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Change log entry 82802
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-08 14:32:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76364 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>



- 法语歌曲《Les Champs-Élysées》(香榭丽舍大街)被空耳成“瞎贼力贼”、“小姐你坐(闽南语)”
- 《Indian Thriller》中的“Goli mar”则成了“干你妈的”。

Chinese Wiktionary
故意將聽到的話語(尤其是外語)解讀成其他發音相似但意思不同的話,常是為了詼諧目的,比如將日語愛あいしてる (ai shite ru)曲解成「阿姨洗鐵路」等。
+ 空耳 空耳 [[kong1er3]] /to intentionally reinterpret a spoken expression as if one had misheard it, for the sake of humor (often, it is a phrase in a foreign language twisted into a similar-sounding phrase in one's native language with a completely different meaning) (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 空耳 "soramimi")/

Change log entry 82737
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-04 18:55:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76323 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Wp says the Orion Nebula is a diffuse nebula:
獵戶座大星雲(M42,NGC 1976)是一個位於銀河系的瀰漫星雲

This site says it's a "亮星云".
猎户座大星云(Orion nebula),位于猎户座的一个亮星云。

So it looks like 亮星云 means "diffuse nebula".

And Baike corroborates:
- 亮星雲 亮星云 [liang4 xing1 yun2] /emission nebula/
+ 亮星雲 亮星云 [[liang4xing1yun2]] /diffuse nebula/

Change log entry 82736
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-04 18:55:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76322 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 礁湖星雲 礁湖星云 [Jiao1 hu2 xing1 yun2] /Lagoon Nebula M8/
+ 礁湖星雲 礁湖星云 [[Jiao1hu2 Xing1yun2]] /Lagoon Nebula, M8/
- 老鷹星雲 老鹰星云 [Lao3 ying1 xing1 yun2] /Eagle or Star Queen Nebula M16/
+ 老鷹星雲 老鹰星云 [[Lao3ying1 Xing1yun2]] /Eagle Nebula, aka Star Queen Nebula, M16/

Change log entry 82735
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-04 18:55:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76313 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 黑天半夜也不好行走,不如咱們這就回吧,待明日再進山尋找。
- 刚开始,他也没当回事,黑天半夜,村外狼嚎,村里狗叫,没什么稀奇。
- 黑天半夜站立在矿区,一定会毛骨悚然。
- “那怎么行?您一个大美女,黑天半夜钻胡同,万一遇到坏蛋......”
- 黑天半夜 黑天半夜 [hei1 tian1 ban4 ye4] /lit. the black sky of midnight/very late at night (idiom)/
+ 黑天半夜 黑天半夜 [[hei1tian1-ban4ye4]] /in the middle of the night/

Change log entry 82734
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-04 18:55:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76237 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Wp ~ 芳香療法(英語:Aromatherapy),簡稱芳療,

Aromatherapist Yang Han-yun attentively serves her some rose tea with a side of chitchat.

Grace chooses her first aromatherapy course.

Many of the people who undergo aromatherapy here come weighed down with stress or wounded hearts.

In the treatment room, the fragrances seduce, the music soothes,
+ 芳療 芳疗 [[fang1liao2]] /aromatherapy (abbr. for 芳香療法|芳香疗法[fang1xiang1 liao2fa3])/

Change log entry 82713
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-03 13:51:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76241 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>


+ 心傷 心伤 [[xin1shang1]] /broken-hearted/

Change log entry 82712
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-03 13:51:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76261 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 煥 焕 [huan4] /brilliant/lustrous/
+ 煥 焕 [[huan4]] /(bound form) shining; glowing; lustrous/
- 烉 烉 [huan4] /old variant of 煥|焕[huan4]/
+ 烉 烉 [[huan4]] /old variant of 煥|焕[huan4]/

Change log entry 82711
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-03 13:51:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76277 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 攙 搀 [chan1] /to take by the arm and assist/to mix/to blend/to dilute/to adulterate/
+ 攙 搀 [[chan1]] /to take by the arm and assist/to mix; to blend; to dilute; to adulterate/
- 摻 掺 [chan1] /variant of 攙|搀[chan1]/to mix/
+ 摻 掺 [[chan1]] /to mix (variant of 攙|搀[chan1])/

Change log entry 82710
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-03 13:51:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76304 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I think
- this is a construct, and not a common one either.
- "emergency risk" is probably not a good definition anyway.

"emergency risk" means "potential to be dangerous (at some time in the *future*)", whereas I think 紧急危害 means "to put (sb) in critical danger" in usage such as
- 緊急危害 紧急危害 [jin3 ji2 wei1 hai4] /emergency risk/

Change log entry 82709
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-03 13:51:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76305 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 嚴重危害 严重危害 [yan2 zhong4 wei1 hai4] /severe harm/critical danger/

Change log entry 82545
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-24 13:00:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76170 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
LA ~ 金鑰 jīnyào

(The corresponding mainland article is titled 密钥.)



+ 金鑰 金钥 [[jin1yao4]] /the key (to solving a problem etc)/(Tw) (cryptography) key/

Change log entry 82544
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-24 10:33:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76173 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 侍應生 侍应生 [shi4 ying4 sheng1] /waiter; waitress/
+ 侍應生 侍应生 [[shi4ying4sheng1]] /waiter; waitress/
- 修道士 修道士 [xiu1 dao4 shi4] /friar; frater/
+ 修道士 修道士 [[xiu1dao4shi4]] /friar; frater/
- 公因子 公因子 [gong1 yin1 zi3] /(math.) common factor/
+ 公因子 公因子 [[gong1yin1zi3]] /(math.) common factor/
- 出家人 出家人 [chu1 jia1 ren2] /monk; nun (Buddhist or Daoist)/
+ 出家人 出家人 [[chu1jia1ren2]] /monk; nun (Buddhist or Daoist)/
# - 古柯鹼 古柯碱 [gu3 ke1 jian3] /cocaine (loanword)/
# + 古柯鹼 古柯碱 [[gu3ke1jian3]] /(loanword) cocaine/
- 性賄賂 性贿赂 [xing4 hui4 lu4] /to sexually bribe/
+ 性賄賂 性贿赂 [[xing4hui4lu4]] /to sexually bribe/
- 想當然 想当然 [xiang3 dang1 ran2] /to take sth as given; to make assumptions/
+ 想當然 想当然 [[xiang3dang1ran2]] /to take sth as given; to make assumptions/
- 老油條 老油条 [lao3 you2 tiao2] /old fox; slick customer/
+ 老油條 老油条 [[lao3you2tiao2]] /old fox; slick customer/
- 聯歡會 联欢会 [lian2 huan1 hui4] /social gathering; party/
+ 聯歡會 联欢会 [[lian2huan1hui4]] /social gathering; party/
- 預處理 预处理 [yu4 chu3 li3] /to preprocess/
+ 預處理 预处理 [[yu4chu3li3]] /to preprocess/
- 一個個 一个个 [yi1 ge4 ge4] /each and every one/one by one; one after another/
+ 一個個 一个个 [[yi1ge4ge4]] /each and every one/one by one; one after another/
- 一回事 一回事 [yi1 hui2 shi4] /one and the same (thing)/one thing (as distinct from another)/
+ 一回事 一回事 [[yi1hui2shi4]] /one and the same (thing)/one thing (as distinct from another)/
- 登徒子 登徒子 [Deng1 tu2 Zi3] /Dengtu Zi, famous lecherous character/lecher; skirt-chaser/
+ 登徒子 登徒子 [[Deng1tu2zi3]] /Master Dengtu, a famous historical lecherous character/lecher; skirt-chaser/
- 高麗菜 高丽菜 [gao1 li2 cai4] /cabbage (CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4])/Taiwan pr. [gao1 li4 cai4]/
+ 高麗菜 高丽菜 [[gao1li2cai4]] /cabbage (CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4])/Taiwan pr. [gao1li4cai4]/

