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Change log entry 71436
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-04 23:57:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67474 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
source: https://pedia.cloud.edu.tw/Entry/Detail/?title=%E6%B9%B3

1. 用於地名。湳水,水名,在內蒙古自治區。
2. 姓。

Huang Hua-mei, who lives in Puli's Tanan neighborhood,

at an ROC Air Force base in Shuinan, Taichung County.

polluted the source for the Nanya Water Treatment Plant

The 30-hectare Tzuhu lake system is formed by a chain of three ponds, large and small. From upstream down they are Rear Tzuhu, Front Tzuhu and Niuchiaonanpi.


His Daniunan Cun series is likewise the most vivid and deep fictional portrait of the problems of rural villages in literary history.

We're headed for Shuinandong in Taipei County's Ruifang Township,
# 湳 湳 [nan3] /muddy land, bog/
+ 湳 湳 [nan3] /(used in place names)/
+ 湳 湳 [Nan3] /surname Nan/

Change log entry 68765
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-12-23 13:03:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65363 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>


Z: ——人名用字 [a person's name]

肃宗孝章皇帝讳 炟, 显宗第五子也。——《后汉书》
# 炟 炟 [da2] /used in transliterating foreign words/
+ 炟 炟 [da2] /(used in transliterating foreign words)/(used in names)/(old) to explode/to start a fire/

Change log entry 67533
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-16 08:49:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62821 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
「有點年齡感、滄桑感」 https://www.beauty321.com/post/18104

Editor: I don't think 滄桑 means world-weary in your example. 滄桑 means "vicissitudes" and 滄桑感 (as in your example) means "a sense of having been through the vicissitudes of life".

You can go through the ups and downs of life and come through it all with a positive outlook, or you can become world-weary (i.e. with a negative or jaded attitude), but the word 滄桑感 itself doesn't tell you anything about one's attitude to the world. It just tells you there is a sense of having been through a lot.

Here are a couple of examples. There is no connotation of world-weariness in them.

whose unique voice gives people a sense of depth of experience

He has a fondness for old buildings because “you can sense they have been through good times and bad, and they bear the marks and scars of time.”
- 滄桑 沧桑 [cang1 sang1] /great changes/abbr. of 滄海桑田|沧海桑田[cang1 hai3 sang1 tian2]/
# + 滄桑 沧桑 [cang1 sang1] /great changes/abbr. of 滄海桑田|沧海桑田[cang1 hai3 sang1 tian2]/world-weary/
# Editor:
+ 滄桑 沧桑 [cang1 sang1] /great changes/ups and downs/vicissitudes/abbr. of 滄海桑田|沧海桑田[cang1 hai3 sang1 tian2]/

Change log entry 65864
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-07 12:27:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62275 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
第一次許可證之有效成分之判斷:有效成分係指醫藥品配方中具有藥理作用的成分。 (Taiwan Intellectual Property Office presentation)

以臨床藥理的角度來看,合理用藥的安全性與有效性,要符合西方現今的標 準,都必須經過大型而正式的臨床試驗才能確立。
Modern clinical pharmacology-the basis of Western standards of drug approval-says that the safety and effectiveness of a given medicine can only be determined by expensive and extended clinical studies.

nor of degrees in professional fields like medicine and pharmacology.

Of course, it's common for it to be used attributively as well.
# 藥理 药理 [yao4 li3] /pharmacological/
+ 藥理 药理 [yao4 li3] /pharmacology/

Change log entry 65212
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-02-17 11:29:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61190 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
"当时乐视的现金流分两部分,经营性现金流和融资性现金流。" https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/CJHGL4KMEfJ4zDri9u8uLg

Editior: really transparent, but o...k... I'll give it a pass this time.
+ 現金流 现金流 [xian4 jin1 liu2] /cash flow/

Change log entry 65166
Processed by: richwarm (2018-02-09 10:06:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60653 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
“捉急”为安徽、山东、湖北、河南、江西、江苏、湖南、广西等地区的方言,发音是“zhuó jí”,即“着急、心急”的意思,现已在全国广泛流行,成了大家特别是时尚人群常用的流行语。 最典型的用法应当是“替你的智商感到捉急啊”。

Editor: Yves' wording.


