregnable.



四川山川险固, 天府之都, 为何古代没有出过一个皇帝.
# 險固 险固 [xian3 gu4] /rugged and impregnable (of terrain with many rivers and mountains)/
+ 險固 险固 [xian3 gu4] /(of terrain) rugged, providing a natural barrier to invasion/

Change log entry 70752
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-16 22:09:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63771 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: "公卿高官或官府的宴会。"
# 公燕 公燕 [gong1 yan4] /literally 'the Duke's entertainment', hence any banquet held for high-ranking imperial or feudal officials/
+ 公燕 公燕 [gong1 yan4] /banquet held for high-ranking imperial or feudal officials/

Change log entry 70738
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-15 10:43:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63642 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: (9) 词调、曲调名,即“小令”,又称“令曲”,一般字少调短,如词中的《十六字令》,元曲中的《叨叨令》之类 [song-poem]
GRAND RICCI definition gives 8. (Litt.) Terme désignant un type de 曲 qŭ ou 詞 cí assez court, chanté sur quatre temps, également appelé 小令xiăo lìng.
- 令 令 [ling4] /to order/to command/an order/warrant/writ/to cause/to make sth happen/virtuous/honorific title/season/government position (old)/
# + 令 令 [ling4] /to order/to command/an order/warrant/writ/to cause/to make sth happen/virtuous/honorific title/season/government position (old)/type of short song-poem/
+ 令 令 [ling4] /to order/to command/an order/warrant/writ/to cause/to make sth happen/virtuous/honorific title/season/government position (old)/type of short song or poem/

Change log entry 70736
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-15 08:19:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63605 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: 1. 手執的銅製儀仗棒。2. 職官名。掌管京城的治安警衛。
Definitely has this meaning in 寶鼎現 by 劉辰翁.

Editor: What do you mean by "has this meaning"?
You quoted *two* different meanings.

I'm not quite sure about the "ceremonial baton".
I can't find much reference to that sense.

As for the second sense, it looks like you misread the definition.
It's saying that this is an official administrative role, not a lowly security guard.
It's a person who is in charge of 治安警衛 (keeping the order) in the capital.

Wikipedia says

Grand Ricci has this for 執金吾:
(Adm. impér.) Chambellan des insignes impériaux : haut dignitaire commandant l’une des deux plus grandes armées stationnées à la capitale pour le maintien de l’ordre (dyn. 漢 Han).

"haut dignitaire" doesn't sound like a "security guard".
# 金吾 金吾 [jin1 wu2] /ceremonial baton made from copper/security guard responsible for maintaining law and order in the capital city/
+ 執金吾 执金吾 [zhi2 jin1 wu2] /(Han dynasty) official in command of an army responsible for maintaining law and order in the capital/

Change log entry 70675
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-10 22:27:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63916 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic (http://www.zdic.net/z/19/xs/5F52.htm) gives as meaning number 16 for this character: (16) 趋向;归向 [tend], so I've added this to your definition.

"tend" can mean "go or move in a particular direction".
That sounds like what zdic's Chinese definition says: (16) 趋向; 归向.
It also matches what Grand Ricci says: "7. converger vers".
Why do you suggest that 趋向; 归向 means "to care for"?

zdic gives this example for zdic's sense #16: 众士慕仰,若水之归海。
Do you think that 归 means "to tend, care for" here?

In the baike article you referenced in another submission, they say
Doesn't that mean that in that line of the poem, 归 means 往 (to go in some direction) rather than "to care for"?

If 归 means "to care for", what do you think 少者任所归 means?
Do you suppose it means "They let the young people whose fathers died in battle care for whomever they want"?