Change log entry 82542
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-24 10:32:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76174 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 不待說 不待说 [bu4 dai4 shuo1] /needless to say; it goes without saying/
+ 不待說 不待说 [[bu4dai4shuo1]] /needless to say; it goes without saying/
- 主計室 主计室 [zhu3 ji4 shi4] /auditing department; accounting department; comptroller office/
+ 主計室 主计室 [[zhu3ji4shi4]] /auditing department; accounting department; comptroller office/
- 俯瞰圖 俯瞰图 [fu3 kan4 tu2] /bird's-eye view/
+ 俯瞰圖 俯瞰图 [[fu3kan4tu2]] /bird's-eye view/
- 古柯鹼 古柯碱 [gu3 ke1 jian3] /cocaine (loanword)/
+ 古柯鹼 古柯碱 [[gu3ke1jian3]] /(loanword) cocaine/
- 家務活 家务活 [jia1 wu4 huo2] /household chore/
+ 家務活 家务活 [[jia1wu4huo2]] /household chore/
- 對應詞 对应词 [dui4 ying4 ci2] /(linguistics) an equivalent; a translation of a term into the target language/
+ 對應詞 对应词 [[dui4ying4ci2]] /(linguistics) an equivalent; a translation of a term into the target language/
- 德意志 德意志 [De2 yi4 zhi4] /Deutschland; Germany/
+ 德意志 德意志 [[De2yi4zhi4]] /Deutschland; Germany/
- 木偶劇 木偶剧 [mu4 ou3 ju4] /puppet show/
+ 木偶劇 木偶剧 [[mu4ou3ju4]] /puppet show/
- 淋巴結 淋巴结 [lin2 ba1 jie2] /lymph node; lymph gland/
+ 淋巴結 淋巴结 [[lin2ba1jie2]] /lymph node; lymph gland/
- 滴定管 滴定管 [di1 ding4 guan3] /burette/
+ 滴定管 滴定管 [[di1ding4guan3]] /burette/
- 獅子頭 狮子头 [shi1 zi5 tou2] /large meatball ("lion's head")/
+ 獅子頭 狮子头 [[shi1zi5tou2]] /large meatball ("lion's head")/
- 男低音 男低音 [nan2 di1 yin1] /(music) bass voice/
+ 男低音 男低音 [[nan2di1yin1]] /(music) bass voice/
- 石家莊 石家庄 [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1] /Shijiazhuang, prefecture-level city and capital of Hebei Province 河北省[He2 bei3 Sheng3] in north China/
+ 石家莊 石家庄 [[Shi2jia1zhuang1]] /Shijiazhuang, prefecture-level city and capital of Hebei Province 河北省[He2bei3 Sheng3] in north China/
- 葡萄樹 葡萄树 [pu2 tao5 shu4] /grapevine/
+ 葡萄樹 葡萄树 [[pu2tao5shu4]] /grapevine/
- 這疙瘩 这疙瘩 [zhei4 ga1 da5] /see 這嘎达|这嘎达[zhei4 ga1 da5]/
+ 這疙瘩 这疙瘩 [[zhei4ga1da5]] /see 這嘎达|这嘎达[zhei4ga1da5]/
- 這嘎达 这嘎达 [zhei4 ga1 da5] /(northeast dialect) here; this place/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82519
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-22 14:18:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76111 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
A few country+式 words i've run across on menus that are missing. Similar to 法式, 美式, 西式, 泰式 already in cedict
+ 港式 港式 [[Gang3shi4]] /Hong Kong style/
+ 韓式 韩式 [[Han2shi4]] /Korean-style/
+ 義式 义式 [[Yi4shi4]] /(Tw) Italian-style/
+ 意式 意式 [[Yi4shi4]] /Italian-style/
+ 德式 德式 [[De2shi4]] /German-style/
+ 英式 英式 [[Ying1shi4]] /British-style; English-style/
+ 葡式 葡式 [[Pu2shi4]] /Portuguese-style/
+ 越式 越式 [[Yue4shi4]] /Vietnamese-style/
+ 澳式 澳式 [[Ao4shi4]] /Australian-style/Macanese-style/
+ 台式 台式 [[Tai2shi4]] /Taiwanese-style/

Change log entry 82483
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-20 08:00:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76134 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 單于 单于 [[chan2yu2]] /chanyu (Han Dynasty name for chiefs of Xiongnu Huns 匈奴[Xiong1nu2])/
+ 單于 单于 [[chan2yu2]] /king of the Xiongnu 匈奴[Xiong1nu2]/

Change log entry 82480
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-19 08:00:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76126 - submitted by 'encn' >>
薮猫[注 1](学名:Leptailurus serval)是产于非洲的中型猫科动物,为薮猫属的唯一成员。薮猫体长约59-92厘米,尾长40厘米。平均寿命在12-20年。与其他猫科动物相比,它体型修长,腿长而尾短,耳朵又高又圆,距离很近。斑点有许多变种。
# 藪貓 薮猫 [[sou3mao1]] /serval/
+ 藪貓 薮猫 [[sou3mao1]] /serval (Leptailurus serval)/