捉急 【zhuó jí】的意思是:
# 捉急 捉急 [zhuo1 ji2] /to worry (dial.)/
# Editor:
+ 捉急 捉急 [zhuo1 ji2] /humorous pronunciation of 著急|着急[zhao2 ji2]/

Change log entry 65091
Processed by: richwarm (2018-01-30 10:05:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61435 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
"然而,目前Micro LED尚停留在研究開發的階段,主要的原因是仍有許多技術瓶頸待突破,例如巨量轉移的技術、磊晶的均勻度、電流驅動的控制,以及全彩化的製作等難以突破,讓這個被喻為LED產業救世祖的Micro LED一直處於難產的情況。" https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20171208/1255407/

Editor: "mass transfer" is ambiguous.
There are two different processes that have that name in English, but they have different names in Chinese.
# 巨量轉移 巨量转移 [ju4 liang4 zhuan3 yi2] /mass transfer/
# Editor:
+ 巨量 巨量 [ju4 liang4] /huge quantity/massive/
+ 巨量轉移 巨量转移 [ju4 liang4 zhuan3 yi2] /mass transfer (in LED panel manufacturing)/
- 傳質 传质 [chuan2 zhi4] /mass transfer/
+ 傳質 传质 [chuan2 zhi4] /(chemistry) mass transfer (as observed in processes like evaporation, distillation and membrane filtration)/
+ 質傳 质传 [zhi4 chuan2] /see 傳質|传质[chuan2 zhi4]/

Change log entry 65090
Processed by: richwarm (2018-01-30 09:19:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61548 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
1. 蔡總統會後做出五項裁示,除要求國安相關部會總體動員,強化各項因應作為的整備工作,也批評中方不負責任,呼籲北京應善盡區域責任,儘速與我恢復協商。
2. 精進國防整備,捍衛國人與國家民主自由;
(Also, see Japanese word: https://jisho.org/search/%E6%95%B4%E5%82%99 )

Editor: Grand Ricci ~ préparer

[The PRC] hopes to induce Washington to help limit Taipei's international space and military preparedness.

In their on-stage work recruiting players and behind-the-scenes work at intelligence gathering, the Chinese Taipei team is thoroughly prepared. Now they are just waiting for the trumpet to sound.

Networked Readiness Index for 104 countries

[governmental information technology] "readiness" and "application"

A virus such as Ebola doesn’t respect national borders, so Taiwan, as a member of the global village, is actively preparing its medical and public health systems.

從穆斯林環境整備到用心投其所好,台灣已全方位準備好了,看好深具成長濳力的清真商機,台灣Ready to GO!
Taiwan has already made comprehensive preparations for doing business with Muslim countries, from creating a welcoming environment to adapting to different tastes. It is optimistic and ready to go!
# + 整備 整备 [zheng3 bei4] /to establish/to improve/
# Editor:
+ 整備 整备 [zheng3 bei4] /preparedness/to bring sth to a state of readiness/

Change log entry 64811
Processed by: richwarm (2017-12-08 00:03:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61195 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
# 情定 情定 [qing2 ding4] /to fall in love/
+ 情定 情定 [qing2 ding4] /to exchange vows with (sb)/to exchange vows at (a time or place)/

Change log entry 64735
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-28 21:03:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61192 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>

Editor: not only of a bank, took me some time to check

"As the banks were squeezed, they called in loans and forced bankruptcy on their clients"
# 抽貸 抽贷 [chou1 dai4] /to collect early on business loan repayment/
+ 抽貸 抽贷 [chou1 dai4] /to call in a loan/

Change log entry 64727
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-27 15:38:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60944 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>


# 均等論 均等论 [jun1 deng3 lun4] /doctrine of equivalents/
+ 均等論 均等论 [jun1 deng3 lun4] /doctrine of equivalents (patent law)/

Change log entry 64671
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-24 14:22:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61189 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
"充分给下面的人放权" https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/CJHGL4KMEfJ4zDri9u8uLg

Editor: J examples and GT both suggest 'decentralize'
# 放權 放权 [fang4 quan2] /to delegate/
+ 放權 放权 [fang4 quan2] /to delegate power/to decentralize/