Baike seems to be saying it means that the young people of the families of the men who died in battle are allowed to wander about freely.
The *implication* of the expression 任所归 is that nobody is looking after the young (指无人过问,无人赡养。)
But "care for" isn't what 归 means here.
# - 歸 归 [Gui1] /surname Gui/
# + 歸 归 [Gui1] /surname Gui/to return / to go back to / to give back to / (of a responsibility) to be taken care of by / to belong to / to gather together / (used between two identical verbs) despite / to marry (of a woman) (old) / division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor/to tend, care for/

Change log entry 70527
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-31 12:58:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66803 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic: [梵uIIambana] 意译为救倒悬。 旧传目连从佛言,于农历七月十五日置百味五果,供养三宝,以解救其亡母于饿鬼道中所受倒悬之苦。 见《盂兰盆经》。南朝梁以降,成为民间超度先人的节日。是日延僧尼结盂兰盆会,诵经施食。后亦演为仅具祭祀仪式而不延僧尼者。 2.指农历七月十五日用于超度亡人的供器。 3.旧俗用作占测气候的竹器。
# 盂蘭盆 盂兰盆 [yu2 lan2 pen2] /Buddhist Feast of All Souls/
+ 盂蘭盆 盂兰盆 [Yu2 lan2 pen2] /see 盂蘭盆會|盂兰盆会[Yu2 lan2 pen2 hui4]/

Change log entry 70487
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-28 08:43:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66802 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Poem-title of poem by Wang Hongshi (Ming dynasty): 仲父水部公世母焦孺人余妻賀氏相繼奄逝七月之望同諸父昆弟設薦盂蘭盆道場即事棲感因申慧命用遣悲懷(戊辰年) 明•王彥泓
(Apologies for earlier mess-up when submitting this)
zdic: 称谓。 称伯母。

Editor: please pay attention to syntax format. Only proper nouns, names etc use capitalized py.
# 世母 世母 [Shi4 Mu 3] /wife of father's elder brother/
+ 世母 世母 [shi4 mu3] /wife of father's elder brother (old)/

Change log entry 70486
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-28 08:40:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66801 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Poem title of poem by Wang Hongshi (Ming dynasty): 仲父水部公世母焦孺人余妻賀氏相繼奄逝七月之望同諸父昆弟設薦盂蘭盆道場即事棲感因申慧命用遣悲懷(戊辰年) 明•王彥泓
Also zdic: 称谓。称伯母。
# 世母 世母 [shi 4 mu 3] /public/collectively owned/common/international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar)/make public/fair/just/Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/honorable (gentlemen)/father-in-law/male (animal)/

Change log entry 70434
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-22 06:31:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62824 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
1. 唐朝時,凡文詞經學之士及醫卜技術等專家,養於翰林院中,以待皇帝詔命應對。有畫待詔、醫待詔、棋待詔等名稱。
2. 職官名。宋置。明、清屬翰林院。
3. 宋元時對各種工匠的尊稱。
1. (Adm. hist.) a. En attente d’un édit : désignation d’un stagiaire dont la nomination n’a pas encore été confirmée (dyn. 漢Han et 唐Tang). b. Rédacteur assistant attaché à l’Académie 翰林Hanlin ou Forêt des pinceaux, chargé de la mise en forme des edits impériaux (dyn. 宋Song; dyn. 明Ming).
2. Appell. pop. et pol. de maîtres, d’artistes ou de médecins (dyn. 宋Song).
3. Coiffeur.
4. Commis, garçon de boutique.
GRAND RICCI, vol. V, p. 735, col. 1, entry 10271.

1) The pinyin for 待 in this case is [dai4] (to wait), rather than [dai1] (to sojourn).

2) Never heard of an "attendant-in-waiting". Wouldn't that be just called an "attendant"?
Or perhaps you meant "expert-in-waiting"?

3) Example ~ 漢唐兩朝有所謂「圍棋待詔」,專伺候皇帝下圍棋,到了南宋,也有了象棋待詔。
"In the Han and Tang dynasties, there was a system under which master players of weiqi (Go) were at the beck and call of the emperor whenever he wanted a game. By the Southern Song, there was a similar system for xiangqi."
# 待詔 待诏 [dai1 zhao4] /attendant-in-waiting in the imperial court, or Hanlin Academy/
+ 待詔 待诏 [dai4 zhao4] /expert in a specialized field such as medicine, divination or chess, available on call to the emperor (in the Tang and Song dynasties)/

Change log entry 70297
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-01 06:19:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66612 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Paul W. Kroll, A Student's Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese, REVISED EDITION, P. 284, COL. 1

Editor: we can’t seem to find any examples where 碌碌 would be used on its own so I’m rejecting it.
# - 碌 碌 [lu4] /laborious/small stone/to record/to tape/to write down/to hire/to employ/
# + 碌碌 碌碌 [lu4 lu4] /rough and unworked; crude or common; onomatopoeia for 'creak and rattle'/

Change log entry 70243
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-28 22:40:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66206 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
de Francis: ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary 漢英大詞典 p. 111, column 3

"All the while, something akin to a Buddhist chant goes on in the background. The gentle sounds transport the rapt listener to a different world."

