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Change log entry 71819
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-19 05:33:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67388 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
My apologies, I should have made my reasoning clearer in 71194. What I meant was that the relation between 份 and 分 here is a plain variant, not a simplification (as simplified uses 份 as well).

+"异议分子" About 251 000 results
+"异议份子" About 252 000 results

+"异议分子" -異 -議 About 218 000 results
+"异议份子" -異 -議 About 111 000 results

Editor: Maybe this works as well as anything.
Thanks for raising the issue.
- 份子 分子 [fen4 zi3] /members of a class or group/political elements (such as intellectuals or extremists)/part/
+ 分子 分子 [fen4 zi3] /members of a class or group/political elements (such as intellectuals or extremists)/part/
# 份子 份子 [fen4 zi3] /variant of 分子[fen4 zi3]/
+ 份子 份子 [fen4 zi3] /variant of 分子[fen4 zi3] (used in Taiwan but not in mainland China)/

Change log entry 71814
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-18 06:05:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67683 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
芸 in traditional as well


1) Thanks for correcting the traditional character.

2) I'll take this opportunity to rewrite the definition and add two more entries.

芸香 is common rue. It is not the family Rutaceae (aka "rue family" or "citrus family"). Rather, it is a *member* of that family.

It is a member of Ruta (芸香屬), a genus in the family Rutaceae (芸香科), so 芸香 evidently lends its name to its genus and family.

Chao&Yang (1945) defines 芸香 as "essence of rue, often burnt on festive occasions". However, it seems all later dictionaries define it as simply "rue", so I guess the meaning has shifted over time.
- 蕓香 芸香 [yun2 xiang1] /Rutaceae/the citrus family/
# + 芸香 芸香 [yun2 xiang1] /Rutaceae/the citrus family/
+ 芸香 芸香 [yun2 xiang1] /(botany) rue (Ruta graveolens)/
+ 芸香屬 芸香属 [yun2 xiang1 shu3] /(botany) genus Ruta/
+ 芸香科 芸香科 [yun2 xiang1 ke1] /(botany) family Rutaceae (rue family, aka citrus family)/

Change log entry 71607
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-20 00:30:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67558 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
1 飲用茶水。如:「渴死了!我請你上茶館喝茶。」《三俠五義》第五回:「我不喝茶,你也不用鬧酸款。欠我的四百多錢總要還我的。」
2 代指訂婚。因訂婚時,準新娘要捧茶請男方長輩喝茶,故稱。


- 喝茶 喝茶 [he1 cha2] /(fig.) to have a meeting with state security agents (to be warned to behave "responsibly")/
+ 喝茶 喝茶 [he1 cha2] /to drink tea/to get engaged/to have a serious conversation/(fig.) to have a meeting with state security agents (to be warned to behave "responsibly")/
# Extra (as in 那明晚我就陪老师喝茶了):
+ 明晚 明晚 [ming2 wan3] /tomorrow evening/

Change log entry 71278
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-20 21:22:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67406 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
1. traditional uses 木 radical for the "cane" meaning.
2. there are unicode variants with 刀 or 力 for that character that may depend on the font.


Below are my comments again (sent 10 days ago).
Didn't get any response to them.
Further comments are shown inline.

1) Re: "traditional uses 木 radical for the 'cane' meaning."

In Taiwan, 枴 is sometimes used, but it looks like 拐 is the usual character for the "cane" sense.
For example, in Taiwan Panorama articles between 2011 and 2016, 拐杖 appears ten times.
E.g. 雙腿逐漸孱弱無力,必須拄單拐杖移步,...
枴杖, on the other hand, does not appear in any article during that period.

Google results (verbatim option):
"拐杖" site:.tw - About 757,000 results
"枴杖" site:.tw - About 59,900 results

2) GF is a dictionary that was written using simplified forms so I'm wondering why you quote it as a reference for this submission.

3) A cc-cedict entry is uniquely specified by its trad, simp, and pinyin. Therefore, it is not possible to have two separate entries beginning with 拐 拐 [guai3], as you have proposed.
- 拐 拐 [guai3] /to turn (a corner etc)/to kidnap/to swindle/to misappropriate/walking stick/crutch/seven (used as a substitute for 七[qi1])/
# + 拐 拐 [guai3] /to turn (a corner etc)/to kidnap/to swindle/to misappropriate/seven (used as a substitute for 七[qi1])/
# + 拐 拐 [guai3] /variant of 枴|拐[guai3]/
# Editor: the above two lines need to be combined into a single entry, as follows
+ 拐 拐 [guai3] /to turn (a corner etc)/to kidnap/to swindle/to misappropriate/seven (used as a substitute for 七[qi1])/variant of 枴|拐[guai3]/
- 枴 枴 [guai3] /cane/
+ 枴 拐 [guai3] /cane/walking stick/crutch/old man's staff/
- 柺 柺 [guai3] /old man's staff/
+ 柺 拐 [guai3] /variant of 枴|拐[guai3]/
# compounds
# Editor: 拐 seems to be used significantly more often than 枴 in these compounds, so I'm retaining them as they are.
# - 拐棍 拐棍 [guai3 gun4] /cane/walking stick/
# + 枴棍 拐棍 [guai3 gun4] /cane/walking stick/
# - 拐杖 拐杖 [guai3 zhang4] /crutches/crutch/walking stick/
# + 枴杖 拐杖 [guai3 zhang4] /crutches/crutch/walking stick/
# - 架拐 架拐 [jia4 guai3] /to use a crutch/
# + 架枴 架拐 [jia4 guai3] /to use a crutch/

