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Change log entry 73999
Processed by: richwarm (2022-01-26 22:26:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69694 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
I'm replying to this comment: https://cc-cedict.org/editor/editor.php?log_id=73704&return=ListChanges&handler=ViewLogEntry

Sorry for using the wrong part of speech as 'gatecrash' last time.

For this entry. I think 不速之客 has almost the same meaning of gatecrasher. 1) It means the guest is uninvited/unexpected. 2) The guest potentially would disrupt or ruin the event (not always).

1. 「生突入,笑呼曰:『有不速之客一人来。』群惊奔匿。」 -- 《聊斋志异.卷一.青凤》
2. 我本来打算今天把工作做完,没想到来了二位不速之客,我的计划就泡汤了。
3. 这样出乎意外的不速之客,却受着了真正是由衷而出的恳切的欢迎。 -- 郭沫若《海涛集·跨着东海》

1) That's like arguing that "dog" should be added to the definition of 动物, since "the animal potentially would be a canine (not always)".
All dogs are 动物, but not all 动物 are dogs.
A gatecrasher is a type of 不速之客 (one whose means of entry and/or behavior after entry are illicit).
All gatecrashers are 不速之客, but not all 不速之客 are gatecrashers.

2) I don't think it would be appropriate to describe any of the 不速之客's in your three examples as gatecrashers.
# - 不速之客 不速之客 [bu4 su4 zhi1 ke4] /uninvited or unexpected guest/
# + 不速之客 不速之客 [bu4 su4 zhi1 ke4] /gatecrasher/uninvited or unexpected guest/

Change log entry 73704
Processed by: richwarm (2021-11-02 21:40:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69313 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
Provide an equivalent.

1) "gatecrash" is a verb, whereas 不速之客 is not.

2) In typical usage, a "gatecrasher" disrupts or ruins an event*. I don't think that's true of a 不速之客**.

* Examples for "gatecrasher":
- ‘The move follows controversy last year when the rally was on the verge of being cancelled because of troubles from gatecrashers in 2001.’
- ‘The inaugural meeting of the Forum, held in Geneva in 1996, was unfortunately disrupted by gatecrashers.’
- ‘A teenager was left heartbroken after gatecrashers at her 18th birthday party made off with all her cards and gifts.’

** Examples for 不速之客:
The citizens of Sandiao Village made their livelihood from the sea. But because the northeast tip of Taiwan has a large number of natural harbors, they were destined to encounter a good many "uninvited guests," wild and full of adventurous spirits.

An oriental cuckoo's egg in the nest of a strong-footed bush warbler (Cettia fortipes). It closely resembles the eggs of the host. Does the bush warbler's call "You-go back, go back, go back, no-go back" express the anguish caused by this uninvited guest?

We just happened to arrive at the time of one of the center's twice weekly karaoke sessions; seven or eight grandmothers and grandfathers were in the recreation room following along with the words on the TV screen. Some were holding microphones, singing and dancing, while others were clapping in time to the rhythm. All were enjoying themselves. Not only did they not feel the least bit embarrassed by the arrival of unexpected visitors, they enthusiastically welcomed us, inviting us to join them.

When these exploding masses suddenly intruded upon the otherwise orderly and predictable pattern of the skies, early Chinese astronomers called them "guest stars."
# - 不速之客 不速之客 [bu4 su4 zhi1 ke4] /uninvited or unexpected guest/
# + 不速之客 不速之客 [bu4 su4 zhi1 ke4] /gatecrash/uninvited or unexpected guest/

Change log entry 67453
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-04 22:17:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64032 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>

Editor: Generally speaking, we just give the singular form and not the plural.
For example, we define 小鼠 as /mouse/, not /mice/mouse/.
# - 失業者 失业者 [shi1 ye4 zhe3] /an unemployed person/
# + 失業者 失业者 [shi1 ye4 zhe3] /the unemployed/an unemployed person/

Change log entry 67451
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-04 11:55:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64035 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
变质 is a quite general word when using with food. 腐败 (to perish) is interchangeable with 'to go bad' here.

Editor: I don't think it's helpful to add "perish". For one thing, it usually means "die". Also, it has limited usage. In my experience, people usually say food has "gone off" rather than "perished". Merriam-Webster says that in that sense, it's "chiefly British" usage. We aim primarily for US English spelling and usage.

"If it starts smelling like it's gone bad, or if it seems a bit damp or moldy, throw it away immediately."

I think "metamorphosis" is wrong. That would be 變態.
經歷高溫高壓的鍛造、變質,... a combination of high temperature and pressure turned it into metamorphic rock
- 變質 变质 [bian4 zhi4] /to degenerate/to go bad/to deteriorate/metamorphosis/
# + 變質 变质 [bian4 zhi4] /to degenerate/to go bad/to deteriorate/metamorphosis/to perish/
# Editor:
+ 變質 变质 [bian4 zhi4] /to degenerate/to deteriorate/(of food) to go bad/to go off/(geology) metamorphism/

Change log entry 67450
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-04 11:28:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64034 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
The turnover of people in an organization or place is the rate at which people leave and are replaced. 人员流动率 [商业] via Collins

PS: How to deal with the variants of turnover, like 员工流失率,离职率?