"Legend has it that blind chess was invented by the patriotic general Wen Tianxiang. A book by Zhu Guozhen of the Ming dynasty says that Wen, a lover of both chess and swimming, used to entertain himself by playing verbal chess against his commanders as they wallowed in the river on hot summer days."
# 塵俗 尘俗 [chen2 su2] /worldly/mundane/worldly fashion/secular/
+ 塵俗 尘俗 [chen2 su2] /mundane world/

Change log entry 70222
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-27 03:13:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66563 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
广大貌。 放纵。
Grand Ricci gives: 'Vaste, immense'.

Editor: Not enough usage to draw much of a conclusion about the meaning.
The notion that it might mean "numerous" or "boorish" etc seems fanciful and certainly isn't established by the evidence presented.
# 浪莽 浪莽 [lang4 mang3] /Vast, immense; widespread, extensive; numerous. [Also perhaps 'Self-indulgent, unbridled ; boorish, uncultured'?]/
+ 浪莽 浪莽 [lang4 mang3] /vast/

Change log entry 70221
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-27 02:58:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66561 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
1. 山林与川泽。
2. 泛指山野。

1) 日常喜愛遊山澤、觀魚鳥的嵇康振筆寫了〈與山巨源絕交書〉,

2) 益大概可以說是中國最早的「農業部長」,他令人火燒山澤,驅逐野獸,開闢出一片山川野澤,讓人安全地進行漁耕生產。
# 山澤 山泽 [shan1 ze2] /hills and marshes; mountain forests and marshes/
+ 山澤 山泽 [shan1 ze2] /the countryside/wilderness areas/

Change log entry 70220
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-27 02:40:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66562 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
de Francis, 2003, p. 129, col. 1, near bottom of page, gives above definition.
# 川澤 川泽 [Chuan1 ze2] /Marshes, swamps/
+ 川澤 川泽 [chuan1 ze2] /marshes/swamps/

Change log entry 70127
Processed by: richwarm (2020-07-19 01:58:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66207 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
de Francis: ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary 漢英大詞典 p. 573, column 1

Its 85 essays mainly criticize the social customs of his day.

accessible without being low-brow

without having to compromise to vulgar fashions
# 流俗 流俗 [liu2 su2] /prevalent fashion/
+ 流俗 流俗 [liu2 su2] /prevalent fashion (often used pejoratively)/vulgar customs/

Change log entry 70074
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-13 08:22:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66439 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
锦葵科。 落叶灌木。 植株高矮不一。 叶卵圆形,分出三裂片。 夏秋开花,白色、粉红色或紫红色。 产于中国和印度。 可供观赏,又作绿篱。 花可煮面条吃。 树皮可杀虫疗癣,花治痢疾。
# 木槿 木槿 [Mu4 Jin3] /hibiscus/
+ 木槿 木槿 [mu4 jin3] /hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus)/

Change log entry 69613
Processed by: richwarm (2020-05-13 00:53:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66048 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
GRAND RICCI vol. 1, p. 16

Editor: Those are reign dates. In cc-cedict, date ranges given in brackets after a name are, unless otherwise indicated, years of birth and death.
# 哀平 哀平 [Ai1 Ping2] /Joint name for the ill-fated pair of Han dynasty emperors Aidi (7-1 BCE) and Pingdi (1 BCE-6 CE)./
+ 哀平 哀平 [Ai1 Ping2] /joint name for the Han dynasty emperors Aidi (reigned 7-1 BC) and Pingdi (reigned 1 BC - 6 AD)/

Change log entry 69583
Processed by: richwarm (2020-04-30 00:03:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63538 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
GRAND RICCI gives 蒼狗 cāng gŏu 1. (Allus.) Chien gris: mauvais augure (allus. à l’impératrice 呂Lü, veuve de l’empereur 高祖Gao Zu [256-195 A.C.; dyn. Han de l’Ouest] qui, apercevant un chien gris le prit pour un mauvais présage). 2. Abrév. de 蒼狗白雲 cāng gŏu bái yún: blancs nuages mués en chien gris (d’après le poème 可歎Ke Tan de 杜甫Du Fu[712-770 ; dyn. 唐Tang]) : vicissitudes de ce monde ; changements imprévisibles d’une situation.