Change log entry 71270
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-16 22:47:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67446 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
- 拗斷 拗断 [ao4 duan4] /to break by twisting/
+ 拗斷 拗断 [ao3 duan4] /to break by twisting/

Change log entry 71203
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-12-19 17:04:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67396 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
as in 手錶
- 戴表 戴表 [dai4 biao3] /to wear a watch/a homophone for 代表 used to avoid Internet censorship in the PRC/
+ 戴錶 戴表 [dai4 biao3] /to wear a watch/a homophone for 代表 used to avoid Internet censorship in the PRC/

Change log entry 71197
Processed by: richwarm (2020-12-17 04:28:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67383 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
simplified does not use this variant
- 倚託 倚讬 [yi3 tuo1] /variant of 倚托[yi3 tuo1]/
+ 倚託 倚托 [yi3 tuo1] /variant of 倚托[yi3 tuo1]/
# Editor: In that case, the following entry should be deleted
- 託 讬 [tuo1] /variant of 託|托[tuo1]/
# since it implies that the official simplified form of 託 is 讬,
# and the following entry should be retained
= 託 托 [tuo1] /to trust/to entrust/to be entrusted with/to act as trustee/
# ... and 讬 can be documented like this
+ 讬 讬 [tuo1] /nonstandard simplified variant of 託|托[tuo1]/
# ... similar to how we handled 椝
# 椝 椝 [gui1] /nonstandard simplified variant of 槼|规[gui1]/

Change log entry 71195
Processed by: richwarm (2020-12-17 03:00:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67378 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
葯 used in a non-variant sense, 藥 would be considered the variant here (despite its 2x Google hits)



> 葯 used in a non-variant sense

1) Just on the face of it, that seems unlikely.
According to MOE, the non-variant sense is 白芷之葉 -- leaves of Dahurian angelica, a species of plant used in traditional Chinese medicine.
(See your own reference, quoted above.)
Why would that sense of 葯 appear in the Chinese word for "anther"?

"anther" is derived from Medieval Latin, "medication made from a flower"-- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anther
That makes it seem even more likely that MOE is using 葯 in the variant sense ("medicine") rather than the non-variant sense ("leaves of Dahurian angelica").

2) MOE says
葯 :
1. 白芷。
2. 參見「花葯」條。→「藥」的異體字

So MOE is saying that in 花葯, 葯 is used as a variant of 藥 (medicine), not in the non-variant sense (Dahurian angelica).


Other trad-character dictionaries write the word as 花藥 rather than 花葯.
E.g. LA, Dr.eye, Grand Ricci, KEY.

Wikipedia writes the word as 花葯, but they state that this is based on MOE:
So I regard both M and Wp as essentially a single source.


By the way, in Japanese, 葯 *is* in fact used to write the word for "anther" (pronounced "yaku"). It's not written as 薬 (the Japanese equivalent of 藥) or 花葯 or 花薬.
Of course, that's a different language, but it may give a clue as to why MOE favours 花葯.


花葯 has been proposed twice previously and rejected both times.
In general, it can be a good idea to check the Change Log for the history of an entry, and address the issues raised in previous discussions before submitting.
It saves us going over the same issues repeatedly.
(份子 also has a history that you didn't seem to be aware of.)
# - 花藥 花药 [hua1 yao4] /anther (pollen sack on stamen)/
# + 花葯 花药 [hua1 yao4] /anther (pollen sack on stamen)/

Change log entry 71194
Processed by: richwarm (2020-12-16 23:37:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67387 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
份 => 分

As far as I'm aware, 份子 and 分子 are both commonly used as traditional forms for fènzǐ. It's not like one is right and the other is wrong.