Change log entry 82479
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-19 07:59:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76115 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 亞門 亚门 [ya4 men2] /(biology) subphylum (in zoological taxonomy); subdivision (in the taxonomy of plants or fungi)/
+ 亞門 亚门 [[ya4men2]] /(biology) subphylum (in zoological taxonomy); subdivision (in the taxonomy of plants or fungi)/
- 任所 任所 [ren4 suo3] /one's office; place where one holds a post/
+ 任所 任所 [[ren4suo3]] /one's office; place where one holds a post/
- 作陪 作陪 [zuo4 pei2] /to attend (a banquet etc) to keep a chief guest company/
+ 作陪 作陪 [[zuo4pei2]] /to attend (a banquet etc) to keep a chief guest company/
- 便於 便于 [bian4 yu2] /easy to; convenient for/
+ 便於 便于 [[bian4yu2]] /easy to; convenient for/
- 公寓 公寓 [gong1 yu4] /apartment building; block of flats (may be a public housing block or a condominium etc) (CL:套[tao4])/
+ 公寓 公寓 [[gong1yu4]] /apartment building; block of flats (may be a public housing block or a condominium etc) (CL:套[tao4])/
- 包飯 包饭 [bao1 fan4] /to get or supply meals for a monthly rate; to board; to provide board/
+ 包飯 包饭 [[bao1fan4]] /to get or supply meals for a monthly rate; to board; to provide board/
- 告語 告语 [gao4 yu3] /to inform; to tell/
+ 告語 告语 [[gao4yu3]] /to inform; to tell/
- 均等 均等 [jun1 deng3] /equal; impartial; fair/
+ 均等 均等 [[jun1deng3]] /equal; impartial; fair/
- 嫡出 嫡出 [di2 chu1] /born of the wife (i.e. not of a concubine)/
+ 嫡出 嫡出 [[di2chu1]] /born of the wife (i.e. not of a concubine)/
- 少許 少许 [shao3 xu3] /a little; a few/
+ 少許 少许 [[shao3xu3]] /a little; a few/
- 年年 年年 [nian2 nian2] /year after year; yearly; every year; annually/
+ 年年 年年 [[nian2nian2]] /year after year; yearly; every year; annually/
- 建設 建设 [jian4 she4] /to build; to construct; to establish; to develop; to institute/
+ 建設 建设 [[jian4she4]] /to build; to construct; to establish; to develop; to institute/
- 捐血 捐血 [juan1 xue4] /to donate blood/
+ 捐血 捐血 [[juan1xue4]] /to donate blood/
- 據說 据说 [ju4 shuo1] /it is said that; reportedly/
+ 據說 据说 [[ju4shuo1]] /it is said that; reportedly/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82478
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-19 07:59:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76116 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 刑事 刑事 [xing2 shi4] /criminal; penal/
+ 刑事 刑事 [[xing2shi4]] /criminal; penal/
- 反特 反特 [fan3 te4] /to thwart enemy espionage; to engage in counterespionage/
+ 反特 反特 [[fan3te4]] /to thwart enemy espionage; to engage in counterespionage/
- 幫扶 帮扶 [bang1 fu2] /to provide assistance to; to support/
+ 幫扶 帮扶 [[bang1fu2]] /to provide assistance to; to support/
- 廝守 厮守 [si1 shou3] /to stay together; to rely on one another/
+ 廝守 厮守 [[si1shou3]] /to stay together; to rely on one another/
- 患者 患者 [huan4 zhe3] /patient; sufferer/
+ 患者 患者 [[huan4zhe3]] /patient; sufferer/
- 應激 应激 [ying4 ji1] /stress (abbr. for 應激反應|应激反应[ying4 ji1 fan3 ying4])/
+ 應激 应激 [[ying4ji1]] /stress (abbr. for 應激反應|应激反应[ying4ji1 fan3ying4])/
- 換屆 换届 [huan4 jie4] /to change personnel upon expiry of a term of office/
+ 換屆 换届 [[huan4jie4]] /to change personnel upon expiry of a term of office/
- 摘引 摘引 [zhai1 yin3] /to quote; to cite/
+ 摘引 摘引 [[zhai1yin3]] /to quote; to cite/
- 擾民 扰民 [rao3 min2] /(of government policy, noise pollution, crime etc) to make people's lives difficult/
+ 擾民 扰民 [[rao3min2]] /(of government policy, noise pollution, crime etc) to make people's lives difficult/
- 母乳 母乳 [mu3 ru3] /breast milk/
+ 母乳 母乳 [[mu3ru3]] /breast milk/
- 河灘 河滩 [he2 tan1] /river bank; river shore; strand/
+ 河灘 河滩 [[he2tan1]] /river bank; river shore; strand/
- 犰狳 犰狳 [qiu2 yu2] /armadillo/
+ 犰狳 犰狳 [[qiu2yu2]] /armadillo/
- 相信 相信 [xiang1 xin4] /to believe; to be convinced; to accept as true/
+ 相信 相信 [[xiang1xin4]] /to believe; to be convinced; to accept as true/
- 種植 种植 [zhong4 zhi2] /to plant; to grow (a crop); to cultivate/
+ 種植 种植 [[zhong4zhi2]] /to plant; to grow (a crop); to cultivate/
- 純良 纯良 [chun2 liang2] /pure and kindhearted/
+ 純良 纯良 [[chun2liang2]] /pure and kindhearted/
- 縣城 县城 [xian4 cheng2] /county seat; county town/
+ 縣城 县城 [[xian4cheng2]] /county seat; county town/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82477
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-19 07:58:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76117 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 法網 法网 [fa3 wang3] /the net of justice/rigorous process of the law/the long arm of the law/
+ 法網 法网 [[fa3wang3]] /the net of justice; the long arm of the law/
- 法網 法网 [Fa3 wang3] /French Open (tennis tournament)/
+ 法網 法网 [[Fa3wang3]] /French Open (tennis tournament)/

Change log entry 82476
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-19 07:58:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76118 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 不吝 不吝 [bu4 lin4] /not to stint; to be generous (with praise etc); to be prepared to (pay a fee, give of one's time etc)/
+ 不吝 不吝 [[bu4lin4]] /not to stint; to be generous (with praise etc); to be prepared to (pay a fee, give of one's time etc)/
- 包涵 包涵 [bao1 han5] /to excuse; to forgive; to bear with; to be tolerant/
+ 包涵 包涵 [[bao1han5]] /to excuse; to forgive; to bear with; to be tolerant/
- 否則 否则 [fou3 ze2] /otherwise; if not; or (else)/
+ 否則 否则 [[fou3ze2]] /otherwise; if not; or (else)/
- 單于 单于 [chan2 yu2] /chanyu (Han Dynasty name for chiefs of Xiongnu Huns 匈奴[Xiong1 nu2])/
+ 單于 单于 [[chan2yu2]] /chanyu (Han Dynasty name for chiefs of Xiongnu Huns 匈奴[Xiong1nu2])/
- 威懾 威慑 [wei1 she4] /to deter/
+ 威懾 威慑 [[wei1she4]] /to deter/
- 彈片 弹片 [dan4 pian4] /shrapnel; shell fragment/
+ 彈片 弹片 [[dan4pian4]] /shrapnel; shell fragment/
- 恭謹 恭谨 [gong1 jin3] /(literary) respectful; deferential/
+ 恭謹 恭谨 [[gong1jin3]] /(literary) respectful; deferential/
- 情分 情分 [qing2 fen4] /mutual affection; friendship/
+ 情分 情分 [[qing2fen4]] /mutual affection; friendship/
- 惠書 惠书 [hui4 shu1] /(formal) your letter/
+ 惠書 惠书 [[hui4shu1]] /(formal) your letter/
- 拿權 拿权 [na2 quan2] /to hold power; to be in control/
+ 拿權 拿权 [[na2quan2]] /to hold power; to be in control/
- 改過 改过 [gai3 guo4] /to correct one's errors; to mend one's ways/
+ 改過 改过 [[gai3guo4]] /to correct one's errors; to mend one's ways/
- 暫時 暂时 [zan4 shi2] /temporary; provisional; for the time being/
+ 暫時 暂时 [[zan4shi2]] /temporary; provisional; for the time being/
- 殉葬 殉葬 [xun4 zang4] /(of servants etc) to be buried alive with the deceased; (of utensils etc) to be buried with the dead/
+ 殉葬 殉葬 [[xun4zang4]] /(of servants etc) to be buried alive with the deceased; (of utensils etc) to be buried with the dead/
- 每當 每当 [mei3 dang1] /whenever; every time/
+ 每當 每当 [[mei3dang1]] /whenever; every time/
- 比率 比率 [bi3 lu:4] /ratio; rate; proportion/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82475
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-19 07:58:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76119 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
(TP) 前不久,為了籌建「綠島垂淚碑」,柏楊再度重返當年的傷心地,身後「國防部綠島感訓監獄」鐵門深鎖,柏楊呢?真能像寫回憶錄時所說的「也無風雨也無晴」?

No so long ago Bo Yang returned to Green Island to plan the building of a memorial for political prisoners who, like him, had been imprisoned there. What was he thinking as he stood in front of the locked iron gates of the Ministry of Defense's Rectification Prison? Could he really recall the events of his past without emotion, as he claimed he could when dictating his memoirs?

(TP) 如今舊管理處大門深鎖,我們從牆邊一個小洞爬進去,彷彿走進時光隧道,回字型的建築都是用檜木打造,看得出當時建築的講究。人去樓空還不到三年,院裡野草叢生,門前幾棵老松樹幾乎遮去樓塔。

Today, the doors of the former Administration building are locked. We crawl in through a hole in the wall, and it is rather like stepping back through time. The structure, built around a central yard, is finely constructed out of Chinese juniper. The occupants left nearly three years ago and the courtyard is now overgrown, while pine trees at the front almost completely obscure the building's tower.

(TP) 順著地上的指標走進叢林中,一場古文明的探險就要開始。在綠葉掩映中雕刻著人物的石碑拔地而起;帶著繁複頭飾、盤腿而坐的巫師從石龕中探出頭來;而最讓人震驚的莫過於幾個由玄武岩雕成的巨人頭像,個個高約兩公尺,重達二十公噸。他們頭帶帽盔,大都是細眼、闊鼻、厚唇,眉頭深鎖。

Following the markers on the ground into the jungle, we embark on the adventure of exploring an ancient civilization. In the midst of the greenery, a stone monument carved with human figures rises out of the ground. A stone altar is decorated with the figure of a priest, sitting cross-legged and wearing an ornate headdress; his head stands out in sharp relief. But what is the most astonishing of all is surely the several colossal human heads carved out of granite, each of them around two meters high and weighing up to twenty tons. The heads are adorned with helmets and all have narrow eyes, broad noses, thick lips and deep, solemn brows.