baike.baidu.com gives白云苍狗是一个成语,读音是bái yún cāng gǒu,指浮云像白衣裳,顷刻又变得像灰色的狗,比喻世事变幻无常。

Editor: Those references are not saying that 蒼狗白雲 means "a bad omen". They are saying it means
- vicissitudes de ce monde ; changements imprévisibles d’une situation. [Grand Ricci]
- 世事变幻无常 [Baidu Baike]

"The world situation became changeable and unpredictable with the terrorist wave of 1967, the movement to protect the Tiaoyutai islands, the endless stream of refugees, the stock market storm of 1973, and the two oil crises of 1974 and 1979. Deep at heart, confidence in the future was beginning to collapse."
# 蒼狗 苍狗 [Cang1 gou3] /'grey dog': bad omen/also short for 蒼狗白雲 cang1 gou3 bai2 yun2, which stands for white clouds changing into the shape of a grey dog, also a bad omen./
# Editor:
- 白衣蒼狗 白衣苍狗 [bai2 yi1 cang1 gou3] /lit. (cloud shapes) changing from a white shirt to a gray dog (idiom)/fig. the impermanence of all things/
+ 白衣蒼狗 白衣苍狗 [bai2 yi1 cang1 gou3] /lit. (cloud shapes) changing from a white shirt to a gray dog (idiom)/fig. the unpredictable changeability of the world/
+ 白雲蒼狗 白云苍狗 [bai2 yun2 cang1 gou3] /lit. a white cloud transforms into what looks like a gray dog (idiom)/fig. the unpredictable changeability of the world/
+ 蒼狗 苍狗 [cang1 gou3] /(fig.) the unpredictable changeability of the world/bad omen/

Change log entry 69567
Processed by: richwarm (2020-04-22 23:49:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63618 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
de Francis gives: 'to make the rounds of inspection'.

For example, in Shei-Pa National Park, which covers 70,000 hectares, there are less than 20 rangers. This situation frustrates scholars.

After becoming an immortal, Matsu was later made a goddess. Every day she roamed the seas, saving people in distress.

感謝土地的賜予,許多農民會在稻田的旁 邊,以竹子 綁上祭拜土地公的「福金」,作成「土地公柺杖」,除了感謝土地老爺的護佑,也便於土地公巡行田間。
they requite Earth Lord for his blessings with an "Autumn Thanksgiving," when many farmers erect "Earth Lord Staffs"-bamboo poles festooned with "lucky money"-beside their paddy-fields, both as an expression of gratitude to the god, and as an aid to him in his perambulations among the fields.

In 2006, before the second round of public performances of Mirrors, Lin made a special request of her young dancers—that they accompany the procession of the goddess Mazu in Bai­sha­tun, ­Miaoli County, for eight days.

perambulating nursemaids with their charges.

Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat.

So Moses said," This is what the LORD says:' About midnight I will go throughout Egypt.
# 巡行 巡行 [xun2 xing2] /to patrol/to make the rounds of inspection/
+ 巡行 巡行 [xun2 xing2] /to patrol/to perambulate/to travel around within an area/

Change log entry 69516
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-04-09 06:46:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65979 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>

◎ 竟日 jìngrì [all day long] 终日;从早到晚

竟日默默在此。——明· 归有光《项脊轩志》
# 竟日 竟日 [jing4 ri4] /all day long/
+ 竟日 竟日 [jing4 ri4] /(literary) all day long/

Change log entry 69391
Processed by: richwarm (2020-03-06 11:53:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65382 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
# 四分曆 四分历 [si4 fen1 li4] /'quarter remainder calendar', the first calculated Chinese calendar, dating from c. 484 BC/
+ 四分曆 四分历 [si4 fen1 li4] /"quarter remainder" calendar, the first calculated Chinese calendar, dating from c. 484 BC/

Change log entry 69359
Processed by: richwarm (2020-03-04 09:50:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62292 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>

