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Change log entry 70837
Processed by: kerrick (2020-09-25 13:44:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67059 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
+ 凡立水 凡立水 [fan2 li4 shui3] /varnish (loanword)/

Change log entry 68680
Processed by: kerrick (2019-12-01 17:14:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65360 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. old practice/habit/example

old practice (or custom, rule)

| 照~办就是
| 先查查有无~可供参考。

| 《文明小史.第三○回》:「现在太爷动了气,要回大老爷重办我们,却被俺猜着了,为了咱们老例没送的缘故。」

名 相沿已久的规矩或惯例。

As always, a Pixar movie is preceded with one or more animated shorts.

In some companies the CFO, controller, or accounting staff performs this in addition to their regular responsibilities

The old rule barring women and poor people from the banquets in the ancestral temples has also been broken.

Last July and August, when the peasant associations were still weak, the landlords, following their long established practice of maximum exploitation, served notice one after another on their tenants that rents and deposits would be increased.

> These non-Chen people who rented rooms in his family homestead had long been familiar with their landlord's habits: whenever an examination year rolled around and that strange glimmer appeared in his eyes after the list was posted, they knew their best course was to close their doors early and mind their own business. (Lyell)
> His tenants knew from years of experience that after he had seen the results of the country examinations their best course was to close their doors early and mind their own business. (Yangs)
> The other families lodged in his house knew that whenever the examination results were published, the same wild look came into his eyes, and the best response was to shut their doors as early as possible and ask no questions. (Lovell)

> 他们是没有受过新教育的,太太并无学名或雅号,所以也就没有什么称呼了,照老例虽然也可以叫“太太”但他又不愿意太守旧,于是就发明了一个“喂”字。
> Since neither of them had received a modern education, his wife had no "school name" or elegant nickname, and thus he had no fashionable term of address to use with her. In accordance with old and established precedents, of course, he could simply have called her "Wife," but he didn't want to appear too far behind the times, and so he had invented the title "Hey!” (Lyell)
> They had not had a modern education, and as his wife had no school name or poetic name, he did not know what to call her. For although he could have used the old term “madam,” he did not want to be too conservative and hence had invented this “Hey.” His wife had not even a “Hey “for him. (Yangs)
> As neither of them had been blessed by a modern education, his wife had not been privileged to receive a serviceably dignified given name for public or private use. A more traditional sort of husband would have made do with Taitai, or 'lady-wife', but Fang was too progressive for that. (Lovell)
+ 老例 老例 [lao3 li4] /custom/customary practice/

Change log entry 67558
Processed by: kerrick (2019-06-18 17:38:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64106 - submitted by 'shenyixuan' >>
1 google “大疆” 找到约 60,300,000 条结果

2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DJI_(company)

3 芬兰国防军首次采购商用无人机中国大疆获150架订单 - 新浪军事
https://mil.news.sina.com.cn › 中国军情
+ 大疆 大疆 [Da4 jiang1] /DJI, Chinese technology company/

Change log entry 67557
Processed by: kerrick (2019-06-18 17:32:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64105 - submitted by 'shenyixuan' >>
1 Google “美剧” ,找到 46,500,000 条结果;
2 美剧缘何“隐秘流行”--传媒--人民网
media.people.com.cn › 传媒
2010年6月7日 - 随着《越狱》的流行,美剧被拉入了国人的视线,成为许多人关注的焦点和追捧的对象,如《反恐24小时》、《欲望都市》、《迷失》、《绝望的主妇》等。
+ 美劇 美剧 [mei3 ju4] /American TV series/abbr. for 美国电视剧/

Change log entry 67126
Processed by: kerrick (2019-02-07 07:15:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63296 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
Had a sms:

Should be short for 货到付款.
+ 到付 到付 [dao4 fu4] /collect on delivery (COD)/

Change log entry 67125
Processed by: kerrick (2019-02-07 07:04:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63741 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>

+ 波羅的 波罗的 [Bo1 luo2 di4] /Baltic/

Change log entry 66831
Processed by: kerrick (2018-12-06 04:08:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63391 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
+ 易變質 易变质 [yi4 bian4 zhi4] /perishable/

Change log entry 66566
Processed by: kerrick (2018-10-20 03:51:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63103 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

"可麗露" site:.tw - 54,500
"可丽露" site:.cn - 2,240
+ 可麗露 可丽露 [ke3 li4 lu4] /canelé (a French pastry) (Tw)/

Change log entry 66530
Processed by: kerrick (2018-10-10 04:10:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62868 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) /to talk about sth often overlooked or non-confirmable/
This is too fuzzy. I could talk about ADHD in girls (which is often overlooked) or God (non-confirmable) but those aren't examples of 爆料.

