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Change log entry 83144
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-20 14:03:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76666 - submitted by 'encn' >>

Wiktionary and 新世纪英汉大词典 use eyelash instead of the plural.
- 睫毛 睫毛 [jie2 mao2] /eyelashes/
+ 睫毛 睫毛 [[jie2mao2]] /eyelashes/
+ 眼睫毛 眼睫毛 [[yan3jie2mao2]] /eyelashes/

Change log entry 83143
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-20 11:37:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76489 - submitted by 'encn' >>


三用表 can refer to any triple-functional measuring device

- 密閉式循環再呼吸水肺系統 密闭式循环再呼吸水肺系统 [mi4 bi4 shi4 xun2 huan2 zai4 hu1 xi1 shui3 fei4 xi4 tong3] /closed-circuit rebreather scuba (diving)/
# 密閉式循環再呼吸水肺系統 密闭式循环再呼吸水肺系统 [mi4 bi4 shi4 xun2 huan2 zai4 hu1 xi1 shui3 fei4 xi4 tong3] /closed-circuit rebreather scuba (diving)/
- 潛水裝備拖輪箱 潜水装备拖轮箱 [qian2 shui3 zhuang1 bei4 tuo1 lun2 xiang1] /diving bag/diving suitcase/
# 潛水裝備拖輪箱 潜水装备拖轮箱 [qian2 shui3 zhuang1 bei4 tuo1 lun2 xiang1] /diving bag/diving suitcase/
- 三用表 三用表 [san1 yong4 biao3] /instrument console (diving)/
# 三用表 三用表 [san1 yong4 biao3] /instrument console (diving)/

Change log entry 83142
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-20 10:26:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76655 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Date of death
- 戈爾巴喬夫 戈尔巴乔夫 [Ge1 er3 ba1 qiao2 fu1] /Gorbachev/Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (1931-), last president of the Soviet Union 1991-1995/
+ 戈爾巴喬夫 戈尔巴乔夫 [[Ge1er3ba1qiao2fu1]] /Gorbachev/Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (1931-2022), last president of the Soviet Union 1991-1995/

Change log entry 83141
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-20 10:26:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76650 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

- 看到有著「鳳林教育界祖師爺校長」美譽的戴文鑑校長題寫的碑文,對於教育者身負大任的感懷,心中仍澎湃不已。
- 終於主動將孩子送回父親身邊,影片就在父女靜默而內心澎湃的對望中結束。
- 2007年,李念祖到柬埔寨旅遊,爬上小吳哥寺廟上欣賞日出。當陽光自地平線上冉冉升起,那光芒四射的景象,讓他胸中澎湃激盪不已,不僅是因為日出的壯麗,更在於,眼前的景象與他收藏的古代「扶南」金幣上的圖案「一模一樣」。
- 學生學習的熱情比以前更加澎湃,
- 原來原住民的舞蹈可以這麼打動人心,可以這麼澎湃!這麼美啊!
- 澎湃 澎湃 [peng2 pai4] /to surge/
+ 澎湃 澎湃 [[peng2pai4]] /(of the sea etc) surging; tempestuous/(fig.) highly emotional; fervent/

Change log entry 83140
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-20 10:26:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76649 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 矮 矮 [ai3] /low/short (in length)/
+ 矮 矮 [[ai3]] /(of a person) short/(of a wall etc) low/(of rank) inferior (to); lower (than)/

Change log entry 83139
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-20 06:00:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76652 - submitted by 'encn' >>
喷灌 /pēnguàn/ 动词
+ 噴灌 喷灌 [[pen1guan4]] /sprinkler irrigation/

Change log entry 83138
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-20 05:54:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76642 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
+ 坎炁 坎炁 [[kan3qi4]] /(TCM) umbilical cord (used as medicine)/

Change log entry 83137
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-20 03:12:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76643 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 76641 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>

+ 紫河車 紫河车 [[zi3he2che1]] /(TCM) dried human placenta (used as medicine)/

Change log entry 83136
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-20 03:08:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76644 >>
This word is often used in Chinese Christian writing instead of 圣化


Editor: 成圣 is a verb, and it doesn't mean "to sanctify" in the usual, transitive sense: "to make (someone or something) holy". Rather it is an intransitive verb: "to be sanctified".