(TP) 走進深鎖的大門後,一池睡蓮靜靜散放香氣,兩棵百年老樹穿過房子的屋簷蜿蜒向天,剎時將屋外的人車喧囂關在深深庭院之外。庭院內,黑瓦日式屋舍是楊三郎誕生的故居與創作的畫室,緊緊相依的新蓋磚色大樓則是收藏畫作的美術館。「楊三郎美術館是所有私人美術館裡,環境最幽美的一個,」對老畫家有專精研究的藝評家林惺嶽表示。

Walking through a gate, one is greeted by the scent of lotuses from a pool and two century-old trees that extend skyward over the eaves of the house. In an instant the noisy hustle and bustle of city life seems far away. At the back of the courtyard is a Japanese-style house with black roof tiles that was Yang San-lang's home and studio. The multi-storied brick building beside it is the Yang San-lang Fine Arts Museum. "Yang San-lang's Museum is the most beautiful of all private art museums," says Lin Hsin-yueh, an art critic and expert on old Taiwanese painters.

(TP) 話是沒錯,動起手來卻發現不是那麼一回事。在《別被千禧蟲咬死》這本書中,作者弗萊契用「換燈泡」來比喻抓千禧蟲:換一個燈泡誠然不難,然而,擺在眼前的是要將整個社區裡的每盞燈泡都換掉,包括十瓦、六十瓦、一百瓦的;省電燈泡、日光燈、鹵素燈、車頭燈、霓虹燈、手電筒燈、聖誕樹裝飾燈……。這些燈上天入地、位置不明,還有些深鎖空屋,外人不得其門而入,更有的早已燈座朽爛、停產多年……。尤其糟糕的是,所有的工作必須於兩星期內完成,一分鐘都延遲不得!

Easier said than done, unfortunately. In Computer Crisis 2000, Michael Fletcher uses the example of changing a light bulb to illustrate the nature of the problem. It is not difficult at all to change a single light bulb, but suppose you were given the task of changing all the light bulbs in your entire community? 10 watts, 60 watts, 100 watts; fluorescent tubes, halogen lamps, auto headlights, neon signs, flashlight bulbs, Christmas lights. . . . There are light bulbs everywhere. You don't even know where they all are. Some are in empty homes that you're not allowed into. Some are old-fashioned bulbs that went out of production years ago. And worst of all, you've only been given two weeks to complete your task, with absolutely no possibility of extending the deadline!

(TP) 面對市場開放的衝擊,梁鄉長眉頭深鎖地說,「希望政府能大力為台灣茶做行銷,並為茶葉市場規劃健全的通路,讓大家看到喝茶的好,體會到做茶葉的益處,這樣才會讓茶葉有市場賣,也讓年輕一代願意接手。」

Speaking of the assaults they face with the opening of the market, the township chief knits his brows tightly, "I hope the government can do something substantial to promote Taiwanese tea and draw up regulations for proper channels for marketing tea. Let everyone see how good it is to drink tea, and experience for themselves tea's benefits. This is the only way that tea will have a market; and then the younger generation will be willing to take over from us."

(TP) 所謂「天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福」,當人世間出現太多無法預知的變數時,我們除了眉頭深鎖、愁緒加重外,卻也不得不承認,災難應變已是生存的必修學分。

It is said, "Heaven decides the weather, and no one can know in advance what it will be, so that people may be stricken in the morning and fortunate by sunset." With so many unpredictable variables around us, rather than furrowing our brows and adding to our worries, we must face up to the fact that disaster response is now a "required course" for survival.

(TP) 從馳名中外的日月潭進入連接潭南村的產業道路,初冬間的山林被濃霧深鎖,地震後兩年,部分道路還在施工,塵煙漫起,沿山路而行十餘分鐘後就抵達村落,潭南國小就在社區中心的斜坡旁。

A thick layer of early winter fog envelops the mountain forests along the road that leads from world-famous Sun Moon Lake to Tannan village. Two years after the 9/21 earthquake, there are still damaged stretches that are under repair, causing clouds of dust to permeate the air. We reach Tannan Village after following the mountain road for a little more than ten minutes, and find Tannan Elementary adjacent to the slope that supports the community center.

(TP) 鑄劍、授徒外,陳天陽於一九八四年在沙鹿鎮成立「青雲劍藝民俗文物收藏館」,並對外開放,館中陳列他的作品和多年來收藏的各式古刀劍,如戰國時代的石刀,這塊在台灣發現的石刀保存得相當完好;而最吸引人的當屬有數百年歷史,曾取過多條人命的「劊子刀」,鐵鏽深鎖刀刃,黑褐鏽痕隱約可見斑斑血跡。

In addition to making swords and taking apprentices, Chen is also the proprietor of the Chin-Yun Sword Folk Cultural Gallery, which he opened in Shalu Township in 1984. On display at the museum are the sabers and swords that Chen has collected over the years, including a stone saber dating to the Warring States period. Unearthed in Taiwan, the saber is quite well preserved. But perhaps the biggest attraction is an executioner's sword, which features a rusty blade that hints at the many lives it must have taken in centuries past.

(TP) 「一個在股市裡打滾終日,眉頭深鎖的人,和一位清貧快樂的終身義工比起來,誰的成功比較成功,誰的快樂比較快樂呢?」黃崇說,社會不只應鼓勵年輕人多元的夢想類型,還要讓他們看到「成功人士」背後是如何付出努力,如何堅定信念,如何在發現「誤虛為實」後,能夠勇於改變。

"Between a person who spends all day hanging around securities firms trading on the stock market with a worried expression on their face and a lifelong volunteer who hasn't a penny but is happy, which of the two is more profoundly successful, and whose happiness is more pure?" asks Huang Chung. Society should not only encourage young people to have more diversified dreams, it should let them see behind truly successful people-and especially those who have devoted genuine effort to their dreams and stuck to their guns, or those who have had the courage to change their ways when they discovered that they had mistaken the illusory for the real.

(TP) 佔地六百多公頃的梅峰農場是台大山地實驗農場的本部,六年以前原本是大門深鎖的學術研究場所,這幾年因為舉辦「自然生態體驗營」,知名度漸開。

Meifeng's 600-plus hectares are at the center of National Taiwan University's experimental highland farming operation. While six years ago Meifeng was open only to academic researchers, the ecotourism camps it sponsors are now making its name known to the general public.

(TP) 去年下半年,文建會為媒體舉辦了一連串《歷史建築經典之旅》,希望重新喚起國人追本溯源,珍視古蹟的情懷。其中,唯一以人文文化價值設立的國家公園──金門,從人文薈萃到戰地深鎖,再到開放後的活力與徬徨,值得一探。

In the latter half of last year, the Council for Cultural Affairs put on a series of media tours on "Classics of Historical Architecture," hoping to rekindle a search for roots and an appreciation of historical architecture among the public. Among the sites visited was Kinmen-alone among ROC national parks to receive that designation on the basis of its cultural value. Kinmen, a place of great cultural resources, once a sealed-off battle zone, and now a place characterized by dynamic growth as well as uncertainty following its opening up, is certainly worth exploring.