Change log entry 64623
Processed by: richwarm (2017-11-17 23:03:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61191 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>

# 熔斷 熔断 [rong2 duan4] /circuit breaker/
# Editor:
+ 熔斷絲 熔断丝 [rong2 duan4 si1] /fuse/
+ 熔斷 熔断 [rong2 duan4] /(of fuse wire) to melt/to blow/
+ 熔斷機制 熔断机制 [rong2 duan4 ji1 zhi4] /(finance) trading curb/circuit breaker/

Change log entry 64580
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-11-08 15:44:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61203 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>

Editor: I don't see any evidence that it's a variant.
# 檊 檊 [gan4] /Chinese mulberry/sandalwood/variant of 杆/
+ 檊 檊 [gan4] /Chinese mulberry/sandalwood/

Change log entry 64573
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-11-07 05:57:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61188 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
"因为乐视做的很多事情都是前人没做过的,我在2004年成立乐视网时,还没有网络视频这个概念,Netflix当时还在卖碟呢,2007年才开始做流媒体。到后来,我们开始做乐视影业,这在世界上都是没有先例的。" https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/CJHGL4KMEfJ4zDri9u8uLg
# 流媒體 流媒体 [liu2 mei2 ti3] /streaming media services/
+ 流媒體 流媒体 [liu2 mei2 ti3] /streaming media/

Change log entry 64491
Processed by: vermillon (2017-10-11 07:27:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60749 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>


editor: taking Matic's suggestion
# 排骨精 排骨精 [pai2 gu3 jing1] /a bag of bones (jokey way to refer to skinny women)/
+ 排骨精 排骨精 [pai2 gu3 jing1] /(jocularly) anorexic girl/a bag of bones/

Change log entry 64451
Processed by: richwarm (2017-09-29 01:43:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61012 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
毁三观为网络常见用词,常用来泛指那些颠覆大多数人一般看法的人、事或物。三观在这里不仅仅指世界观、人生观和价值观,也可以是物质守恒、能量守恒等多数促成人们对传统事物既定认识的理论。 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%AF%81%E4%B8%89%E8%A7%82

1) Chinese pop singer Wang Rong Rollin, from China, recently released an official pop music videotitled 'Chick Chick' but the bizarre clip has left everyone feeling confused.

2) A: 蛋糕送到以后,我打开盖一看,差点气哭了。瞧,这是照片。
When the cake was delivered, and I opened the case, I almost burst into tears. Here is the photo.
B: 这么难看的蛋糕,毁三观啊。
How terrible it looks! That’s totally disappointing.

3) 「這部電影的劇情匪夷所思,觀眾看後,紛紛表示毀三觀!」

4) 哪些知识最毁三观?
[...] #7. Scientists found 2,368 different species of bacteria living in belly buttons after swabbing the navels of just 60 people.

5) "It is a humorous way of telling someone that you are shocked. And yes, it is indeed Chinese internet slang."
# 毀三觀 毁三观 [hui3 san1 guan1] /disturbing to one's ethics and values/
+ 毀三觀 毁三观 [hui3 san1 guan1] /(Internet slang) to make one think "wtf!"/

Change log entry 64402
Processed by: ycandau (2017-09-18 15:42:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60972 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 64401 >>
<< review queue entry 60649 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
【解读】此处的“腻歪”指两人(一般指情侣)之间的亲密之举,不含贬义。」 http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%85%BB%E6%AD%AA
Saw this usage in the 上癮 novel.


/lovey-dovey/ is wiktionary, very structured entry probably copied from somewhere; pretty good
- 膩歪 腻歪 [ni4 wai5] /(of a couple) to be sweet to each other/lovey-dovey/膩味|腻味[ni4 wei5]/
+ 膩歪 腻歪 [ni4 wai5] /(of a couple) to be sweet to each other/lovey-dovey/variant of 膩味|腻味[ni4 wei5]/

Change log entry 64401
Processed by: ycandau (2017-09-18 15:41:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60649 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
【解读】此处的“腻歪”指两人(一般指情侣)之间的亲密之举,不含贬义。」 http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%85%BB%E6%AD%AA
Saw this usage in the 上癮 novel.