It can also be a noun ("sanctification"), but that word is ambiguous. It usually means "making someone or something holy", although it can also mean "becoming holy".

Based on the above observations, it is better to define 成圣 as an intransitive verb.

Examples of verb usage (from your Baike reference):
> 信徒在认罪、悔改、重生、得救时,从地位上就是神的儿女,也已经成圣了。
> 直到耶稣基督再次降临之时便得以全然成圣。

In short, Wiktionary's definition is right:
"(Christianity) to be sanctified; to become holy"
# 成聖 成圣 [cheng2sheng4] /sanctification/
+ 成聖 成圣 [[cheng2sheng4]] /(Christianity) to be sanctified; to become holy/

Change log entry 83135
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 23:54:44 GMT)
Comment: [[...]]
- 澎 澎 [peng2] /used in 澎湃[peng2pai4]/Taiwan pr. [peng1]/
+ 澎 澎 [[peng2]] /used in 澎湃[peng2pai4]/Taiwan pr. [peng1]/

Change log entry 83134
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 22:05:40 GMT)
Comment: https://www.moedict.tw/~%E6%BE%8E
- 澎 澎 [[peng2]] /used in 澎湃[peng2pai4]/
+ 澎 澎 [peng2] /used in 澎湃[peng2pai4]/Taiwan pr. [peng1]/

Change log entry 83133
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 22:01:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76645 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 傀 傀 [kui3] /puppet/
+ 傀 傀 [[kui3]] /used in 傀儡[kui3lei3]/
- 儡 儡 [lei3] /to injure/puppet/
+ 儡 儡 [[lei3]] /used in 傀儡[kui3lei3]/
# 傀儡 傀儡 [[kui3lei3]] /(lit. and fig.) puppet/

Change log entry 83132
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 22:00:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76646 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 澎 澎 [peng2] /sound of waves/
+ 澎 澎 [[peng2]] /used in 澎湃[peng2pai4]/
- 湃 湃 [pai4] /sound of waves/
+ 湃 湃 [[pai4]] /used in 澎湃[peng2pai4]/
# 澎湃 澎湃 [peng2 pai4] /to surge/

Change log entry 83131
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 21:59:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76647 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
Trying out the batch tool - converting entries processed after 12/01/23 to v2.

One minor change was rewording 晕菜 to make the gloss a verb

金刚怒目: Also written as 金刚努目 and 金刚眼睛
- 包價 包价 [bao1 jia4] /package; all-inclusive deal/
+ 包價 包价 [[bao1jia4]] /package; all-inclusive deal/
- 宏大 宏大 [hong2 da4] /great; grand/
+ 宏大 宏大 [[hong2da4]] /great; grand/
- 悲苦 悲苦 [bei1 ku3] /forlorn; miserable/
+ 悲苦 悲苦 [[bei1ku3]] /forlorn; miserable/
- 斷章取義 断章取义 [duan4 zhang1 qu3 yi4] /(idiom) to quote out of context/
+ 斷章取義 断章取义 [[duan4zhang1-qu3yi4]] /(idiom) to quote out of context/
- 暈菜 晕菜 [yun1 cai4] /(dialect) to get confused; dumbfounded; to get dizzy/
+ 暈菜 晕菜 [[yun1cai4]] /(dialect) to get confused; to be dumbfounded; to get dizzy/
- 金剛怒目 金刚怒目 [jin1 gang1 nu4 mu4] /(idiom) to have a face as terrifying as a temple's guardian deity/
+ 金剛怒目 金刚怒目 [[jin1gang1-nu4mu4]] /(idiom) to have a face as terrifying as a temple's guardian deity/
- 開示 开示 [kai1 shi4] /to instruct (novices); to preach; to teach; to reveal/
+ 開示 开示 [[kai1shi4]] /to instruct (novices); to preach; to teach; to reveal/
- 正體字 正体字 [zheng4 ti3 zi4] /standard form of a Chinese character/(Tw) traditional (i.e. unsimplified) characters/
+ 正體字 正体字 [[zheng4ti3zi4]] /standard form of a Chinese character/(Tw) traditional (i.e. unsimplified) characters/
- 穴居 穴居 [xue2 ju1] /to live in a cave/(of animals) to be of burrowing habit/
+ 穴居 穴居 [[xue2ju1]] /to live in a cave/(of animals) to be of burrowing habit/
- 氌 氇 [lu3] /used in 氆氌|氆氇[pu3 lu5]/
+ 氌 氇 [[lu3]] /used in 氆氌|氆氇[pu3lu5]/