(TP) 吳德芳表示,1980年代前後,留台人事業有成,同時大馬工商業逐漸發達,急於學習台灣等四小龍發展經驗,留台人開始有更多發揮的舞台;加上中國大陸長年鐵幕深鎖,對海外僑社更是一味疏離打壓,終於扭轉了馬華社會對留台人的評價,當時許多工程、工廠登報招募人才,都指名要留台人,同時期南洋大學因新加坡政治變遷被迫關閉,人才更紛紛流向台灣。

According to Ng Teck-fong, the businesses of Taiwan graduates started to take off around 1980, as did some Malaysian industries. The country was excited about following in the steps of Asia's four tigers-one of which was Taiwan. As a result, Taiwan graduates were given more opportunities to apply their talents. What's more, mainland China continued to shut itself off from the outside world and to alienate and oppress overseas Chinese groups. Consequently, Malaysia's Chinese community finally started to reevaluate its views on Taiwan graduates. A college degree from Taiwan became a requirement when recruiting people for many factories and projects. Meanwhile, political turmoil in Singapore forced Nanyang University to shut down, resulting in more people pursuing education in Taiwan.

(TP) 「希望你下次參觀故宮時,能找到一件真正觸動內心的作品。那就是最珍貴的作品。」電影銀幕打出這一段文字,如同片名《歷史典藏新生命》的意涵,故宮近年來一直在努力打開深鎖的大門,提供古物與現代人對話的機會,讓文物在觸動中復活。

"We hope that on your next visit to the National Palace Museum you can discover a work that really touches your soul. That is the most valuable artwork of all." As these words appear on the screen, one begins to realize why this particular video piece is entitled Behind the Palace, Beyond the Horizon. Indeed, in recent years the museum has been striving to open up doors that have long been locked, breathing new life into the artifacts by placing them in dialogue with modern folk.

(TP) 面對原住民保留地流失的現狀,夷將不免也眉頭深鎖,「過去30年來,政府並沒有善盡保護原住民保留地的責任;這流失的土地,如今很難要得回來了。」


(TP) 宋睿祥還記得,當時他坐在車子裡,四周充滿詭譎不安的氣氛;街道佈滿石塊和木棍,所有商店大門深鎖,甚至經過檢查哨時司機發現不對勁,踩足油門飛馳而去時,四周暴民丟來的石塊發出的巨響,在在令他膽戰心驚。

Soong still remembers how at one point he was in a car, surrounded by a perilous atmosphere. The streets were covered with sticks and stones, the doors of all the shops were locked up. His driver was so nervous when going through a checkpoint that he gunned the engine and sped away amid the clatter of rocks being hurled by a surrounding mob. All of this terrified Soong.

(TP) 深鎖在工廠重地的工業用機器人是人類最好的幫手,已默默工作四十多年。自1961年美國通用汽車使用第一台工業機器人以來,汽車業的焊接、噴漆工作早就被機器人逐步取代。

Locked deep inside factories, the industrial robots that have been quietly working for over 40 years are mankind's best helpers. Since 1961, when General Motors employed the first industrial robot, automobile welding and painting work has been steadily taken over by robots.

(TP) 從小就住在新店復興路軍法局(2004年改建為人權紀念園區,2007年落成)旁的陳界仁,對近在呎尺、深鎖在高牆內的人究竟在想著什麼?過著什麼樣的生活?與他有什麼關係?一直很好奇。

Chen grew up near the military court and prison on Fuhsing Road in Hsintien, which from 2004 was converted into a human rights memorial park that opened in 2007. He was always curious about what the prisoners behind the high walls were thinking, what their lives were like, and what relation they had to him.

(TPN) 台北、台東,山邊、海濱,他頭髮灰白、雙眉深鎖的壯碩身影,在舞台上總有一種孤獨感,坐定後先啜一口啤酒,手指擺回黑白鍵上,旋律才伴著低沉的嗓音流瀉而出:婆娑無邊的太平洋,懷抱著自由的土地。

From Tai­pei to Tai­tung, whether in the mountains or at the seaside, the furrow-browed, broad-shouldered Kimbo has always cut something of a solitary figure on the stage as he takes a seat and a sip of beer. Then, with his fingers running across the keys, a deep voice comes pouring out, boundless like the Pacific Ocean.

(TPN) 這處充滿歷史回憶的老宅,曾經荒蕪蕭索、門戶深鎖,與青田街廓成片的日式木造宿舍共同面臨拆除改建的壓力,經過熱心住民組成的「青田社區發展協會」奔走請命,重新挖掘此區豐富的人文底蘊及生態價值,終於在2007年由市政府劃定為完整的聚落風貌保存區,從而醞釀重啟風華。而這棟以亮軒父親、地質學家馬廷英命名的古蹟,去年6月率先由民間團體進駐營運。

This old domicile, where the very air is imbued with memories, was for a time abandoned to the destructive forces of nature, sealed behind locked gates. Like many other Japanese-style wooden houses on Qing­tian Street, it seemed destined to be torn down to make way for modern apartment blocks. But then the Qing­tian Community Development Association (QCDA), organized by concerned local residents, started lobbying everyone they could think of and began to unearth the rich cultural subsoil of this area and reveal its ecological value. Finally, in 2007, the Tai­pei City Government designated the area for preservation as a neighborhood with an essentially intact and coherent aesthetic appearance. A private enterprise, the Golden­seeds Education Organization (GEO), took over operation of this house and conducted and paid for renovation work. In June of 2011 the structure was reopened to the public.

(TPN) 只比菁寮天主堂晚1年落成的平安堂,風格大為不同。小了一半的面積,是一棟有著木造屋頂、最多能容納60人的教堂,屋子外有著三合院的庭埕與紅磚牆。當年落成後,除了傳道之外,更是發放白米物資救濟世人的重要地方。然而,十多年前,隨著農村人口外流、信徒減少,平安堂決定關閉,大門深鎖,人聲偃息。

The ­Ping’an structure, completed only one year after Jing­liao’s, is of a completely different style. It is only half as large by floor area (it can hold only 60 people at most), has a roof constructed out of wood, and outside the building itself it has a courtyard like a traditional Taiwanese three-sided compound, with the whole of the grounds surrounded by a red brick wall. After its completion it functioned not only as a place of worship, but also as an important distribution center for charitable relief. However, a decade or so ago, considering the decline in the rural population and in church attendance, it was decided to close the ­Ping’an facility. The main gate was locked and all signs of human activity faded into oblivion.
+ 深鎖 深锁 [[shen1suo3]] /locked up; closed off/(of one's brow) furrowed; frowning/

Change log entry 82474
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-19 07:58:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76120 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
The main gate was locked and all signs of human activity faded into oblivion.
+ 偃息 偃息 [[yan3xi1]] /(literary) to take a rest/(literary) to cease/