/lovey-dovey/ is wiktionary, very structured entry probably copied from somewhere; pretty good
- 膩歪 腻歪 [ni4 wai5] /see 膩味|腻味[ni4 wei5]/
# + 膩歪 腻歪 [ni4 wai5] /to be intimate with someone/see 膩味|腻味[ni4 wei5]/
+ 膩歪 腻歪 [ni4 wai5] /(of a couple) to be sweet to each other/lovey-dovey/膩味|腻味[ni4 wei5]/

Change log entry 64386
Processed by: richwarm (2017-09-16 00:07:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60885 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>

Editor: 阙 is a miswrite for 阕.
(Hat tip to Yves)
# - 闕 阙 [que4] /Imperial city watchtower (old)/fault/deficiency/
# + 闕 阙 [que4] /Imperial city watchtower (old)/fault/deficiency/half of a poem/

Change log entry 64370
Processed by: richwarm (2017-09-15 06:20:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60862 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>

Editor: 水軍 isn't an activity ("leaving reviews for money"); it's the *people* who do that activity.
See our entry ~ 網絡水軍 /"Internet Navy"/paid Internet posters/astroturfers/
# - 水軍 水军 [shui3 jun1] /navy (archaic)/
# + 水軍 水军 [shui3 jun1] /navy (archaic)/leaving reviews for money (slang)/

Change log entry 64357
Processed by: richwarm (2017-09-14 04:48:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60945 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
"亞洲外匯存底 20年增五倍" https://money.udn.com/money/story/5599/2687143

Editor: It appears that 外汇储备 is the equivalent term outside Taiwan.
# 外匯存底 外汇存底 [wai4 hui4 cun2 di3] /foreign exchange reserves/
+ 外匯存底 外汇存底 [wai4 hui4 cun2 di3] /foreign exchange reserves (Tw)/

Change log entry 64347
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-09-13 08:38:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60946 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
- 京族 京族 [Jing1 zu2] /Vietnamese ethnic group in south China/
+ 京族 京族 [Jing1 zu2] /Vietnamese ethnic group in Vietnam and south China/the Kinh people/

Change log entry 64345
Processed by: richwarm (2017-09-13 06:34:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60669 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
以太幣受矚目,主要是背後的以太坊(Ethereum)技術潛力無窮,能創造出國際共享的「全球電腦」(world computer),有望打造出更好的網路世界。 https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/44959/what-is-ethereum-and-how-ico-become-the-reason-that-ether-exceeds-bitcoin
# 以太坊 以太坊 [yi3 tai4 fang2] /Ethereum/
+ 以太坊 以太坊 [Yi3 tai4 fang2] /Ethereum/

Change log entry 64268
Processed by: ycandau (2017-09-09 11:19:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60774 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
Short for 旅行平安保險

Epoch Times

sounds like a Tw thing to me; but I don't know how the situation stands in PRC
# 旅平 旅平 [lu:3 ping2] /travel insurance/
+ 旅平險 旅平险 [lu:3 ping2 xian3] /travel insurance covering medical expenses/abbr. for 旅遊平安險|旅遊平安险/
# editor adding:
+ 不便險 不便险 [bu4 bian4 xian3] /travel insurance covering flight delay, baggage loss etc/abbr. for 旅遊不便險|旅遊不便险/

Change log entry 64227
Processed by: richwarm (2017-08-30 23:55:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60823 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>


Correction ~
When I wrote
(Hence the 货币供应量 on the end of 货币供应量.)
I meant
(Hence the 量 on the end of 货币供应量.)
# 貨幣供給 货币供给 [huo4 bi4 gong1 ji3] /money supply/

Change log entry 64226
Processed by: richwarm (2017-08-30 23:52:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60823 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>

Editor: I'm not sure about some of what I write below (not least because I don't know much about economics), but we do have an entry for a Chinese term that corresponds to "money supply", namely 货币供应量. That is the term that the Wikipedia article on the subject uses.

Definitions of "money supply" say that it is a *quantity*. (Hence the 货币供应量 on the end of 货币供应量.) For example, Merriam-Webster says it's "the total amount of money available in an economy for spending". But the following article defines 货币供给 as a behavior (行为), not a quantity:

And the definition in the link provided by you, Conor, similarly defines 貨幣供給 as a process (過程) rather than a quantity:

Possibly, 货币供给 is used *loosely* to refer to the quantity known as "money supply", perhaps as an abbreviation of 货币供给量, but even then, would it really require its own entry, given that we have cc-cedict entries that say 货币 means "money" and 供给 means "supply (as in supply and demand)"?