Google verbatim search:
"異議份子" - About 88,000 results
"異議分子" - About 83,600 results
# - 敵特份子 敌特分子 [di2 te4 fen4 zi3] /enemy agents in our midst/reds under the beds/
# + 敵特分子 敌特分子 [di2 te4 fen4 zi3] /enemy agents in our midst/reds under the beds/
# - 顛覆份子 颠覆分子 [dian1 fu4 fen4 zi3] /wrecker/saboteur/
# + 顛覆分子 颠覆分子 [dian1 fu4 fen4 zi3] /wrecker/saboteur/
# - 反動份子 反动分子 [fan3 dong4 fen4 zi3] /reactionaries/reactionary elements/
# + 反動分子 反动分子 [fan3 dong4 fen4 zi3] /reactionaries/reactionary elements/
# - 反叛份子 反叛分子 [fan3 pan4 fen4 zi3] /insurgent/rebel/
# + 反叛分子 反叛分子 [fan3 pan4 fen4 zi3] /insurgent/rebel/
# - 分離份子 分离分子 [fen1 li2 fen4 zi3] /separatist/
# + 分離分子 分离分子 [fen1 li2 fen4 zi3] /separatist/
# - 份子 分子 [fen4 zi3] /members of a class or group/political elements (such as intellectuals or extremists)/part/
# + 分子 分子 [fen4 zi3] /members of a class or group/political elements (such as intellectuals or extremists)/part/
# - 壞份子 坏分子 [huai4 fen4 zi3] /bad element/bad egg/
# + 壞分子 坏分子 [huai4 fen4 zi3] /bad element/bad egg/
# - 活躍份子 活跃分子 [huo2 yue4 fen4 zi3] /activist/
# + 活躍分子 活跃分子 [huo2 yue4 fen4 zi3] /activist/
# - 激進份子 激进分子 [ji1 jin4 fen4 zi3] /radicals/extremists/
# + 激進分子 激进分子 [ji1 jin4 fen4 zi3] /radicals/extremists/
# - 激進武裝份子 激进武装分子 [ji1 jin4 wu3 zhuang1 fen4 zi3] /armed extremists/
# + 激進武裝分子 激进武装分子 [ji1 jin4 wu3 zhuang1 fen4 zi3] /armed extremists/
# - 極端份子 极端分子 [ji2 duan1 fen4 zi3] /extremist/
# + 極端分子 极端分子 [ji2 duan1 fen4 zi3] /extremist/
# - 極右份子 极右分子 [ji2 you4 fen4 zi3] /an extreme right-winger/
# + 極右分子 极右分子 [ji2 you4 fen4 zi3] /an extreme right-winger/
# - 納粹份子 纳粹分子 [Na4 cui4 fen4 zi3] /Nazi/
# + 納粹分子 纳粹分子 [Na4 cui4 fen4 zi3] /Nazi/
# - 肅反 肃反 [su4 fan3] /to eliminate counterrevolutionaries (abbr. for 肅清反革命份子|肃清反革命分子[su4 qing1 fan3 ge2 ming4 fen4 zi3])/
# + 肅反 肃反 [su4 fan3] /to eliminate counterrevolutionaries (abbr. for 肅清反革命分子|肃清反革命分子[su4 qing1 fan3 ge2 ming4 fen4 zi3])/
# - 肅清反革命份子 肃清反革命分子 [su4 qing1 fan3 ge2 ming4 fen4 zi3] /to eliminate counterrevolutionaries/abbr. to 肅反|肃反[su4 fan3]/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 71190
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-12-14 11:38:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67379 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
1. remove space before bracket
2. add bound form for 岭 as well
- 巆 巆 [ying2] /used only in 岭巆 [ling2 ying2]/
+ 巆 巆 [ying2] /used only in 岭巆[ling2 ying2]/
+ 岭 岭 [ling2] /used only in 岭巆[ling2 ying2]/

Change log entry 71187
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-12-13 09:10:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67375 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
since there is one for HSK
+ 華語文能力測驗 华语文能力测验 [Hua2 yu3 wen2 Neng2 li4 Ce4 yan4] /TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language)/

Change log entry 71170
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-27 23:00:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67332 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
simplified component 讀 → 读

Editor: Largely theoretical, since the character can't be typed with the IMEs I tried, and doesn't display in browsers except as an image (unless one has a font that supports U+2E64B).


- 讟 讟 [du2] /to murmur/to slander/
+ 讟 𮙋 [du2] /to murmur/to slander/

Change log entry 71159
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-21 22:21:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67341 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
English uses plural for the technical term

+ 規模經濟 规模经济 [gui1 mo2 jing1 ji4] /economies of scale/

Change log entry 71158
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-11-21 17:02:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67342 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
蕓 → 芸

- 蕓蕓眾生 芸芸众生 [yun2 yun2 zhong4 sheng1] /every living being (Buddhism)/the mass of common people/
+ 芸芸眾生 芸芸众生 [yun2 yun2 zhong4 sheng1] /every living being (Buddhism)/the mass of common people/

Change log entry 71145
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-17 00:06:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67328 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
嶺 → 岭
ling3 → ling2


Yep, the character is wrong and the pinyin is wrong.
On top of that, the definition is wrong!*
So this entry is a fail.
But ... this is a word that seems not to have been used for 2,000 years, except to repeat the same line that was written all those years ago: 「岭巆嶙峋,洞無崖兮​」

It's almost a theoretical question whether you pronounce ling with 2nd tone or 3rd tone, because what are the chances that you are going to need to pronounce this word out loud?

- - - - - - -
* The definition:
Miles misunderstood the word 深邃, which is used in definitions of 岭巆. It doesn't mean "lofty". It does mean "deep", but not in the vertical-depth sense. It's more of a horizontal thing, as in "deep in the mountains". 岭巆 is about difficulty of access from the outside rather than loftiness, and I don't see evidence that it refers to valleys.