流動率維持在3%,their turnover in personnel has remained consistently at 3%,




Frontline reporters deal with tremendous pressure and turnover is high.

員工流動率低於兩成,employee turnover is less than 20%,




土質稀鬆易流失,It has loose soil that erodes easily,
觀眾可能要流失 audiences may well drift away
母語尚未流失,their mother tongue has not been lost,
最近亞洲人的存款有流失現象,recently Asians' deposits at the bank have been declining,

the attraction of Catholicism has been diluted, causing many believers to drift away.

In this way we have indeed lost many followers.

Taiwan has seen a drain of high-school players after they graduate in recent years.
# 人員流動率 人员流动率 [ren2 yuan2 liu2 dong4 lu:4] /turnover/
# Editor:
+ 流動率 流动率 [liu2 dong4 lu:4] /turnover (of staff)/
- 流失 流失 [liu2 shi1] /drainage/to run off/to wash away/
+ 流失 流失 [liu2 shi1] /(of soil etc) to wash away/to be eroded/(fig.) (of talented staff, followers of a religious faith, investment funds etc) to go elsewhere/to fail to be retained/

Change log entry 67447
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-04 07:45:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64037 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
The reek of cattle dung 牛粪的臭味

Editor: I don't think "fumes" is much good here.
I certainly wouldn't put it at the start of the definition.
Not very keen on "reek" either.
- 臭味 臭味 [chou4 wei4] /stink/fumes/
# + 臭味 臭味 [chou4 wei4] /fumes/stink/reek/
# Editor:
+ 臭味 臭味 [chou4 wei4] /bad smell/foul odor/

Change log entry 67445
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-03 23:44:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64033 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>

Editor: Doesn't seem necessary.
You'd need to make a case that the current definition of 腐败 is inadequate.
# - 腐敗 腐败 [fu3 bai4] /corruption/to corrupt/to rot/rotten/
# + 腐敗 腐败 [fu3 bai4] /corruption/to corrupt/to perish/to rot/rotten/

Change log entry 67444
Processed by: richwarm (2019-06-03 22:39:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64036 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
The entire house reeked for a long time. 整座房子长时间一直有股难闻的味道。 via Collins

Editor: You are submitting for an entry for the Chinese term 發臭, but your quote (from Collins) doesn't actually include the word.

I looked at various examples of 发臭 usage and I feel that "smelly" or "smell bad" would be a more suitable definition than "reek" in most cases.
E.g. ... 品質不佳很容易發臭,...
which was translated as "[Cowhide glue is an animal product,] and can smell bad if it is of poor quality."

One problem with "reek" is that it typically occurs in the form "to reek of ..."
- "reek of alcohol"
- "reek of horse manure"
And 发臭 doesn't seem to be typically used in a corresponding Chinese construction.

Another issue is that "reek" is often used in cases that perhaps wouldn't be described as 发臭.
- ‘The men wore shiny suits and chunky pinky rings and reeked of pomade and cologne.’
- ‘The nurse's office smelled - or rather, reeked - strongly of iodine and disinfectant.’
- ‘I dragged my suitcase through the spotless, empty street, which reeked of bleach.’
# 發臭 发臭 [fa1 chou4] /reek/
+ 發臭 发臭 [fa1 chou4] /smelly/to smell bad/

Change log entry 67236
Processed by: richwarm (2019-03-24 03:28:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63392 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>

In reply to your comment "Anything wrong with this entry?":

Well, 易腐败 is not a word that appears in other Chinese-English dictionaries, presumably because it's easy enough to figure out what 易腐败 means if you know what 腐败 means (to perish; to rot), and how 易 is used as a prefix that corresponds to the English adjective suffix "-able".

We already have some examples of this sort of word:
易取得 accessible
易激惹 irritable

I guess I don't mind adding one more, so I will process your submission, and expand the entry for 易.

Sorry for taking a while to getting around to your submission. It's been sitting on the queue.
+ 易腐敗 易腐败 [yi4 fu3 bai4] /perishable/
# Editor:
- 易 易 [yi4] /easy/amiable/to change/to exchange/
+ 易 易 [yi4] /easy/amiable/to change/to exchange/prefix corresponding to the English adjective suffix "-able" or "-ible"/

Change log entry 66893
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-12-26 19:07:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63395 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 66833 >>
<< review queue entry 63394 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>


The definition seems pretty dodgy.
It's based on a webpage that proclaims its own dodginess. The first sentence says "This article has multiple issues" and then links to a talk page, which says
1) This article seems to be combining two different concepts - the Chinese "keyboard man" (somebody who is hypocritical in calling for justice online, but failing to take action offline) and the American "keyboard warrior" (somebody who likes arguing online).
2) this article is dealing with two separate topics - the Chinese "keyboard man" and the western "keyboard warrior", mixing the two and covering both badly.