【飞符】的意思是: 飞符
1. 谓祭起符箓。
2. 指符箓。
3. 急速传送的兵符。
It might be better not to access this site, since it's infected with a virus. But the relevant data I still managed to cut and paste without myself being harmed (thanks to a good protection package on my computer).
# 飛符 飞符 [fei1 fu2] /Daoist ritual talismans and incantations; express dispatch of military orders/
+ 兵符 兵符 [bing1 fu2] /see 虎符[hu3 fu2]/
- 符籙 符箓 [fu2 lu4] /Taoist incantations and magic symbols/(written or painted) charm/talisman/
+ 符籙 符箓 [fu2 lu4] /(Taoism) talisman in the form of a painting of symbols thought to have magical powers/
+ 飛符 飞符 [fei1 fu2] /talisman in the form of a painting of symbols thought to have magical powers (also called 符籙|符箓[fu2 lu4])/to invoke the magical power of such a talisman/a tiger tally 虎符[hu3 fu2] sent with great urgency/

Change log entry 69236
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-21 09:51:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65774 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives "1. 古代宗庙祭祀盛肉的竹器。2. 竹名。"
Used thus in the last line of Li He's 長平箭頭歌

1) I'm not sure about "sliced".

2) Dictionaries say things like 竹器, which doesn't necessarily imply "basket".
Pictures here show a kind of bamboo slatted platter:
# 簝 簝 [liao2] /bamboo basket used to hold sliced meat in temple sacrifices in ancient times/
+ 簝 簝 [liao2] /bamboo receptacle used to hold meat for temple sacrifices in ancient times/

Change log entry 69145
Processed by: monigeria (2020-02-10 11:33:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62396 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%BA%92%E9%BA%9F%E6%AE%BF/3183447
麒麟殿,古代宫殿建筑名。《汉书·佞幸传·董贤》:“后上置酒 麒麟殿 , 贤 父子亲属宴饮。”亦省称“ 麒麟 ”。
Cf. also 麒麟閣 qílíngé (Hist.) Pavillon de la Licorne, bâti par l’empereur 宣帝Xuan Di (73–49 A.C.; dyn. 西漢Han de l’Ouest [206 A.C.–8 P.C.]), où étaient inscrits les noms des dignitaires méritants. GRAND RICCI
# - 麒麟 麒麟 [qi2 lin2] /qilin (mythical Chinese animal)/kylin/Chinese unicorn/commonly mistranslated as giraffe/
# + 麒麟殿 麒麟殿 [qi2 lin2 dian4] /name of Han dynasty palace, probably identical with 麒麟閣 qílíngé, the palace in which the names of specially meritorious/ individuals were inscribed./
+ 麒麟殿 麒麟殿 [Qi2 lin2 dian4] /see 麒麟閣|麒麟阁[Qi2 lin2 ge2]/

Change log entry 69142
Processed by: monigeria (2020-02-10 10:24:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62395 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
麒麟閣 qílíngé (Hist.) Pavillon de la Licorne, bâti par l’empereur 宣帝 Xuan Di (73–49 A.C.; dyn. 西漢Han de l’Ouest [206 A.C.–8 P.C.]), où étaient inscrits les noms des dignitaires méritants.



https://books.google.com/books?id=fOAtDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT130&lpg=PT130&dq=Unicorn+Pavilion+麒麟阁&source=bl&ots=6lQej9ZSM8&sig=ACfU3U0idq9hCEJak4i3N_S1UeSuPu0o-Q&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Unicorn Pavilion 麒麟阁&f=false
A hall featuring portraits of famous officials

Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty built Qilin Pavilion in Weiyang palace, drawing images of meritorious officials to show his appreciation and show his love for talents to the world.