Change log entry 83130
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 21:03:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76648 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
Remove (bound form)
- 塭 塭 [wen1] /(bound form) used in 魚塭|鱼塭[yu2 wen1]/used in place names/
+ 塭 塭 [[wen1]] /used in 魚塭|鱼塭[yu2wen1]/used in place names/

Change log entry 83129
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 11:35:11 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 喀嚓 喀嚓 [ka1 cha1] /(onom.) breaking or snapping/
+ 喀嚓 喀嚓 [[ka1cha1]] /(onom.) breaking or snapping/

Change log entry 83128
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 11:34:22 GMT)
Comment: [ka1cha1] ... [pa1cha1]
- 嚓 嚓 [[cha1]] /(onom.) used in 喀嚓[ka1 cha1] and 啪嚓[pa1 cha1]/Taiwan pr. [ca1]/
+ 嚓 嚓 [[cha1]] /(onom.) used in 喀嚓[ka1cha1] and 啪嚓[pa1cha1]/Taiwan pr. [ca1]/

Change log entry 83127
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-19 11:23:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75284 - submitted by 'encn' >>


+ 剎停 刹停 [[sha1ting2]] /to brake to a halt/

Change log entry 83126
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-19 10:49:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76602 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>


According to some sites they were mainly used as a bowl for holding food, but also used for rituals/sacrifices


- 荳 豆 [dou4] /legume; pulse; bean; pea (variant of 豆[dou4])/
+ 荳 豆 [[dou4]] /legume; pulse; bean; pea (variant of 豆[dou4])/
- 豆 豆 [dou4] /legume; pulse; bean; pea (CL:顆[ke1],粒[li4])/stemmed sacrificial vessel/
# 豆 豆 [[dou4]] /legume; pulse; bean; pea (CL:顆[ke1],粒[li4])/stemmed sacrificial vessel/
# Editor:
+ 豆 豆 [[dou4]] /legume; pulse; bean; pea (CL:顆[ke1],粒[li4])/(old) stemmed cup or bowl/

Change log entry 83125
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 08:16:49 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 筆筒 笔筒 [bi3 tong3] /pen container/brush pot/
+ 筆筒 笔筒 [[bi3tong3]] /pen container; brush pot/

Change log entry 83124
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 08:11:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76638 - submitted by 'encn' >>
谅解备忘录(memorandum of understanding),指处理较小事项方面的条约。例如,1995年5月31日《中华人民共和国外交部和新加坡共和国外交部关于建立磋商制度的谅解备忘录》[1]

+ 諒解備忘錄 谅解备忘录 [[liang4jie3 bei4wang4lu4]] /memorandum of understanding/

Change log entry 83123
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 06:57:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76617 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 鸚 鹦 [ying1] /parrot/
+ 鸚 鹦 [[ying1]] /used in 鸚鵡|鹦鹉[ying1wu3]/
- 鵡 鹉 [wu3] /parrot/
+ 鵡 鹉 [[wu3]] /used in 鸚鵡|鹦鹉[ying1wu3]/
- 鸚鵡 鹦鹉 [ying1 wu3] /parrot/
+ 鸚鵡 鹦鹉 [[ying1wu3]] /parrot/

