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Change log entry 69379
Processed by: richwarm (2020-03-05 01:36:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63312 - submitted by 'immaculata' >>
# 割損禮 割损礼 [ge1 sun3 li3] /circumcision/
+ 割損 割损 [ge1 sun3] /circumcision (Bible term)/

Change log entry 67553
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-06-18 09:45:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63305 - submitted by 'immaculata' >>
Transliteration of the name Elisabeth in the bible translated by the b. Gabriele Allegra.
Example from Luke 1:
# 依撒伯爾 依撒伯尔 [yi1 sa1 ba4 er3] /Elisabeth (biblical name)/

Change log entry 67470
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-08 09:56:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63307 - submitted by 'immaculata' >>
Transliteration of the name Gabriel in the bible translated by the b. Gabriele Allegra.
Example from Luke 1:
# 加俾額爾 加俾额尔 [jia1 bi3 e2 er3] /Gabriel (biblical name)/
+ 加俾額爾 加俾额尔 [Jia1 bi3 e2 er3] /Gabriel (biblical name)/

Change log entry 67380
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-05-10 18:04:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63306 - submitted by 'immaculata' >>
See also 以利亚 以利亞 Yǐ lì yà Elijah (Old Testament prophet)

Transliteration of the name Elias in the bible translated by the b. Gabriele Allegra.
Example from Luke 1:
# 厄利亞 厄利亚 [e4 li4 ya4] /Elias or Elijah (biblical name, Old-Testament prophet)/

Change log entry 67364
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-04-29 13:38:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63302 - submitted by 'immaculata' >>
Transliteration of the name Aaron in the bible translated by the b. Gabriele Allegra.
Example from Exodus 12:
  1 上主向梅瑟說:「看,我使你在法郎前像神一樣,你的哥哥亞郎將作你的代言 人。(1)2凡我吩咐你的一切,你要告訴你的哥哥亞郎,要他對法郎講話,叫他放以色 列子民離開他的國境。

Editor: we already have another transliteration for this name: 亚伦, which seems to be far more common.
# 亞郎 亚郎 [ya4 lang2] /Aaron (name), Biblical figure, the First High Priest, Prophet and brother of Moses/

Change log entry 67363
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-04-29 13:36:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63308 - submitted by 'immaculata' >>
Transliteration of the name Joseph in the bible translated by the b. Gabriele Allegra.
Example from Luke 1:
# 若瑟 若瑟 [ruo4 se4] /Joseph (biblical name)/
+ 若瑟 若瑟 [Ruo4 se4] /Joseph (biblical name)/

Change log entry 67298
Processed by: richwarm (2019-04-10 01:20:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63303 - submitted by 'immaculata' >>
Transliteration of the name Abia in the bible translated by the b. Gabriele Allegra.
Example from Luke 1:
# 阿彼雅 阿彼雅 [a1 bi3 ya3] /Abia (name), biblical figure, Descendant of Aaron and predecessor of Zechariah/
+ 阿彼雅 阿彼雅 [A1 bi3 ya3] /Abijah (biblical name)/

Change log entry 66875
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-12-21 10:13:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63304 - submitted by 'immaculata' >>
See also 祭司
Example from Luke 1:
+ 司祭 司祭 [si1 ji4] /priest/

Change log entry 66793
Processed by: richwarm (2018-11-30 21:01:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63313 - submitted by 'immaculata' >>
# 季黎諾 季黎诺 [ji4 li2 nuo4] /Cyrinus or Quirinius (name), governor of Syria (c. 51 BC – AD 21)/
+ 季黎諾 季黎诺 [Ji4 li2 nuo4] /Quirinius, governor of Syria (c. 51 BC - AD 21)/
By MDBG 2024
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