深邃 means

In the case of 岭巆, it's the second sense: { 從外到裡 } 的距離大

Grand Ricci:
au plus profond des montagnes; endroit retiré dans la montagne.
- 嶺巆 岭巆 [ling3 ying2] /lofty (of mountain)/deep (of valley)/
+ 岭巆 岭巆 [ling2 ying2] /deep in the mountains/

Change log entry 71141
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-16 10:37:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67324 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
The Routledge Course in Chinese Media Literacy, p. 79


Editor: The general rule is to use the singular in definitions unless it's necessarily plural.

Titan_ASUS (admin):

# 刪帖 删帖 [shan1 tie3] /to delete forum postings/
+ 刪帖 删帖 [shan1 tie3] /to delete a forum post/

Change log entry 71130
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-15 02:06:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67080 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
拚命強記。如:「讀書若光是死背而不加理解, 不能得到真正的知識。」

1. 死背 involves repetition, time and effort; but "desperation"? -- that's going too far.
2. "memorization" is redundant here because rote learning is, by definition, a way of memorizing.



# 死背 死背 [si3 bei4] /to learn by rote memorization, desperately/
+ 死背 死背 [si3 bei4] /to learn by rote/

Change log entry 71129
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-14 23:58:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67181 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
> There is a humorous saying, "If an official does not put the people first, he might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes" (当官不为民做主,不如回家卖红薯 dāng guān bù wèi mín zuò zhǔ, bù rú huí jiā mài hóng shǔ). That is to say an official does not deserve his salary if he is not responsible for his people.

+ 當官不為民做主不如回家賣紅薯 当官不为民做主不如回家卖红薯 [dang1 guan1 bu4 wei4 min2 zuo4 zhu3 bu4 ru2 hui2 jia1 mai4 hong2 shu3] /if an official does not put the people first, he might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes/

Change log entry 71128
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-14 23:54:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67049 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
不能比。即沒有能力或條件與之相比。如:「父母的愛, 誰也比不了。」



# 比不了 比不了 [bi3 bu5 liao3] /cannot compare to/
+ 比不了 比不了 [bi3 bu4 liao3] /cannot compare to/to be no match for/

Change log entry 71127
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-14 23:17:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67315 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
simplified 彑 → 彐
- 彔 彔 [lu4] /to carve wood/
+ 彔 录 [lu4] /to carve wood/

Change log entry 71126
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-14 23:16:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66975 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
simplified component 門 -> 门
- 閤 閤 [ge2] /side door/variant of 閣|阁[ge2]/pavilion/cabinet/boudoir/
+ 閤 𬮤 [ge2] /side door/variant of 閣|阁[ge2]/pavilion/cabinet/boudoir/
- 閤 閤 [he2] /variant of 闔|阖[he2]/
+ 閤 𬮤 [he2] /variant of 闔|阖[he2]/

Change log entry 71124
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-11-14 12:17:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67312 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
GF, LA, MOE ...
- 疧 疧 [zhi1] /sick/
# + 疧 疧 [qi2] /sick/Taiwan pr. [zhi1]/
+ 疧 疧 [qi2] /disease/Taiwan pr. [zhi1]/

Change log entry 71103
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-10 05:26:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67296 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>

also has a variant with 歷 which seems less appropriate (and searching usage is tricky since there's also li4shu3 with a different meaning)

Editor: Why do you put "calendar" first? (unlike your sources)
Was that the meaning it had in the text you were reading?
Why not quote that text? (It would be helpful to have an example of actual usage.)
# 曆數 历数 [li4 shu4] /calendar/celestial orbits/heavenly law/destiny/
+ 曆數 历数 [li4 shu4] /(literary) movements of celestial bodies/destiny/calendar system/

Change log entry 71098
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-08 22:10:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67250 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>

1. Thanks for pointing out that 秖 is first tone, not third.

2. I don't know what rule LA uses to determine simplified forms, but CC-CEDICT uses the PRC simplification standards, as published in documents such as 通用规范汉字表, which states
规范字: 只
繁体字: (衹)
异体字: [祇 秖]

That implies 秖 is to be simplified as 只, unless there is a note somewhere that the lines quoted above only apply to the "merely" sense and not to the "grain" sense. I don't see any such note, though.