(As an aside, most dictionaries don't list "supply (as in supply and demand)" as a meaning of 供给, but Grand Ricci has "(Écon.) Offre." as one of its glosses for 供给, and "offre" apparently does mean precisely "supply (as in supply and demand)".)

I'm open to more informed views, but so far I'm not convinced that we need an entry for 货币供给.
# 貨幣供給 货币供给 [huo4 bi4 gong1 ji3] /money supply/

Change log entry 64152
Processed by: richwarm (2017-08-09 22:20:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60748 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
形容女子的身材曲線完美。 http://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cbdic/gsweb.cgi?o=dcbdic&searchid=Z00000147352

Editor: As Matic pointed out, it doesn't just describe women.
e.g. 如手指在台北盆地上一字排開,地型「凹凸有致」、...
I thought of "curvaceous". You can say, for example, "the curvaceous topography of the Santa Monica Mountains and Hollywood Hills"

and I see someone else thought of "curvaceous" before me:
# 凹凸有致 凹凸有致 [ao1 tu1 you3 zhi4] /(for a woman) curvy in the right proportions/
+ 凹凸有致 凹凸有致 [ao1 tu1 you3 zhi4] /curvaceous/

Change log entry 64078
Processed by: richwarm (2017-07-18 04:39:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60707 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
請問員工無故曠職三日我可以資遣他嗎? https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060913000014KK02645

Vietnam's labor law also prevents companies from firing workers unless they fail to show up for work for seven days, or harm the company in some manner.
# 曠職 旷职 [kuang4 zhi2] /to skip work/to neglect one's duties/
+ 曠職 旷职 [kuang4 zhi2] /to fail to show up for work/

Change log entry 64033
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-07-12 18:27:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60673 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
+ 受體拮抗劑 受体拮抗剂 [shou4 ti3 jie2 kang4 ji4] /receptor antagonist/

Change log entry 64031
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-07-11 09:09:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60672 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/car/xnro2q.html 而到了現在,則再次發散為「在某方面很擅長或者對於某些事物很熟悉且能夠給予新人指導」的人(據百度百科)。

Editor: I think 老司机 is a common colloquial word, so I'd rather use a (coll.) tag than slang, as the latter is usually unique to a particular profession or subject; jargon, "specialized language of a social group, sometimes used to make what is said unintelligible to those not members of the group; cant." (Wiktionary)
# 老司機 老司机 [lao3 si1 ji1] /(slang) a master in any field/
+ 老司機 老司机 [lao3 si1 ji1] /(coll.) an old hand at sth/

Change log entry 64021
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-07-04 09:39:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60652 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
"隔日芒種是春季最後一天,大觀園的女孩兒們祭餞花神,熱鬧非凡,黛玉則選擇孤獨一人到日前與寶玉共同葬花的花冢前,一邊葬花,一邊哭泣,一邊吟唱出這首自況又「如讖成真」的葬花詞。" https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%91%AC%E8%8A%B1%E8%A9%9E

Editor: quoting another editor: "Titles of poems, movies, books and so on — that's a big area that we haven't been attempting to get into, and I don't think we should. We don't have the resources to be encyclopedic."
# 葬花吟 葬花吟 [zang4 hua1 yin2] /the poem composed by Lin Daiyu after burying the flowers in Dreams of Red Chamber/

Change log entry 64016
Processed by: richwarm (2017-07-03 10:34:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60624 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
擔綱主辦的就是深圳的指標性企業騰訊 http://www.naipo.com/Portals/1/web_tw/Knowledge_Center/Industry_Economy/IPNC_170628_0702.htm

Editor: "play the leading role" seems better to me.
For example, in the following example, the women are not just in important roles -- they are in charge.
female entrepreneurs run more than 420,000 (about 36%) of Taiwan's small and medium businesses,