Change log entry 83122
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 06:56:03 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 嚓 嚓 [cha1] /(onom.) used in 喀嚓[ka1 cha1] and 啪嚓[pa1 cha1]/Taiwan pr. [ca1]/
+ 嚓 嚓 [[cha1]] /(onom.) used in 喀嚓[ka1 cha1] and 啪嚓[pa1 cha1]/Taiwan pr. [ca1]/

Change log entry 83121
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 06:54:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76639 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 乳液 乳液 [ru3 ye4] /(skin) cream; lotion; emulsion/
+ 乳液 乳液 [[ru3ye4]] /(skin) cream; lotion; emulsion/
- 企求 企求 [qi3 qiu2] /to seek for; to hope to gain; desirous/
+ 企求 企求 [[qi3qiu2]] /to seek for; to hope to gain; desirous/
- 傳告 传告 [chuan2 gao4] /to pass on (a message); to relay (the information)/
+ 傳告 传告 [[chuan2gao4]] /to pass on (a message); to relay (the information)/
- 勁力 劲力 [jin4 li4] /physical strength; power/
+ 勁力 劲力 [[jin4li4]] /physical strength; power/
- 十幾 十几 [shi2 ji3] /more than ten; a dozen or more/
+ 十幾 十几 [[shi2ji3]] /more than ten; a dozen or more/
- 吃膩 吃腻 [chi1 ni4] /to be sick of eating (sth); to be tired of eating (sth)/
+ 吃膩 吃腻 [[chi1ni4]] /to be sick of eating (sth); to be tired of eating (sth)/
- 拋擲 抛掷 [pao1 zhi4] /to throw; to toss/
+ 拋擲 抛掷 [[pao1zhi4]] /to throw; to toss/
- 杌凳 杌凳 [wu4 deng4] /Chinese-style low stool/
+ 杌凳 杌凳 [[wu4deng4]] /Chinese-style low stool/
- 獲得 获得 [huo4 de2] /to obtain; to receive; to get/
+ 獲得 获得 [[huo4de2]] /to obtain; to receive; to get/
- 略帶 略带 [lu:e4 dai4] /to have (an attribute) to a small degree; to have a touch of/
+ 略帶 略带 [[lu:e4dai4]] /to have (an attribute) to a small degree; to have a touch of/
- 相似 相似 [xiang1 si4] /similar; alike/
+ 相似 相似 [[xiang1si4]] /similar; alike/
- 砸壞 砸坏 [za2 huai4] /to smash; to shatter/
+ 砸壞 砸坏 [[za2huai4]] /to smash; to shatter/
- 筆芯 笔芯 [bi3 xin1] /pencil lead; pen refill/
+ 筆芯 笔芯 [[bi3xin1]] /pencil lead; pen refill/
- 胞宮 胞宫 [bao1 gong1] /uterus; womb/
+ 胞宮 胞宫 [[bao1gong1]] /uterus; womb/
- 誘人 诱人 [you4 ren2] /attractive; alluring; captivating/
+ 誘人 诱人 [[you4ren2]] /attractive; alluring; captivating/
- 重新 重新 [chong2 xin1] /again; once more; re-/
+ 重新 重新 [[chong2xin1]] /again; once more; re-/
- 颱風 台风 [tai2 feng1] /typhoon/
+ 颱風 台风 [[tai2feng1]] /typhoon/
- 驟減 骤减 [zhou4 jian3] /to decrease rapidly; to plummet/
+ 驟減 骤减 [[zhou4jian3]] /to decrease rapidly; to plummet/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83120
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 06:18:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76618 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- 鶺 鹡 [ji2] /pied wagtail/
+ 鶺 鹡 [[ji2]] /used in 鶺鴒|鹡鸰[ji2ling2]/
- 鴒 鸰 [ling2] /wagtail/lark/
+ 鴒 鸰 [[ling2]] /used in 鶺鴒|鹡鸰[ji2ling2]/
- 鶺鴒 鹡鸰 [ji2 ling2] /wagtail/
+ 鶺鴒 鹡鸰 [[ji2ling2]] /wagtail/

Change log entry 83119
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-19 06:17:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76627 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>