Change log entry 82464
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-18 08:32:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76110 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 上環 上环 [shang4 huan2] /(coll.) to be fitted with an IUD; (of a doctor) to insert an IUD/
+ 上環 上环 [[shang4huan2]] /(coll.) to be fitted with an IUD; (of a doctor) to insert an IUD/
- 勤儉 勤俭 [qin2 jian3] /hardworking and frugal/
+ 勤儉 勤俭 [[qin2jian3]] /hardworking and frugal/
- 吝嗇 吝啬 [lin4 se4] /stingy; mean; miserly/
+ 吝嗇 吝啬 [[lin4se4]] /stingy; mean; miserly/
- 呼嘯 呼啸 [hu1 xiao4] /to whistle; to scream; to whiz/
+ 呼嘯 呼啸 [[hu1xiao4]] /to whistle; to scream; to whiz/
- 啁哳 啁哳 [zhao1 zha1] /(literary) (onom.) combined twittering and chirping of many birds/
+ 啁哳 啁哳 [[zhao1zha1]] /(literary) (onom.) combined twittering and chirping of many birds/
- 堅壁 坚壁 [jian1 bi4] /to cache; to hide supplies (from the enemy)/
+ 堅壁 坚壁 [[jian1bi4]] /to cache; to hide supplies (from the enemy)/
- 外觀 外观 [wai4 guan1] /outward appearance/
+ 外觀 外观 [[wai4guan1]] /outward appearance/
- 多寡 多寡 [duo1 gua3] /number; amount/
+ 多寡 多寡 [[duo1gua3]] /number; amount/
- 大怒 大怒 [da4 nu4] /to become furious; to explode in anger/
+ 大怒 大怒 [[da4nu4]] /to become furious; to explode in anger/
- 守宮 守宫 [shou3 gong1] /gecko; house lizard/
+ 守宮 守宫 [[shou3gong1]] /gecko; house lizard/
- 寶寶 宝宝 [bao3 bao5] /darling; baby/
+ 寶寶 宝宝 [[bao3bao5]] /darling; baby/
- 尖牙 尖牙 [jian1 ya2] /canine tooth; fang; tusk/
+ 尖牙 尖牙 [[jian1ya2]] /canine tooth; fang; tusk/
- 崗位 岗位 [gang3 wei4] /a post; a job/
+ 崗位 岗位 [[gang3wei4]] /a post; a job/
- 性病 性病 [xing4 bing4] /sexually transmitted disease; venereal disease/
+ 性病 性病 [[xing4bing4]] /sexually transmitted disease; venereal disease/
- 擦澡 擦澡 [ca1 zao3] /to rub down with a wet towel; to give a sponge bath/
+ 擦澡 擦澡 [[ca1zao3]] /to rub down with a wet towel; to give a sponge bath/
- 比值 比值 [bi3 zhi2] /ratio/
+ 比值 比值 [[bi3zhi2]] /ratio/
- 瘟疫 瘟疫 [wen1 yi4] /plague; pestilence/
+ 瘟疫 瘟疫 [[wen1yi4]] /plague; pestilence/
- 籌辦 筹办 [chou2 ban4] /to arrange; to make preparations/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82458
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-16 07:52:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76093 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
v2 - some old entries

荼毒 ex.

- 於是,走過飽受戰火荼毒的柬埔寨、也有著族群問題的愛爾蘭,...

- 但是失衡的教育擴張政策、學校中男尊女卑的人事結構、充滿刻板印象與性別偏見的課程內容,仍然從小「荼毒」著孩子們。
- 克萊斯勒 克莱斯勒 [Ke4 lai2 si1 le4] /Chrysler/
+ 克萊斯勒 克莱斯勒 [[Ke4lai2si1le4]] /Chrysler (car manufacturer)/
- 克萊斯勒汽車公司 克莱斯勒汽车公司 [Ke4 lai2 si1 le4 Qi4 che1 Gong1 si1] /Chrysler/
- 再婚 再婚 [zai4 hun1] /to remarry/
+ 再婚 再婚 [[zai4hun1]] /to remarry/
- 四一二反革命政變 四一二反革命政变 [si4 yi1 er4 fan3 ge2 ming4 zheng4 bian4] /counterrevolutionary coup of 12th April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek's coup against the communists in Shanghai/
+ 四一二反革命政變 四一二反革命政变 [[si4yi1er4 fan3ge2ming4 zheng4bian4]] /counterrevolutionary coup of 12th April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek's coup against the communists in Shanghai/
- 大規模殺傷性武器 大规模杀伤性武器 [da4 gui1 mo2 sha1 shang1 xing4 wu3 qi4] /weapons of mass destruction/
+ 大規模殺傷性武器 大规模杀伤性武器 [[da4gui1mo2 sha1shang1xing4 wu3qi4]] /weapon of mass destruction/
- 置換群 置换群 [zhi4 huan4 qun2] /permutation group (math.)/
+ 置換群 置换群 [[zhi4huan4qun2]] /(math.) permutation group/
- 跨平台 跨平台 [kua4 ping2 tai2] /cross-platform/
+ 跨平台 跨平台 [[kua4ping2tai2]] /(computing) cross-platform/
- 筆者 笔者 [bi3 zhe3] /the author/the writer/
+ 筆者 笔者 [[bi3zhe3]] /the author; the writer (usu. refers to oneself)/
- 騫 骞 [qian1] /defective/raise/
+ 騫 骞 [[qian1]] /(literary) to hold high/
- 荼毒 荼毒 [tu2 du2] /torment/cruelty/great suffering/
+ 荼毒 荼毒 [[tu2du2]] /(literary) to cause great suffering/

Change log entry 82404
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-13 20:11:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76016 - submitted by 'encn' >>
not a Chinese idiom

A good dog deserves a good bone. 有劳得奖。
- 有勞得獎 有劳得奖 [you3 lao2 de2 jiang3] /a good dog deserves a bone (idiom)/

Change log entry 82403
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-13 20:10:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76027 - submitted by 'encn' >>
- 畫插圖者 画插图者 [hua4 cha1 tu2 zhe3] /illustrator/

Change log entry 82402
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-13 17:35:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76049 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
始发站首车时间:6:25 末车时间:18:50(夏季). 始发站首车时间:6:35 末车时间:17:00(冬季)
+ 末車 末车 [[mo4che1]] /the last bus (or train)/

Change log entry 82382
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-11 15:55:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76036 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"an express train sets off"? Oh dear!

To avoid bandits, all of them have learned to drive at high speeds.

In Panama they tell a joke about an Evergreen guy who gets pulled over for speeding but is sent on his way when the cop realizes who he is.

"I like to drive fast and since Kaohsiung's roads are big and wide, you can drive faster,"

Since most Taiwanese tend to bring their old habits with them when they migrate, many find themselves in trouble for speeding, or for watering plants during water restrictions;

Then, in 2000, bipolar disorder inserted itself into the 37-year-old Wu's life. She often found herself sobbing violently for no discernable reason or even wanting to crash her car into a bridge support.
- 開快車 开快车 [kai1 kuai4 che1] /an express train sets off/fig. to work in haste/to rush/
+ 開快車 开快车 [[kai1 kuai4che1]] /to drive at high speed/(fig.) rush through one's work/

Change log entry 82377
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-10 12:01:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76011 - submitted by 'encn' >>
should be 喷气推进
- 噴漆推進 喷漆推进 [pen1 qi1 tui1 jin4] /jet propulsion/

Change log entry 82376
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-10 11:59:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76015 - submitted by 'encn' >>
于/雾霭/之中 isn't a word
- 於霧靄之中 于雾霭之中 [yu2 wu4 ai3 zhi1 zhong1] /to be beclouded/

Change log entry 82375
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-10 11:58:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76002 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) v2

2) change simp of 菸蒂 to 烟蒂

3) 菸蒂 appears to be the more common trad variant
- 菸蒂 菸蒂 [yan1 di4] /variant of 煙蒂|烟蒂[yan1 di4]/cigarette butt/
+ 菸蒂 烟蒂 [[yan1di4]] /cigarette butt/
- 煙蒂 烟蒂 [yan1 di4] /cigarette butt/
+ 煙蒂 烟蒂 [[yan1di4]] /cigarette butt (variant of 菸蒂|烟蒂[yan1di4])/

Change log entry 82374
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-10 11:58:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76008 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) v2

2) change simp 抽菸 to 抽烟

3) LA and MOE specify 抽菸 rather than 抽煙.
Also, Google results show more 抽菸 than 抽煙.
(more than twice as many with "site:.tw")
(although it's the other way around in TP)

4) Possibly delete 抽煙 in future (since 菸 and 煙 are variants of each other for the tobacco sense).
- 抽菸 抽菸 [chou1 yan1] /variant of 抽煙|抽烟[chou1 yan1]/to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)/
+ 抽菸 抽烟 [[chou1yan1]] /to smoke (tobacco)/
- 抽煙 抽烟 [chou1 yan1] /to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)/
+ 抽煙 抽烟 [[chou1yan1]] /to smoke (tobacco) (variant of 抽菸|抽烟[chou1yan1])/

Change log entry 82373
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-10 11:57:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76024 - submitted by 'encn' >>
should be 气象人员
- 氣像人員 气像人员 [qi4 xiang4 ren2 yuan2] /meteorologist/