Similarly, it seems that, in the naipo.com quote above, 騰訊 is *in charge of* organizing the event rather than just playing an important role in organizing.
# 擔綱 担纲 [dan1 gang1] /to play an important role in/
+ 擔綱 担纲 [dan1 gang1] /to play the leading role/

Change log entry 63995
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-07-02 10:23:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60625 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
粤港澳、或称省港澳、穗港澳,指省城(广州)、香港、澳门三地,是中国发展极为急速、财富最为集中的地区之一。民间一直有“广州城”、“香港地”、“澳门街”的讲法。也有人将“省”解读为广东。 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B2%B5%E6%B8%AF%E6%BE%B3
# 省港澳 省港澳 [sheng3 Gang3 Ao4] /shorthand for the economic region of Guangdong Province (or Guangzhou), Hong Kong and Macao/
+ 省港澳 省港澳 [sheng3 Gang3 Ao4] /abbr. for the economic region of Guangdong Province (or Guangzhou), Hong Kong and Macao/

Change log entry 63984
Processed by: richwarm (2017-07-01 11:09:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60592 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
國家任用官吏時所給予的憑證。 http://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cbdic/gsweb.cgi?o=dcbdic&searchid=Z00000136189
# 任命狀 任命状 [ren4 ming4 zhuang4] /official letter of appointment (to government office)/
+ 任命狀 任命状 [ren4 ming4 zhuang4] /certificate of appointment (to government office)/

Change log entry 63929
Processed by: richwarm (2017-06-28 06:32:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60601 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
(borrowing from Japanese) 臺灣西螺大橋健走巡禮 健康向前走 http://www.nownews.com/n/2017/06/25/2579368
# 巡禮 巡礼 [xun2 li3] /pilgrimage/
+ 巡禮 巡礼 [xun2 li3] /to make a pilgrimage (to visit a holy site)/to go on a sightseeing tour/

Change log entry 63907
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-06-27 08:04:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60590 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
# 文在寅 文在寅 [Wen2 zai4 yin2] /Moon Jae-in (1953-), Korean politician and human rights lawyer, President of Korea from 2017/
+ 文在寅 文在寅 [Wen2 Zai4 yin2] /Moon Jae-in (1953-), Korean politician and human rights lawyer, President of Korea from 2017/

Change log entry 63906
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-06-27 08:02:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60591 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
- 朴槿惠 朴槿惠 [Piao2 Jin3 hui4] /Park Geun-hye (1952-), Korean politician, daughter of former dictator Park Chung-Hee 朴正熙[Piao2 Zheng4 xi1], President of Korea from 2013/
# + 朴槿惠 朴槿惠 [Piao2 Jin3 hui4] /Park Geun-hye (1952-), Korean politician, daughter of former dictator Park Chung-Hee 朴正熙[Piao2 Zheng4 xi1], President of Korea from 2013 until impeachment in 2017/
+ 朴槿惠 朴槿惠 [Piao2 Jin3 hui4] /Park Geun-hye (1952-), Korean politician, daughter of former dictator Park Chung-Hee 朴正熙[Piao2 Zheng4 xi1], President of Korea 2013-2017/

Change log entry 63904
Processed by: richwarm (2017-06-27 06:35:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60589 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
近日,伦敦陷入“多事之春”,大选和脱欧在即,恐袭事件又接连发生。 http://collection.sina.com.cn/hwdt/2017-06-08/doc-ifyfzfyz2300784.shtml

Editor: The quote marks around 多事之春 make me suspicious.
I think this is not so much a variant as a pun, a playful riff.
多事之春 seems to be used to mean "troubled time" when the time happens to be spring.
As in this webpage: http://www.jianshu.com/p/91050538ba8b
and this one: http://www.ysyyw.com/xueqian/1/17.html

It's similar to the wordplay of "the summer of our discontent" on this page:
(substituting a different season into Shakespeare's "the winter of our discontent")
# 多事之春 多事之春 [duo1 shi4 zhi1 chun1] /variant form of 多事之秋/

Change log entry 63903
Processed by: richwarm (2017-06-27 04:07:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60584 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
「今年有120位人氣實況主,獲直播平台Twitch邀請參加台北電玩展,這群人之中,誰的人氣最高呢?」 https://udn.com/news/story/7087/2237768
+ 實況主 实况主 [shi2 kuang4 zhu3] /live vlogger/live-streamer/

Change log entry 63901
Processed by: richwarm (2017-06-27 03:05:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60588 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
持股大洗牌 達人互別苗頭 http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20170618000155-260210


Editor: Another good one. Thanks.