3. Some dictionaries (e.g. Grand Ricci and Key) say 秖[zhi1] is a *synonym* of 只[zhi3] ("only; merely; just").
a) Being a synonym is not enough to call it a variant. It has to have the same pronunciation as well.
(At least, that's how CC-CEDICT uses the term "variant".)
In this case, 秖 is [zhi1] whereas the relevant sense of 只 is [zhi3].

b) Other dictionaries (LA, M, ...) do not include that sense ("only; merely; just"), and I have no examples of that sort of usage. So I'm going to leave it out.
- 秖 只 [zhi3] /grain that has begun to ripen/variant of 衹|只[zhi3]/
# + 秖 秖 [zhi1] /grain that has begun to ripen/
# + 秖 只 [zhi3] /variant of 只[zhi3]/
+ 秖 只 [zhi1] /grain that has begun to ripen/

Change log entry 71057
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-03 01:50:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67264 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>

# 多層 多层 [duo1 ceng2] /multilayered/multistoreyed/
+ 多層 多层 [duo1 ceng2] /multilayered/multilevel/multistory/

Change log entry 71054
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-02 23:09:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67265 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
simp is also 剋 for this meaning according to LA, GF

Yves created this entry (剋 克 [kei1] /to scold/to beat/), commenting
"简化字总表(1986年新版) says clearly that 剋 ->克, despite Z and N."

And it's true that 简化字总表 says
K: 开〔開〕, 克〔剋〕, ...

But it looks like 简化字总表 is only referring to the other senses of 剋, because

1. In 通用规范汉字表,
a) 剋 is a simplified character, included in 二级字表 as character number 4134.

b) The appendix 规范字与繁体字、异体字对照表 also lists 剋 as a simplified character:
规范字 / 繁体字 / 异体字
剋 / -- / [尅]

c) A footnote states that 剋, not 克, is to be used for the "scold; beat" sense.
注解d18: 剋:表示训斥、打人时读kēi,不简化作“克”。

2. In the New Age dictionary, there's an entry for 剋:
剋 kēi [方] 1.to beat; fight ... 2. to scold; curse ...

3. Baike has
挨剋,读音ái kēi,意思是受到指责、训斥。

4. Wiktionary has a similar entry for 挨剋
- 剋 克 [kei1] /to scold/to beat/
+ 剋 剋 [kei1] /to scold/to beat/
# Editor: replacing 克 with 剋 in the following two entries also
- 剋架 克架 [kei1 jia4] /to scuffle/to come to blows/
+ 剋架 剋架 [kei1 jia4] /to scuffle/to come to blows/
- 挨剋 挨克 [ai2 kei1] /to be rebuked/to suffer blows/
+ 挨剋 挨剋 [ai2 kei1] /to be rebuked/to suffer blows/

Change log entry 71043
Processed by: richwarm (2020-11-01 06:20:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67251 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
- 衹 衹 [qi2] /variant of 祇, earth-spirit/peace/
# + 衹 衹 [qi2] /kasaya type clothes worn by monks/
+ 衹 衹 [qi2] /robe of a Buddhist monk or nun/

Change log entry 71040
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-31 22:22:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67247 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
TOCFL implies with a slash that it's a synonym of 號子 which seems broader in meaning. Wikipedia says it's a synonym of 經紀行. I'm no financial expert so I'm probably wrong.

taken from TOCFL reference "8000 Chinese Words" here:

> 證券行
> 主條目:證券商
> 證券行,又稱經紀行,是除了銀行之外買賣股票的地方。香港的證券行有很多,例如輝立證券、信誠證券、耀才證券、海通國際等。部份證券行會委派代表,每星期上電視或電台向股民推薦股份和解答觀眾的問題。

Editor: Yes, 號子 is broader in meaning, but the only sense that seems applicable here is "(Tw) brokerage firm".

Google results suggest that 证券行 isn't a well-used term on the mainland, compared to HK and Tw.

Example sentences:
# 證券行 证券行 [zheng4 quan4 hang2] /securities firm/brokerage firm/
+ 證券行 证券行 [zheng4 quan4 hang2] /(HK, Tw) securities firm/brokerage firm/

Change log entry 71030
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-30 21:17:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67237 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
humble suggestion, change as you like

Editor: Looks good to me.

Two examples:


Cantonese Wikipedia article 英雄救美
(經典橋段 here is "trope")
+ 英雄救美 英雄救美 [ying1 xiong2 jiu4 mei3] /heroic rescue of a damsel in distress/

Change log entry 71020
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-29 20:53:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67226 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>

- 外科醫師「邋遢」外表下,背負的卻是許多人生命的重擔。
- 更誇張的是,雙方還覺意猶未盡,乾脆約出來吃早餐,看到對方一夜未闔眼,邋遢的樣子。
- 穿著邋遢、頭髮蓬鬆,飾演一位擔心自己「性能力」的人
- 因為晉陝一帶的土語稱呼一個人落魄邋遢為「寬」,於是當地人便給他取了「范寬」這一個綽號。
- 平日一身邋遢在市場叫賣,
- 「甚至連見女孩子時都還穿著邋里邋遢的,這樣怎麼行呢?」
- 遢 遢 [ta4] /careless, negligent, slipshod/see 邋遢[la1 ta5]/
# + 遢 遢 [ta1] /careless, negligent, slipshod/see 邋遢[la1 ta5]/Taiwan pr. [ta4]/
+ 遢 遢 [ta1] /meaningless bound form used only in 邋遢[la1 ta5]/Taiwan pr. [ta4]/
- 邋 邋 [la1] /see 邋遢[la1 ta5]/
+ 邋 邋 [la1] /meaningless bound form used only in 邋遢[la1 ta5]/
- 邋遢 邋遢 [la1 ta5] /sloppy/
+ 邋遢 邋遢 [la1 ta5] /unkempt/