The Former Han emperor Xuandi 宣帝(r. 74-49 B.C.) ordered the construction of the Qilin Pavilion 麒麟閣 in the Weiyang Palace 未央宮 and had it decorated with eleven portraits of exemplary subjects.
# 麒麟閣 麒麟阁 [qi2 lin2 ge2] /Unicorn Pavilion (within the Han dynasty Weiyang palace complex), a building upon whose walls the names of especially meritorious individuals were inscribed./
+ 麒麟閣 麒麟阁 [Qi2 lin2 ge2] /Qilin Pavilion, located in the Weiyang Palace, a hall decorated with portraits of famous officials/

Change log entry 69135
Processed by: monigeria (2020-02-09 18:28:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62330 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Cf. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%88%8E%E7%8B%84
戎狄 [1] 是先秦时代华夏对西方和北方的非华夏部落的统称,即北狄和西戎的合称。"
Cf. also http://www.zdic.net/c/e/14b/326033.htm
"戎狄róng dí ㄖㄨㄥˊ ㄉㄧˊ 舊指居於西北邊境外的野蠻民族。"


# 戎羯 戎羯 [Rong2 Di2] /The 'Rongdi' were non-Han nomadic tribes living to the north and west of pre-Qin China: the Di to the north, and the Rong to the west./
+ 戎羯 戎羯 [Rong2 Jie2] /ancient ethnic groups in northwestern China/

Change log entry 68716
Processed by: richwarm (2019-12-06 22:18:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65430 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>

Editor: GR ~ frapper avec une baguette, une houssine
# 撽 撽 [qiao4] /to thwack or slash sideways; to drive/
+ 撽 撽 [qiao4] /to beat with a stick/to hit from the side/

Change log entry 68711
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-12-06 14:07:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65380 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
# 葛邏祿 葛逻禄 [Ge3 Luo2 Lu:4] /Qarluq or Karluk nomadic tribe, a Turkic ethnic minority in ancient times/
+ 葛邏祿 葛逻禄 [Ge3 luo2 lu4] /Qarluq or Karluk nomadic tribe, a Turkic ethnic minority in ancient times/

Change log entry 68535
Processed by: richwarm (2019-10-27 10:31:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63606 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
漢語大詞典 gives 天子车驾所经的道路。
# 輦路 辇路 [nian3 lu4] /imperial highway: the road down which the emperor's carriage would pass/
+ 輦路 辇路 [nian3 lu4] /road along which the emperor's carriage passes/

Change log entry 68449
Processed by: richwarm (2019-10-15 11:09:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63259 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic. gives 对文物、艺术品等的鉴定和欣赏
de Francis just gives 'appreciate'

Editor: It's not only used in the context of the arts. It can be a smoke ring or a bottle of wine, for example. See below.

Admiring the smoke ring he had blown, Chao Hsin-mei said, "A great talent gone to waste.Such a pity! Such a pity!
{ from the novel 《围城》}
This also provides an example of 鉴赏 used as a verb.

I would feel rather stimulated, moved by a profound consciousness of nature and excited by innumerable far-reaching thoughts.

Furniture connoisseurs and collectors have summarized 16 characteristics and eight taboos of Ming Dynasty furniture making, which accurately describe their features.

standards for judging apples cannot be applied indiscriminately to oranges.

interest-free payment plans, seven-day delivery of purchases, a 10-day free trial, a one-year guarantee
(for items bought on a TV shopping network)

Taiwan has to understand the seas as not just a source of delicious seafood, but as something that has a value in itself.

Critics, as if describing a fine vintage of wine, say that 2008 was "a good year" for Taiwanese films.
# 鑒賞 鉴赏 [jian4 shang3] /appreciation or evaluation of a literary text or other work of art/
# Editor:
- 鑑賞 鉴赏 [jian4 shang3] /to appreciate/
+ 鑑賞 鉴赏 [jian4 shang3] /to appreciate (as a connoisseur)/

Change log entry 68167
Processed by: richwarm (2019-09-14 22:49:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63662 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
The Taiwanesemoedict site gives: 輦ㄋㄧㄢˇniǎn下ㄒㄧㄚˋxià
1. 天子車駕附近,指京師。And its source texts for this definition are:
唐•裴鉶《傳奇•裴航》:「航遍求訪之,滅跡匿形,竟無蹤兆。 遂飾裝歸輦下。」
Cf. https://www.moedict.tw/%E8%BC%A6%E4%B8%8B
# 輦下 辇下 [nian3 xia4] /'beneath the emperor's wheel'/i.e. in the capital city/
+ 輦下 辇下 [nian3 xia4] /imperial capital (city)/

Change log entry 68027
Processed by: richwarm (2019-08-28 22:11:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63076 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
宛然 wănrán 1. Comme; tout comme; comme si. Semblable. 2. Vivant ; limpide. 3. Docile ; obéissant. GRAND RICCI
Meanings 2 and 3 are missing at present from your definition. Meaning 3 is supported by 《詩經•葛屨》好人提提、宛然左辟。