Change log entry 82353
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-09 16:15:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75992 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I don't think a 售票大厅 can be called a ticket *office*.
It's a much larger, more open space than a ticket office.
- 售票大廳 售票大厅 [shou4 piao4 da4 ting1] /ticket office/

Change log entry 82352
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-09 16:15:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75991 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 佔領 占领 [zhan4 ling3] /to capture; to seize; to occupy by force/
+ 佔領 占领 [[zhan4ling3]] /to capture; to seize; to occupy by force/
- 債務證券 债务证券 [zhai4 wu4 zheng4 quan4] /debt security; bond security/
+ 債務證券 债务证券 [[zhai4wu4 zheng4quan4]] /debt security; bond security/
- 女上位 女上位 [nu:3 shang4 wei4] /woman-on-top sex position/
+ 女上位 女上位 [[nu:3shang4wei4]] /woman-on-top sex position/
- 愛巢 爱巢 [ai4 chao2] /love nest/
+ 愛巢 爱巢 [[ai4chao2]] /love nest/
- 掌上壓 掌上压 [zhang3 shang4 ya1] /(HK, Malaysia) push-up; press-up (exercise)/
+ 掌上壓 掌上压 [[zhang3shang4ya1]] /(HK, Malaysia) push-up; press-up (exercise)/
- 故里 故里 [gu4 li3] /home town; native place/
+ 故里 故里 [[gu4li3]] /home town; native place/
- 新餘 新余 [Xin1 yu2] /Xinyu, prefecture-level city in Jiangxi/
+ 新餘 新余 [[Xin1yu2]] /Xinyu, prefecture-level city in Jiangxi/
- 朦骨 朦骨 [Meng2 gu3] /(archaic) Mongol/
+ 朦骨 朦骨 [[Meng2gu3]] /(archaic) Mongol/
- 未定 未定 [wei4 ding4] /undecided; indeterminate; still in doubt/
+ 未定 未定 [[wei4ding4]] /undecided; indeterminate; still in doubt/
- 毒液 毒液 [du2 ye4] /venom; poisonous fluid/
+ 毒液 毒液 [[du2ye4]] /venom; poisonous fluid/
- 直航 直航 [zhi2 hang2] /to fly or sail direct (to ...)/
+ 直航 直航 [[zhi2hang2]] /to fly or sail direct (to ...)/
- 管得著 管得着 [guan3 de5 zhao2] /to concern oneself with (a matter); to make (sth) one's business/
+ 管得著 管得着 [[guan3de5zhao2]] /to concern oneself with (a matter); to make (sth) one's business/
- 閻王爺 阎王爷 [Yan2 wang2 ye2] /(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell/
+ 閻王爺 阎王爷 [[Yan2wang2ye2]] /(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell/
- 鼎盛期 鼎盛期 [ding3 sheng4 qi1] /golden age; heyday; period of peak prosperity/
+ 鼎盛期 鼎盛期 [[ding3sheng4qi1]] /golden age; heyday; period of peak prosperity/
- 侯門似海 侯门似海 [hou2 men2 si4 hai3] /lit. the gate of a noble house is like the sea (idiom)/fig. there is a wide gap between the nobility and the common people/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 82346
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-09 07:24:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75990 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 花生 花生 [hua1 sheng1] /peanut/groundnut/CL:粒[li4]/
+ 花生 花生 [[hua1sheng1]] /peanut/CL:粒[li4]/
- 花生漿 花生浆 [hua1 sheng1 jiang4] /peanut butter/also written 花生醬|花生酱/
- 花生醬 花生酱 [hua1 sheng1 jiang4] /peanut butter/
+ 花生醬 花生酱 [[hua1sheng1jiang4]] /peanut butter/
- 花生米 花生米 [hua1 sheng1 mi3] /shelled peanuts/
+ 花生米 花生米 [[hua1sheng1mi3]] /shelled peanuts/
- 花生秀 花生秀 [hua1 sheng1 xiu4] /fashion show (loanword)/
+ 花生秀 花生秀 [[hua1sheng1xiu4]] /(loanword) fashion show/
- 落花生 落花生 [luo4 hua1 sheng1] /peanut/
+ 落花生 落花生 [[luo4hua1sheng1]] /peanut (the plant)/

Change log entry 82335
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-08 11:52:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75959 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>



LA @ 不乾膠

Wu Kuan-ying experimented for 40 years with building blocks, trying glue, nails, rubber bands, and other things in his quest to hold together a sphere built with blocks, but failed again and again.

In fact, as well as being recorded in herbal pharmacopoeias, Actinidia was, and still is, put to a plethora of uses by the common people. A pesticide can be made from the roots; the stem fibers are suitable for papermaking; the sticky sap inside the stems can be used as glue; the leaves serve as fodder for livestock; fragrant oils extracted from the flowers are used to flavor foods and mihoutao wine; and oil can be pressed from the seeds.
- 黏膠 黏胶 [nian2 jiao1] /viscose/
+ 黏膠 黏胶 [[nian2jiao1]] /glue; adhesive/viscose/

Change log entry 82334
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-08 11:52:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75960 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 再生纖維 ... (e.g. rayon)
- 半合成纖維 ...
- 合成纖維 ...(e.g. nylon)

LA (for example) also says
化學纖維 ... 包括合成纖維、半合成纖維、再生纖維、無機質纖維等。簡稱「化纖」。

So 化學纖維 is a larger category than synthetic fiber (合成纖維). It includes regenerated fibers such as rayon.

Man-made fibres are to be distinguished from natural fibres such as silk, cotton, and wool. [...] Rayon and acetate therefore belong to a group of man-made fibres known as regenerated fibres. Another group of man-made fibres (and by far the larger group) is the synthetic fibres. Synthetic fibres are made of polymers that do not occur naturally but instead are produced entirely in the chemical plant or laboratory, almost always from by-products of petroleum or natural gas.
- 化纖 化纤 [hua4 xian1] /synthetic fiber/
+ 化纖 化纤 [[hua4xian1]] /man-made fiber (abbr. for 化學纖維|化学纤维[hua4xue2 xian1wei2])/
- 化學纖維 化学纤维 [hua4 xue2 xian1 wei2] /synthetic fiber/chemical fiber/
+ 化學纖維 化学纤维 [[hua4xue2 xian1wei2]] /man-made fiber/

Change log entry 82333
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-08 11:52:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75961 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
As the hanzi suggest, it's man-made (人造), not synthetic (合成).

- 再生纖維 ... (e.g. rayon)
- 半合成纖維 ...
- 合成纖維 ...(e.g. nylon)

LA (for example) also says
化學纖維 ... 包括合成纖維、半合成纖維、再生纖維、無機質纖維等。簡稱「化纖」。

So 化學纖維 is a larger category than synthetic fiber (合成纖維). It includes regenerated fibers such as rayon.

Man-made fibres are to be distinguished from natural fibres such as silk, cotton, and wool. [...] Rayon and acetate therefore belong to a group of man-made fibres known as regenerated fibres. Another group of man-made fibres (and by far the larger group) is the synthetic fibres. Synthetic fibres are made of polymers that do not occur naturally but instead are produced entirely in the chemical plant or laboratory, almost always from by-products of petroleum or natural gas.
- 人造纖維 人造纤维 [ren2 zao4 xian1 wei2] /synthetic fiber/
+ 人造纖維 人造纤维 [[ren2zao4 xian1wei2]] /man-made fiber/

Change log entry 82332
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-08 11:52:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75963 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Spelling -- it's "materials" with an "s" on the end.

After completing his military service, Chen gained a government scholarship to research materials science at the University of Hannover in Germany. On gaining his doctorate in 1975 at age 29, he was offered a teaching position by his alma mater NCKU.