Change log entry 71010
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-27 21:44:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67195 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
in this reading has a different meaning.

tractable; manageable; easy to get along with



1 好辦,容易處理
2 容易交往
# 好處 好处 [hao3 chu3] /easy-going/manageable/
+ 好處 好处 [hao3 chu3] /easy to get along with/

Change log entry 71002
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-10-26 18:45:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67213 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
juan4 → juan3

Editor: thanks
- 煙捲 烟卷 [yan1 juan4] /cigarette/cigar/
+ 煙捲 烟卷 [yan1 juan3] /cigarette/cigar/

Change log entry 70958
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-21 06:37:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67179 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>


Editor: A firecracker is a kind of firework*, so a definition like "fireworks and firecrackers" sounds strange.

* Oxford Dictionary:
firecracker: A loud, explosive firework.

If a shop advertised that they sell "fruits and apples" it would similarly sound odd.
Why would they add "apples", since "fruits" includes apples?

The Baike definition indicates that 烟花爆竹 is just a general term covering all the various types of "fireworks":

Yet I see "fireworks and firecrackers" in at least one dictionary. So what gives? I think it could be one of two possibilities:
1) it's a very literal translation of 烟花爆竹, or
2) "firecrackers" was added to make the meaning clearer because "fireworks" is ambiguous* (since it refers to either the pyrotechnic devices or the display they produce)

* Merriam-Webster:
Definition of "firework"
1: a device for producing a striking display by the combustion of explosive or flammable compositions
- "setting off fireworks"
2: (fireworks plural) a display of fireworks
- "a celebration marked by fireworks"

Anyway, I prefer not to have a definition like "fireworks and firecrackers" that leaves the reader wondering exactly what it means.
# 煙花爆竹 烟花爆竹 [yan1 hua1 bao4 zhu2] /fireworks and firecrackers/
+ 煙花爆竹 烟花爆竹 [yan1 hua1 bao4 zhu2] /fireworks (i.e. pyrotechnic devices, not the display they produce)/

Change log entry 70861
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-30 22:47:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67068 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
E.g. reading 廿 as èrshí

动 日文借用汉字书写日语原有的词,用日语读汉字。训读只借汉字的形和义,不读汉字的音。

# 訓讀 训读 [xun4 du2] /gloss reading/vernacular reading/
+ 訓讀 训读 [xun4 du2] /a reading of a written Chinese word derived from a synonym (typically, a vernacular synonym) (e.g. in Mandarin, 投子[tou2 zi5] may be pronounced as its synonym 色子[shai3 zi5], and in Wu dialects, 二 is pronounced as its synonym 兩|两 "liahn")/to pronounce a word using such a reading/(Japanese linguistics) kun-reading, a pronunciation of a kanji derived from a native Japanese word that has a similar meaning rather than from the pronunciation of the character in a Sinitic language at the time it was imported from China (Note: A kun-reading of a character is distinguished from its on-reading(s) 音讀|音读[yin1 du2]. For example, 山 has a kun-reading "yama" and an on-reading "san".)/
- 音讀 音读 [yin1 du2] /reading or phonetic value of a character/
+ 音讀 音读 [yin1 du2] /reading or phonetic value of a character/(Japanese linguistics) on-reading, the pronunciation of a kanji derived from its pronunciation in a Sinitic language at the time it was imported from China (Note: An on-reading of a character is distinguished from its kun-reading(s) 訓讀|训读[xun4 du2]. For example, 山 has an on-reading "san" and a kun-reading "yama".)/

Change log entry 70835
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-24 22:19:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67057 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>

(3 520 000 results)

1) Your youdao link provides "no place" as a machine translation ("以上为机器翻译结果").
Machine translations are weak evidence. You need more than that.

2) The youdao example sentences do not provide evidence for the definitions you submitted.
In those sentences, 没处 is a verb phrase consisting of a verb 没 ("not exist; not have; lack") and an object 处 ("place").
It doesn't mean "nowhere" in any of the senses of that word.

It means "not have a place" or, equivalently, "have nowhere". It doesn't mean just "nowhere".
For example, 没处诉苦 (in the 1st youdao sentence) means "not have (没) a place (处) to air one's grievances (诉苦)".
We already have definitions for 没 and 处 that cover this sort of usage.