Does the term "keyboard man" have an accepted meaning such that we can use it in a cc-cedict definition without explanation?
Also, why "man"? Are 键盘侠 all men?

"keyboard warrior" too may need discussion.
Here is one description of "keyboard warrior"
whereas 键盘侠 seems to be someone who fights for social justice via the keyboard (though it does have derogatory connotations, like "keyboard warrior".)
- 鍵盤俠 键盘侠 [jian4 pan2 xia2] /keyboard man/keyboard warrior/
+ 鍵盤俠 键盘侠 [jian4 pan2 xia2] /keyboard warrior/

Change log entry 66865
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-12-19 10:13:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63398 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
The Chinese definition is not a valid word but a piece of sentence; the English definition should map to 消耗/消费.
- 消耗掉 消耗掉 [xiao1 hao4 diao4] /consumption/

Change log entry 66856
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-12-18 11:28:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63431 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>

Editor: construct
# 儀式感 仪式感 [yi2 shi4 gan3] /sense of ceremony/

Change log entry 66833
Processed by: monigeria (2018-12-06 09:17:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63394 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
+ 鍵盤俠 键盘侠 [jian4 pan2 xia2] /keyboard man/keyboard warrior/

Change log entry 66831
Processed by: kerrick (2018-12-06 04:08:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63391 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
+ 易變質 易变质 [yi4 bian4 zhi4] /perishable/

Change log entry 66827
Processed by: richwarm (2018-12-05 02:50:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63386 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
- 年輪 年轮 [nian2 lun2] /growth ring/
+ 年輪 年轮 [nian2 lun2] /annual ring/growth ring/

Change log entry 66819
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-12-04 07:02:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63380 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
'Clock in/out' is British English. For American English, we can use punch.
- 打卡 打卡 [da3 ka3] /to clock in or out (of a job etc)/
+ 打卡 打卡 [da3 ka3] /(of an employee) to clock/punch in (or out)/

Change log entry 66815
Processed by: richwarm (2018-12-04 02:46:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63379 - submitted by 'anluoridge' >>
Subatomic without hyphen is more common. According to COCA, sub-atomic appears 16 times, while subatomic appears 437 times.

ref: https://corpus.byu.edu/coca/
- 亞原子 亚原子 [ya4 yuan2 zi3] /sub-atomic/
+ 亞原子 亚原子 [ya4 yuan2 zi3] /subatomic/
# Editor: deleting some other hyphens
- 彈幕 弹幕 [dan4 mu4] /barrage (military)/"bullet screen", function which allows viewers to post on-screen comments in videos, movies etc in real time/danmaku (video game sub-genre)/
+ 彈幕 弹幕 [dan4 mu4] /barrage (military)/"bullet screen", function which allows viewers to post on-screen comments in videos, movies etc in real time/danmaku (video game subgenre)/
- 分社 分社 [fen1 she4] /sub-division or branch of an organization/news bureau/
+ 分社 分社 [fen1 she4] /subdivision or branch of an organization/news bureau/
- 街道辦事處 街道办事处 [jie1 dao4 ban4 shi4 chu4] /sub-district office/neighborhood official/an official who works with local residents to report to higher government authorities/
+ 街道辦事處 街道办事处 [jie1 dao4 ban4 shi4 chu4] /subdistrict office/neighborhood official/an official who works with local residents to report to higher government authorities/
- 軍分區 军分区 [jun1 fen1 qu1] /military sub-districts/
+ 軍分區 军分区 [jun1 fen1 qu1] /military subdistricts/
- 沒水平 没水平 [mei2 shui3 ping2] /disgraceful/poor quality/sub-standard/
+ 沒水平 没水平 [mei2 shui3 ping2] /disgraceful/poor quality/substandard/
- 沒水準 没水准 [mei2 shui3 zhun3] /lacking class/boorish/poor quality/sub-standard/
+ 沒水準 没水准 [mei2 shui3 zhun3] /lacking class/boorish/poor quality/substandard/
- 凝花菜 凝花菜 [ning2 hua1 cai4] /gelidiella, tropical and sub-tropical red algae/
+ 凝花菜 凝花菜 [ning2 hua1 cai4] /gelidiella, tropical and subtropical red algae/
- 微觀 微观 [wei1 guan1] /micro-/sub-atomic/
+ 微觀 微观 [wei1 guan1] /micro-/subatomic/
- 亞單位 亚单位 [ya4 dan1 wei4] /sub-unit/
+ 亞單位 亚单位 [ya4 dan1 wei4] /subunit/
- 亞音節單位 亚音节单位 [ya4 yin1 jie2 dan1 wei4] /sub-syllabic unit/
+ 亞音節單位 亚音节单位 [ya4 yin1 jie2 dan1 wei4] /subsyllabic unit/
- 支行 支行 [zhi1 hang2] /sub-branch of a bank/
+ 支行 支行 [zhi1 hang2] /subbranch of a bank/
By MDBG 2024
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