The biggest breakthrough in Chen's career came in the 1970s when his nephew Chen Ke-chang, today the director of Feng Chia University's Department of Materials Science and Engineering, told him about a new theory on how to improve steel.
- 材料學 材料学 [cai2 liao4 xue2] /material science/
+ 材料學 材料学 [[cai2liao4xue2]] /materials science/
- 材料科學 材料科学 [cai2 liao4 ke1 xue2] /materials science/
+ 材料科學 材料科学 [[cai2liao4 ke1xue2]] /materials science/

Change log entry 82331
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-08 11:52:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75967 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 三氯甲烷 三氯甲烷 [san1 lu:4 jia3 wan2] /chloroform (trichloromethane CHCl3)/
+ 三氯甲烷 三氯甲烷 [[san1lu:4jia3wan2]] /chloroform (trichloromethane CHCl3)/
- 儲氣罐 储气罐 [chu3 qi4 guan4] /gas tank (for gas, not gasoline)/
+ 儲氣罐 储气罐 [[chu3qi4guan4]] /gas tank (for gas, not gasoline)/
- 潰逃 溃逃 [kui4 tao2] /to flee in disorder/
+ 潰逃 溃逃 [[kui4tao2]] /to flee in disorder/
- 爛崽 烂崽 [lan4 zai3] /(dialect) hooligan; low-life/
+ 爛崽 烂崽 [[lan4zai3]] /(dialect) hooligan; low-life/
- 自便 自便 [zi4 bian4] /to do as one pleases; to not inconvenience oneself/
+ 自便 自便 [[zi4bian4]] /to do as one pleases; to not inconvenience oneself/
- 評價分類 评价分类 [ping2 jia4 fen1 lei4] /to assess and classify/
+ 評價分類 评价分类 [[ping2jia4-fen1lei4]] /to assess and classify/
- 長牙 长牙 [zhang3 ya2] /to grow teeth; to teethe/
+ 長牙 长牙 [[zhang3ya2]] /to grow teeth; to teethe/growing teeth/
- 傻氣 傻气 [sha3 qi4] /foolish/foolishness/
+ 傻氣 傻气 [[sha3qi4]] /foolish/foolishness/
- 電影 电影 [dian4 ying3] /movie; film/CL:部[bu4],片[pian4],幕[mu4],場|场[chang3]/
+ 電影 电影 [[dian4ying3]] /movie; film/CL:部[bu4],片[pian4],幕[mu4],場|场[chang3]/

Change log entry 82313
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-07 08:34:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75936 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

- 括線 括线 [kuo4 xian4] /small angle brackets 「 」/
+ 括線 括线 [[kuo4xian4]] /(math.) vinculum/

Change log entry 82312
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-07 08:34:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75935 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 大括號 大括号 [da4 kuo4 hao4] /braces/curly brackets { } (math.)/
+ 大括號 大括号 [[da4kuo4hao4]] /braces; curly brackets { }/
- 大括弧 大括弧 [da4 kuo4 hu2] /square brackets/
+ 大括弧 大括弧 [[da4kuo4hu2]] /braces; curly brackets { }/
- 小括號 小括号 [xiao3 kuo4 hao4] /brackets/parentheses ( ) (math.)/
+ 小括號 小括号 [[xiao3kuo4hao4]] /round brackets; parentheses ( )/
- 圓括號 圆括号 [yuan2 kuo4 hao4] /parentheses/round brackets ( )/
+ 圓括號 圆括号 [[yuan2kuo4hao4]] /parentheses; round brackets ( )/
- 中括號 中括号 [zhong1 kuo4 hao4] /square brackets [ ] (math.)/
+ 中括號 中括号 [[zhong1kuo4hao4]] /square brackets [ ]/

Change log entry 82311
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-07 08:34:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75942 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
+ 劍標 剑标 [[jian4biao1]] /(typography) dagger (†)/

Change log entry 82310
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-07 08:33:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75780 - submitted by 'encn' >>
硬举(英语:Deadlift),又称拉举、硬拉,是一种负重训练,主要用于锻炼下背部即竖脊肌、臀部肌肉和大腿肌肉,是世界力量举重锦标赛(WWC, World Weightlifting Championship)的项目之一,另外两项是深蹲和卧推[1]。Wikipedia
+ 硬拉 硬拉 [[ying4la1]] /deadlift/

Change log entry 82275
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-06 15:38:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75927 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 釣魚島 钓鱼岛 [Diao4 yu2 Dao3] /Diaoyu Islands, claimed by China but controlled by Japan as the Senkaku Islands, also called the Pinnacle Islands/
+ 釣魚島 钓鱼岛 [[Diao4yu2 Dao3]] /Diaoyu Islands, claimed by China but controlled by Japan as the Senkaku Islands, also called the Pinnacle Islands/
- 釣魚式攻擊 钓鱼式攻击 [diao4 yu2 shi4 gong1 ji1] /phishing attack (computing)/
+ 釣魚式攻擊 钓鱼式攻击 [[diao4yu2shi4 gong1ji1]] /(computing) phishing attack/
- 釣魚臺 钓鱼台 [Diao4 yu2 tai2] /Diaoyu Islands, located between Taiwan and Okinawa, controlled by Japan – which calls them the Senkaku Islands – but claimed by China as part of its territory/
+ 釣魚臺 钓鱼台 [[Diao4yu2tai2]] /Diaoyu Islands, located between Taiwan and Okinawa, controlled by Japan – which calls them the Senkaku Islands – but claimed by China/
- 釣魚者 钓鱼者 [diao4 yu2 zhe3] /angler/
+ 釣魚者 钓鱼者 [[diao4yu2zhe3]] /angler/
- 釣魚執法 钓鱼执法 [diao4 yu2 zhi2 fa3] /entrapment (law)/
+ 釣魚執法 钓鱼执法 [[diao4yu2zhi2fa3]] /(law) entrapment/

Change log entry 82274
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-06 15:38:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75928 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
例 「釣針盒」。
+ 釣針 钓针 [[diao4zhen1]] /fishhook/

Change log entry 82273
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-06 15:38:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75926 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 釣竿 钓竿 [diao4 gan1] /fishing rod/CL:根[gen1]/
+ 釣竿 钓竿 [[diao4gan1]] /fishing rod/CL:根[gen1]/
- 釣鉤 钓钩 [diao4 gou1] /fishhook/
+ 釣鉤 钓钩 [[diao4gou1]] /fishhook/
- 釣鉤兒 钓钩儿 [diao4 gou1 r5] /erhua variant of 釣鉤|钓钩[diao4 gou1]/
+ 釣鉤兒 钓钩儿 [[diao4gou1r5]] /erhua variant of 釣鉤|钓钩[diao4gou1]/
- 釣具 钓具 [diao4 ju4] /fishing tackle/
+ 釣具 钓具 [[diao4ju4]] /fishing tackle/
- 釣凱子 钓凯子 [diao4 kai3 zi5] /(slang) (of women) to hunt for rich, attractive guys/
+ 釣凱子 钓凯子 [[diao4 kai3zi5]] /(slang) (of women) to hunt for rich, attractive guys/
- 釣客 钓客 [diao4 ke4] /angler/phisher (Internet slang)/
+ 釣客 钓客 [[diao4ke4]] /angler/
# For the next one, the Tw sense is in M and LA
- 釣魚 钓鱼 [diao4 yu2] /to fish (with line and hook)/to dupe/
+ 釣魚 钓鱼 [[diao4yu2]] /to fish (with line and hook); to angle/(fig.) to entrap/(Tw) to repeatedly nod one's head while dozing/

Change log entry 82220
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-04 11:39:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75898 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>






# 冷厲 冷厉 [leng3li4] /stern; unsympathetic; icy/
+ 冷厲 冷厉 [[leng3li4]] /stern; unsympathetic; icy/

Change log entry 82206
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-03-03 11:34:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75840 - submitted by 'encn' >>



+ 吉利丁 吉利丁 [[ji2li4ding1]] /(loanword) gelatin/

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