3.5 million results?
Well there are 4.7 million Google results for "have nowhere", but you won't find an entry in an English dictionary for that phrase.
And it looks like you likewise didn't find an entry for 没处 in any Chinese dictionary.
# 沒處 没处 [mei2 chu4] /nowhere/no place/

Change log entry 70793
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-19 23:25:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67020 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
1 470 000 000 results

Editor: thanks, nice one


What's so rare about that? Lots of people like to play ``Concentration". The rules of the game aren't too complicated. You can master it in minutes. But it's a good test of your reactions, and it's pretty challenging.

she was also a good host who loved to cook. Whenever she heard mention of a family’s special dish, she would find a way into their kitchen to learn to make it. With even the cuisine of northern Thailand’s minority peoples posing little challenge to her, the He family’s supper table became a cultural melting pot.
# 一學就會 一学就会 [yi1 xue2 jiu4 hui4] /learn something in a very short time/
+ 一學就會 一学就会 [yi1 xue2 jiu4 hui4] /to pick up (a skill) in a very short time/to take to sth like a duck to water/

Change log entry 70789
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-09-19 10:15:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67014 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
(traditional is intentional)

> 悲。見《集韻.平聲.陽韻》。



Editor: please refrain from submitting useless entries for characters that may have had an alternative meaning at some point centuries ago and are documented only in ancient dictionaries such as 集韻.
# 惊 惊 [jing1] /sorrowful/

Change log entry 70788
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-09-19 10:12:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67015 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
(traditional is intentional)

> 水名。見《玉篇.水部》。



Editor: that seems to be an extremely rare use of this character and it's not included in most of the dictionaries, so I see no reason why we should include it.
# 洁 洁 [ji2] /(name of a body of water)/

Change log entry 70745
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-16 03:27:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66974 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
苧 exists as both traditional and simplified.
As níng, it is the simplified form of 薴.
As zhù, it is the traditional form of 苎.

薴烯 from Wiktionary
薺薴 from Wikipedia
麻苧 from MOE

薴 has other senses in some dictionaries:

1) GR
PY níng (or néng)
1 Enchevêtré (plantes); inextricable (broussailles).
2 Ébouriffés (cheveux); en désordre; dépeigné.
3 Ds 薺苧 qí níng (Bot.) Mosla grosseserrata Maxim.Mosla chinensis Maxim.

GT translates:
1. Entangled (plants); inextricable (brush).
2. Tousled (hair); messy; unkempt.

2) HDC
1 散乱貌。
2 见“ 薺薴 ”。
3 有机化合物。液状, 具有柠檬香味。可用作香料或合成橡胶、纤维的原料。

3) Kroll (Classical & Medieval)
tangled, clumped; muddled, scrambled; in disarray.
# 薴 苧 [ning2] /limonene/
# 薴烯 苧烯 [ning2 xi1] /limonene/
# 薺薴 荠苧 [ji4 ning2] /mosla grosseserrata/
+ 麻苧 麻苎 [ma2 zhu4] /hemp and ramie/coarse cloth/
+ 薴 苧 [ning2] /(used as a bound form in 薴烯|苧烯[ning2 xi1], limonene)/tangled/in disarray/
+ 薴烯 苧烯 [ning2 xi1] /(chemistry) limonene/
+ 薺薴 荠苧 [ji4 ning2] /(botany) Mosla grosseserrata/Mosla chinensis/

Change log entry 70712
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-14 04:27:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66034 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
# 麻椒 麻椒 [ma2 jiao1] /an extra strong type of Sichuan pepper/
+ 麻椒 麻椒 [ma2 jiao1] /an extra strong type of Sichuan pepper, dark green when ripe but light brown after air drying/

Change log entry 70629
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-05 09:49:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66902 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>

Editor: We already have this word, but it's pronounced shi4you3.
# 室友 室友 [wu1 you3] /roommate/

Change log entry 70627
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-05 00:00:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66775 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
used as a verb, perhaps short for 更胜一筹

Editor: thanks

更勝一籌 and 更勝 are obviously related.
更勝 is "superior to" and tends to be followed by a noun.
更勝一籌 is more like "superior by a notch" and tends to come at the end of a sentence.

1) 更勝
Today, a little more than a month after the 21 September earthquake, we have once again seen the full moon hanging round and bright in the sky, more beautiful still than the Harvest Moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival a few days after the disaster.

Being a good judge of people's character and abilities, and creating a better working environment, were more important than a specialist background.

Tribute candy was first brought to Kinmen from Xiamen by master-candy-maker Chen Shih-ming in 1931. But while tribute candy has its origins in Fujian, most people agree that the candy of Kinmen is even better than that of Xiamen, in part because Kinmen's dry soil produces a smaller, rounder and more flavorful peanut.

Visiting several Washington area think tanks, you quickly discover that security is tight. Even if you have made an appointment ahead of time, you still have to go through a number of security barriers.

The majestic construction projects underground on Kinmen surpass by far those that are above ground.

While the medical sector is being crucified, social workers explain that when it comes to domestic violence, an ounce of prevention is truly worth more than a pound of cure.

With the addition of the temp worker, the always complex relationship between labor and capital, now a triangular one, has become even more complex than before.

building relationships is more important than making profit.

showing a lot more vitality than the average person can muster!

2) 更勝一籌

Over the last few years, many Taiwanese students who have studied abroad have commented that their mainland-Chinese counterparts speak better English than Taiwanese students do, and have a better command of English vocabulary.