More G hits for {互別苗頭 site:.tw} than for {互别苗头 site:.cn}, and the .cn webpages that have it tend to mention Taiwan.
It appears only in Tw-based dicts (M, LA, GR).

Examples ~
At that time local troupes were competing for audiences with troupes from Taiwan

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union also developed a global navigation satellite system called GLONASS to compete with GPS.

At the same time, different types of Chinese-medium schools-following the Hong Kong, Chinese, or Taiwanese systems-competed with one another,

There is a strong flavor of competition to its relationship with China

deliberately took a position in opposition to the intellectualized, dispassionate styles of Minimalism and Installation Art
# + 互別苗頭 互别苗头 [hu4 bie2 miao2 tou5] /for two parties to struggle to prove themselves stronger than the other/
+ 互別苗頭 互别苗头 [hu4 bie2 miao2 tou5] /to compete with (idiom) (Tw)/to pit oneself against/

Change log entry 63873
Processed by: richwarm (2017-06-24 01:09:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60480 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
鷹式飛彈 連2枚失準亂炸

Editor: In the article, there was a planned trajectory (預定軌道), but no target as far as I could tell.
And in general, there's no target when somebody or something is said to "shīzhǔn".
It's more a case of falling short of the standard that is expected.

In sport, 表現失準 means "performance is substandard" (i.e. one is off one's game)
e.g. (soccer example) 但下半季表現失準,時常因精神不集中而犯下低水準的錯誤使球迷逅病。 [sic, 應該是:詬病]

Other contexts:
- 製作漆器常會發生胎體破損、構圖失準,或者金粉灑錯、
- 突然間覺得在他這樣真誠的道歉之下,反而我的行為有些失准。
- 這套標準在西方社會很靈驗,在台灣卻嚴重失準。
- 梅花”远离台湾北部突遭大雨民众怨预报失准.
# 失準 失准 [shi1 zhun3] /to miss a target/to be off-target/
+ 失準 失准 [shi1 zhun3] /not up to scratch/subpar/

Change log entry 63180
Processed by: richwarm (2017-02-22 23:36:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59714 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
專利核駁理由先行通知書 advance notice of patent rejection

Editor: It seems to be used almost exclusively in the context of patent applications. Anyway, it's not "reject" as in "he rejected their invitation" or "he rejected the religion of his forebears".

It's an antonym of 核准, which has wider usage.

申請美國專利過程中,經常會收到審查委員之審查意見(Office action, OA),一般而言,快的話大約一年內會有美國專利局的審查意見書,意見內容大部分有兩類:核駁通知(Rejection)或核准通知(Allowance),若是核准通知,表示恭喜你的發明創作已經拿到美國專利局發給之專利權,受到法律保護;反之,若是收到核駁通知,則必須提出申復答辯,反駁審查委員之意見,進而說服審查委員應准予專利權。
# 核駁 核驳 [he2 bo2] /to reject/
+ 核駁 核驳 [he2 bo2] /to reject (a patent application etc)/

Change log entry 63138
Processed by: richwarm (2017-02-13 22:55:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59698 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>

Editor: We have this one covered as a variant of 老生常談 (just added), since 譚 is a variant of 談.
The relevant entry is
譚 谭 [tan2] /variant of 談|谈[tan2]/
譚 谭 [Tan2] /surname Tan/.
# 老生常譚 老生常谭 [lao3 sheng1 chang2 Tan2] /commonly heard/

Change log entry 63137
Processed by: richwarm (2017-02-13 22:52:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59699 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>

Editor: I had a look at jukuu and the following TP examples:
- 那麼營養免疫學這觀念又是怎麼產生的?雖然它聽起來像老生常談,
- 「藝術生活化,生活藝術化」這老生常談的理念,在今日具體發生,「生活空間」成為現代人與美感遭逢的主要場域。
- 知識需要累積建立架構,聽來是個老生常談,
# 老生常談 老生常谈 [lao3 sheng1 chang2 tan2] /commonly heard/
+ 老生常談 老生常谈 [lao3 sheng1 chang2 tan2] /an old observation/a truism/banal comments/