- People who are reading ancient texts should not be relying on cc-cedict.
- Adding senses that aren't used any more tends to clutter the definition for the users who are our main target.
- We don't have the resources (time, and expertise in Classical Chinese) to deal with any significant number of submissions like this, nor any particular interest in them. And there's not much point having just a sprinkling of such entries.
# - 宛然 宛然 [wan3 ran2] /as if/just like/
# + 宛然 宛然 [wan3 ran2] /as if/just like/clear/lively/obedient, docile/

Change log entry 67998
Processed by: richwarm (2019-08-24 22:19:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61704 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic: ◎ 巡更 xúngēng
[keep night watch] 夜间巡逻, 打更

1. 從前負責守衛的人,在夜間擊柝鳴鑼報時、往來查看,稱為「巡更」。
2. 唐.王建.贈郭將軍詩:「承恩新拜上將軍,當直巡更近五雲。」

Editor: I don't think "keep the night watch" is a good term to use.
It suggests staying in one place (like a sentry) rather than patrolling.

night watch : a period at night during which a person or group of people is stationed to look out for danger or trouble.
‘That night he and I stood a night watch together.’
# 巡更 巡更 [xun2 geng1] /to patrol at night/to keep the night-watch/
# Editor:
+ 巡更 巡更 [xun2 geng1] /to patrol at night, marking the time by sounding clappers or gongs/

Change log entry 67955
Processed by: richwarm (2019-08-15 22:45:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63566 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic. gives 1. 蠟燭燃燒時所滴下的蠟油,如淚一般,稱為「燭淚」。 A phrase frequently found in classical Chinese verse.
# 燭淚 烛泪 [zhu2 lei4] /wax or candle-grease that drips down, and thus called 'the candle's tears'/
+ 燭淚 烛泪 [zhu2 lei4] /drop of melted wax that runs down the side of a candle/

Change log entry 67854
Processed by: richwarm (2019-08-02 03:59:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63290 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: 婢女。
Cf. https://repository.asu.edu/.../97897/.../Ge_asu_0010N_12521.pdf
for the pdf of a thesis entitled 'The Problematic Nature of Song Literati's Penchant for xiaohuan', which investigates the unpleasant sexual connotations of the term.
# 小鬟 小鬟 [xiao3 huan2] /Slave girl / servant girl / little maid, often pre-pubescent. Literally means "little chignon"./
+ 小鬟 小鬟 [xiao3 huan2] /(historical) chignon worn by a young girl/slave girl (prepubescent household courtesan wearing a distinctive paired chignon hairstyle)/

Change log entry 67849
Processed by: richwarm (2019-07-31 22:47:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63013 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
# 程不識 程不识 [Cheng2 Bu4shi2] /Cheng Bushi, Han general under Emperor Wudi: his use of strict military discipline was contrasted with the more lax discipline employed by his greater rival, General Li Guang/
+ 程不識 程不识 [Cheng2 Bu4 shi2] /Cheng Bushi, Han dynasty general/

Change log entry 67848
Processed by: richwarm (2019-07-31 22:21:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63820 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
GRAND RICCI gives: "朱紱 zhūfú 1. (anc.) Bande de soie rouge servant à attacher le sceau mandarinal à la ceinture; (p. ext.) charge publique. 2. Genouillère rouge portée par les fonctionnaires; habit officiel des fonctionnaires."

https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%9C%B1%E7%B4%B1 gives:
1. (literary, historical) red knee cover on ancient ceremonial robes; formal attire of
2. (literary, historical) red ribbon used to tie jade articles and seals
1. (literary, figuratively) to be an official"
# 朱紱 朱绂 [Zhu1 fu2] /red silk ribbon to which the imperial seal of office was attached / vermilion apron, formal symbol of an imperial official's status/
# Editor:
+ 朱紱 朱绂 [zhu1 fu2] /(archaic) red silk ribbon tied to a seal or a jade pendant/red knee cover, part of an official's robes (also a synedoche for the attire of an official)/to be an official/

Change log entry 67818
Processed by: richwarm (2019-07-28 22:24:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62940 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
zdic gives: 師徒授受自成一家之說的學風。後泛指學術、文藝相傳的流派風格。



Editor: The "stick" sense may be the most common.