「客家人吃苦 耐勞能力不輸山東人,手藝更巧,這些吃食在他們手上施展開來,往往更勝一籌,」
"The Hakka are no less industrious and willing to endure hardship than Shandong people, but they are even more skillful, so that in their hands these foods often turn out even better,"

Television responds to this need in people by joining in with the celebration of the supernatural, and suddenly our screens are filled with the self-appointed pundits of the ghost world.

believes that the teas of Fushou are superior to Mt. Ali teas.

Plasma TVs win out in terms of brightness, contrast and color saturation.
# + 更勝 更胜 [geng4 sheng4] /to be even better than/
+ 更勝 更胜 [geng4 sheng4] /to be even better than/to be superior to/
+ 更勝一籌 更胜一筹 [geng4 sheng4 yi1 chou2] /superior by a notch/a cut above/even better/

Change log entry 70499
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-31 06:56:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66808 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>

Editor: It's in Grand Ricci: "vent violent et pluie torrentielle".
But they don't mention a figurative sense.

MoE does:
1. 大風大雨。
2. 比喻處境險惡

But I didn't see much evidence of that figurative sense.
I just saw stuff like this:
- 南投狂風驟雨大樹連根拔起砸毀車.
- 狂風驟雨迫使石門水庫緊急洩洪,...
"The strong winds and heavy rains forced an emergency release of water from the Shihmen Reservoir, ..."

Feel free to submit again if you can show the fig. sense is used.
# 狂風驟雨 狂风骤雨 [kuang2 feng1 zhou4 yu3] /(lit.) violent storm and gusty rain/(fig.) dangerous situation/
+ 狂風驟雨 狂风骤雨 [kuang2 feng1 zhou4 yu3] /strong wind and heavy rain (idiom)/

Change log entry 69889
Processed by: richwarm (2020-06-28 11:53:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66090 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>

MOE, and GR "Quelle coincidence! quel hasard!"
+ 巧了 巧了 [qiao3 le5] /what a coincidence!/

Change log entry 69803
Processed by: richwarm (2020-06-17 11:03:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66092 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
# 或將 或将 [huo4 jiang1] /will perhaps / short for 或許將來|或许将来[huo4 xu3 jiang1 lai2]/
+ 或將 或将 [huo4 jiang1] /will perhaps/may (in the future)/

Change log entry 69760
Processed by: richwarm (2020-06-11 23:32:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66127 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
"lose" A.15 in New Cent
# 跟丟 跟丢 [gen1 diu1] /lose track of/
+ 跟丟 跟丢 [gen1 diu1] /to lose track of/

Change log entry 69697
Processed by: richwarm (2020-05-30 11:16:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66163 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
梁 → 樑 + variant
(from TOCFL 5/6)

1) First 2 lines of the submission:
To replace 橋梁 with 橋樑, you would need to establish that 橋樑 is the usual form.
But I get results like this with Google (verbatim setting):
"橋梁" - 16,200,000
"橋樑" - 8,530,000
"橋梁" site:.tw - 2,170,000
"橋樑" site:.tw - 1,760,000

2) The 3rd line of the submission:
We have an entry that says 樑 and 梁 are variants.
That implies that 橋樑 and 橋梁 are variants.
So we don't need to create an entry like the 3rd line of the submission.
(In other words, wherever possible, we document variants at the character level only.)
# - 橋梁 桥梁 [qiao2 liang2] /bridge (lit. and fig.)/
# + 橋樑 桥梁 [qiao2 liang2] /bridge (lit. and fig.)/
# + 橋梁 桥梁 [qiao2 liang2] /variant of 橋樑|桥梁[qiao2 liang2]/

Change log entry 69680
Processed by: richwarm (2020-05-27 08:17:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65946 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
# 東亞病夫 东亚病夫 [dong1 ya4 bing4 fu1] /(derog.) "the sick man of Asia" (used about China or Chinese, esp. during the Century of Humiliation)/
+ 東亞病夫 东亚病夫 [Dong1 ya4 bing4 fu1] /(derog.) the sick man of Asia (term used in the West in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to refer to China in its weakened state after the Opium Wars)/

Change log entry 69668
Processed by: monigeria (2020-05-24 16:40:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66134 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
yu3 not yu4


Ed: thanks.
- 雲雨 云雨 [yun2 yu4] /lit. cloud and rain/fig. sexual intercourse/
+ 雲雨 云雨 [yun2 yu3] /lit. cloud and rain/fig. sexual intercourse/

Change log entry 69667
Processed by: richwarm (2020-05-24 02:01:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66130 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>

fetal membrane puncturing forceps ==> 胎膜穿破钳



concrete piercing bomb 混凝土穿破炸弹

it would be incredibly difficult to penetrate the many layers of window dressing and force those who play fast and loose with the law to plead guilty.
# 穿破 穿破 [chuan1 po4] /to wear out (clothes)/
+ 穿破 穿破 [chuan1 po4] /to wear out (clothes)/to pierce (a membrane etc)/
+ 用壞 用坏 [yong4 huai4] /to wear out (tools)/

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