2) "to scoop" -- that implies that 爆料 means *being first* to publish some news. That's not what dicts are saying, and it's not what examples (or their translations) suggest.

3) "(in the media)" -- not necessarily

"The teachers just pretended not to notice, figuring that everything would sort itself out," says Xiao Ling. There were some students who didn't agree with what was happening, but nonetheless wouldn't stand behind Xiao Ling publicly. Some acted two-faced, chatting with her in private, but joining in the lynching in public.

Once again, her son Lu Xinzheng can't resist the temptation of a little humor at the expense of his mother: "But she's like a kid. She pouts when she loses money, and sometimes refuses to pay up!"

In 2011 the Taiwan Healthcare Reform Foundation opened a hotline to report on poor working conditions in hospitals, prompting many nurses to vent their true sentiments.

She also divulged that her partner Chen Yi­feng tends to be disruptive in class, frequently asking inappropriate questions.

The Taipei office of the NTA says that it has to verify these kinds of claims.

4) Other examples:
The clouds of suspicion generated by the Zanadau case continue to grow thicker as fallout from Su Huei-chen's bombshell exposure has blasted in all directions.

Recent newspaper revelations that the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China had paid its secretary-general Hao Lung-bin, three department heads and four key employees annual salaries of nearly NT$10 million sent shockwaves through Taiwan.

With stiff competition in recent years, it's become inevitable that media outlets go to any length to grab an audience. That's triggered a drop in public trust in the media. Recently, veteran CBS news anchor Dan Rather failed to fully investigate documents concerning President Bush's National Guard service. It turned out that the documents were forgeries, and the reputation Rather had worked a lifetime to gain suffered a serious blow.

In addition to these cases of employing unreliable sources and dressing up stories, there are even more cases of the media simply stretching the truth purposely, or twisting the words of an interviewee to make a story seem more dramatic.

In early November, TVBS got hold of an optical disc showing Bears' pitching coach Lin Kuang-hung meeting with suspicious characters. In the video recording, Lin took a bribe and was ordered by the other party to throw the championship "or else." After the disc was made public, Lin, accompanied by the league's legal team, denied at a press conference allegations of trying to throw the series, but the Bears still placed him on temporary suspension until results of the investigation come back.

Even worse, the media manufactures absurd or misleading stories, or takes unconfirmed claims and turns them into headlines, and especially loves using sensationalist headings to mislead the public.

round-the-clock criticism, analysis, satire, censure, speculation, and revelations about political figures and news events,
- 爆料 爆料 [bao4 liao4] /to expose (in the media)/to talk about sth often overlooked or non-confirmable/to scoop (esp. Taiwan media)/
+ 爆料 爆料 [bao4 liao4] /to make explosive allegations/

Change log entry 66529
Processed by: kerrick (2018-10-10 03:57:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63061 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 改朝了,换代呢?
- 改朝了,但没换代!
- 改朝 改朝 [gai3 chao2] /change of dynasties/
+ 改朝 改朝 [gai3 chao2] /to transition to a new dynasty/

Change log entry 66528
Processed by: kerrick (2018-10-10 03:56:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63062 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) /(used as phonetic for za-ke or sack, e.g. in Saxon, Isaac)/
Let's not go down that rabbit hole (documenting word fragments).

2) /sax/saxophone/
We seem to just about the only dict that
- has 萨克 for 'sax'
- doesn't have 萨克管

萨克管 has around 55k results in GV, including

The Baike article on 萨克 mentions nothing about musical instruments.

萨克管 is in PLC M LA GR K
# 薩克斯 萨克斯 [sa4 ke4 si1] /sax/saxophone/
# 薩克斯風 萨克斯风 [sa4 ke4 si1 feng1] /saxophone (loanword)/
# 薩克斯管 萨克斯管 [sa4 ke4 si1 guan3] /sax/saxophone/
- 薩克 萨克 [sa4 ke4] /sax/saxophone/(used as phonetic for za-ke or sack, e.g. in Saxon, Isaac)/
+ 薩克管 萨克管 [sa4 ke4 guan3] /sax/saxophone/

Change log entry 66527
Processed by: kerrick (2018-10-10 03:48:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63064 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"The Hall of Supreme Harmony ... is the largest hall within the Forbidden City in Beijing ... Together with the Hall of Central Harmony and Hall of Preserving Harmony, the three halls constitute the heart of the Outer Court of the Forbidden City."
- 太和殿 太和殿 [Tai4 he2 dian4] /the central pavilion of the Forbidden City rendered in English as "Hall of Supreme Harmony"/
+ 太和殿 太和殿 [Tai4 he2 dian4] /Hall of Supreme Harmony, the largest of the three halls that constitute the heart of the Outer Court of the Forbidden City 紫禁城[Zi3 jin4 cheng2]/
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