"The nation has its laws, the home has its rules." Ilan's Tsu Huai Yuan Halfway House is housed in one floor of an apartment building. It lets the youngsters set their own rules and regulations for the home, which nurtures their self-control and lets them understand what it means to take responsibility for their actions.

It seems that the bamboo cane was an essential convenience around the home, right at hand so that a child could be immediately punished for any infraction.

his civil servant father knew his son's rashness could lead to trouble. He disciplined him from time to time to keep things from getting out of hand.

"Whenever I slacked off, Mom was liable to smack me, but whenever I showed progress, she would encourage and reward me."

Wang therefore told Kai-jung to fetch her the cane. But Kai-jung couldn't bear the thought of her sister getting caned, so she didn't fetch it.
- 家 家 [Jia1] /surname Jia/
# + 家法 家法 [jia1 fa3] /one school's traditional distinctive style/a domestic code of discipline/a cane or rode used for disciplining family members in feudal times/
# Editor:
+ 家法 家法 [jia1 fa3] /the rules and discipline that apply within a family/stick used for punishing children or servants/traditions of an artistic or academic school of thought, passed on from master to pupil/

Change log entry 67813
Processed by: richwarm (2019-07-27 11:27:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62345 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
The excellent baike.baidu.com site gives "琴操,古代中国琴曲著作。为解说琴曲标题的著作。"

Editor: That article is saying it's a book rather than the name of a type of song.
By the way, it's [cao1], not ... ahem ... [cao4]!
# 琴操 琴操 [qin2 cao4] /In ancient China, the name given to a type of song meant to be accompanied by the qin 琴 or zither./

Change log entry 67758
Processed by: richwarm (2019-07-24 00:19:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62594 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
GRAND RICCI gives, among your definitions, "b) (Mil. – anc.) Tour de guet; fortin isolé (entouré d’un fossé)." This fits this line in the first of 李夢陽 Li Mengyang's 出塞二首: "寒霧宿疏墩".
- 墩 墩 [dun1] /block/gate pillar/pier/classifier for clusters of plants/classifier for rounds in a card game: trick/
# + 墩 墩 [dun1] /block/gate pillar/pier/watchtower (ancient military term)/classifier for clusters of plants/classifier for rounds in a card game: trick/
+ 墩 墩 [dun1] /block/gate pillar/pier/classifier for clusters of plants/classifier for rounds in a card game: trick/(archaic) watchtower/

Change log entry 67738
Processed by: richwarm (2019-07-21 23:19:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62263 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>

“郊祀 jiāo sì (Relig. chin.) Sacrifice au Ciel et à la Terre dans le faubourg sud et le faubourg nord. ”

GRAND RICCI, vol. 1, p. 713, col. ii

Editor: 郊 (French "faubourg") doesn't mean "city" and indeed, based on your first reference (and Grand Ricci), "suburbs" seems more apt than "cities" ~

"In 32 BCE the altars were moved to the suburbs of the capital Chang'an, places which were reconfirmed and perpetuated by the usurper Wang Mang 王莽 (r. 8-23 CE). They remained in the suburbs of the respective main capital until the end of imperial times."
# 郊祀 郊祀 [Jiao1 Si4] /annual sacrifice held in ancient times by the emperor to Heaven and Earth: to Heaven in the southern city, and to Earth in the Northern one. suburb/
# Editor:
+ 郊祀 郊祀 [jiao1 si4] /pair of annual sacrificial ceremonies held by the emperor in ancient times: one in the southern suburbs of the capital (bringing offerings to Heaven) and another in the northern suburbs (with offerings to Earth)/

Change log entry 67610
Processed by: richwarm (2019-07-01 12:54:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63012 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, vol. 1, p. 879
# 王粲 王粲 [Wang2 Can4] /Wang Can (177-217), a poet, and generally regarded as the "most brilliant of the Seven Masters of the Jian'an Era"/
+ 王粲 王粲 [Wang2 Can4] /Wang Can (177-217), a poet, and generally regarded as the most brilliant of "the seven masters of Jian'an" 建安[Jian4 an1]/

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