Change log entry 63134
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-02-13 07:55:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59695 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>

Editor: thanks, we've just added this word.
# 簽賭 签赌 [qian1 du3] /to gamble/

Change log entry 63132
Processed by: richwarm (2017-02-13 07:17:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59696 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>

+ 打假球 打假球 [da3 jia3 qiu2] /game-fixing/to fix games/

Change log entry 62947
Processed by: richwarm (2017-01-29 04:23:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59494 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>

再說,「打天下」和「治天下」畢竟不同,Moreover, winning power is one thing, but exercising power is another,

少年總是愛飛出去城市打天下,但是有一天他們會累,會想回家 Young people always love to fly around trying to conquer the universe. But one day they will be tired, and want to return home.

今年近五十歲的他,其實已經到美國打天下十多年。 He is nearing fifty, and has already accumulated over a decade of business experience in the United States.

Leon Import S.A., which is run by Mr. and Mrs. Javier Chiang, who went to Colon in 1976 to make their fortune, has become the largest auto parts trading firm in the Free Trade Zone.

Looking to the future of global competition in the high-tech sector, things are clearly going to be tougher than in the past, when you could "take on the world with a suitcase of goods." Elbow grease and globetrotting business trips are no longer any guarantee of success.

想到台北打天下,and envisions a successful life for himself in Taipei,

Taiwanese parties hoping to set up schools in mainland China may follow the lead of many business firms and start looking beyond Shanghai, to places like Xi'an, Chongqing, and Wuhan.

[in an agricultural society, the land binds the generations together]
> But today children rely on their own efforts to make a living. They have higher incomes and higher social standing, and they lead busier lives with more emphasis placed on material gain.

[subsidies for innovative RRD etc.] make this a completely different experience to that of setting up its factory in Yenchao nine years ago

"Taiwan's filmmakers feel contented to serve the Taiwan market rather than aim at the entire Asian audience."

Right now, the e-book market is filled with contenders vying for turf,

While Taiwan's army of small and medium-sized growers have been helping it gain market share,

That makes working with the mainland an exhausting process. But as tough as it is, we have to do it. In any case, what business doesn't take a lot of work to get going?
# 打天下 打天下 [da3 tian1 xia4] /to seize power/ to open up a new market in business/
+ 打天下 打天下 [da3 tian1 xia4] /to seize power/to conquer the world/to establish and expand a business/to carve out a career for oneself/

Change log entry 62915
Processed by: richwarm (2017-01-23 21:28:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59465 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>

Taiwan pronunciation: http://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cbdic/gsweb.cgi?o=dcbdic&searchid=W00000000367
Thanks, Conor. (& Yves)
Your reference suggests as a definition:
- 使利於
- 使方便
- 使順利進行
We think "to facilitate" is close to the mark.

The same reference also comments
通常用這個詞都會有前因後果: xxxx俾利xxxxx
Indeed, that is how it's typically used. E.g.
So we're adding "thus making easier".

As for the Taiwan pronunciation, that's taken care of by the following, recently-updated entry:
俾 [bi3] /to cause/to enable/phonetic bi/Taiwan pr. [bi4]/
# 俾利 俾利 [bi3 li4] /to benefit (Tw pronunciation. bi4li4)/
+ 俾利 俾利 [bi3 li4] /to facilitate/thus making easier/

Change log entry 62819
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-27 11:01:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59156 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
形容顧及者少,遺漏者多。宋.文天祥〈與游提刑汶〉:「相望二千里外,明月此心,墾墾側釐,掛一漏萬。」也作「挂一漏百」、「挂一漏萬」。 http://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cbdic/gsweb.cgi?o=dcbdic&searchid=Z00000071928

The sheer quantity of fine food in the area makes compiling an exhaustive list a daunting challenge.
# 掛一漏萬 挂一漏万 [gua4 yi1 lou4 wan4] /to be more miss than hit; to leave out more than you include/
+ 掛一漏萬 挂一漏万 [gua4 yi1 lou4 wan4] /to mention some but omit many others (idiom)/to leave out much more than one includes/

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