- 原汁原味 原汁原味 [yuan2 zhi1 yuan2 wei4] /original/authentic/
+ 原汁原味 原汁原味 [[yuan2zhi1-yuan2wei4]] /original; authentic/

Change log entry 83118
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-19 06:17:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76628 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
letter ➝ letters
- 紙 纸 [zhi3] /paper/CL:張|张[zhang1],沓[da2]/classifier for documents, letter etc/
+ 紙 纸 [[zhi3]] /paper (CL:張|张[zhang1],沓[da2])/classifier for documents, letters etc/

Change log entry 83117
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-19 06:17:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76629 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

- 挖掘 挖掘 [wa1 jue2] /to excavate/to dig/to unearth/
+ 挖掘 挖掘 [[wa1jue2]] /to excavate; (lit and fig.) to unearth; to dig into/

Change log entry 83116
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-19 06:17:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76631 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 餄餎 饸饹 [he2 le5] /noodles either made of buckwheat or sorghum/
+ 餄餎 饸饹 [[he2le5]] /"hele" noodles, a type of noodle made from buckwheat or sorghum flour/

Change log entry 83115
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-19 06:16:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76632 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 開放源代碼 开放源代码 [kai1 fang4 yuan2 dai4 ma3] /see 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3]/
+ 開放源代碼 开放源代码 [[kai1fang4 yuan2dai4ma3]] /see 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3]/
- 開放源碼 开放源码 [kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3] /open source (computing)/
+ 開放源碼 开放源码 [[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3]] /(computing) open-source/
- 開放源碼軟件 开放源码软件 [kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3 ruan3 jian4] /open source software (OSS)/
+ 開放源碼軟件 开放源码软件 [[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3 ruan3jian4]] /open-source software (OSS)/
# open-source
- 開源 开源 [[kai1yuan2]] /to establish additional sources of revenue/(computing) open source (abbr. for 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3])/
+ 開源 开源 [[kai1yuan2]] /to establish additional sources of revenue/(computing) open-source (abbr. for 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3])/

Change log entry 83114
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:54:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76637 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 仇視 仇视 [chou2 shi4] /to view sb as an enemy; to be hateful towards/
+ 仇視 仇视 [[chou2shi4]] /to view sb as an enemy; to be hateful towards/
- 史前 史前 [shi3 qian2] /prehistoric times; (attributive) prehistoric/
+ 史前 史前 [[shi3qian2]] /prehistoric times; (attributive) prehistoric/
- 同時 同时 [tong2 shi2] /at the same time; simultaneously/
+ 同時 同时 [[tong2shi2]] /at the same time; simultaneously/
- 報廢 报废 [bao4 fei4] /to scrap; to dispose of (sth worn-out or damaged)/
+ 報廢 报废 [[bao4fei4]] /to scrap; to dispose of (sth worn-out or damaged)/
- 尾氣 尾气 [wei3 qi4] /exhaust; emissions/
+ 尾氣 尾气 [[wei3qi4]] /exhaust; emissions/
- 差別 差别 [cha1 bie2] /difference; distinction; disparity/
+ 差別 差别 [[cha1bie2]] /difference; distinction; disparity/
- 抽樣 抽样 [chou1 yang4] /sample; sampling/
+ 抽樣 抽样 [[chou1yang4]] /sample; sampling/
- 擁護 拥护 [yong1 hu4] /to endorse; to support/
+ 擁護 拥护 [[yong1hu4]] /to endorse; to support/
- 暹羅 暹罗 [Xian1 luo2] /Siam (former name of Thailand)/
+ 暹羅 暹罗 [[Xian1luo2]] /Siam (former name of Thailand)/
- 溫柔 温柔 [wen1 rou2] /gentle and soft; tender; sweet (commonly used to describe a girl or woman)/
+ 溫柔 温柔 [[wen1rou2]] /gentle and soft; tender; sweet (commonly used to describe a girl or woman)/
- 磨子 磨子 [mo4 zi5] /mill; grain mill; millstone/
+ 磨子 磨子 [[mo4zi5]] /mill; grain mill; millstone/
- 竊取 窃取 [qie4 qu3] /to steal (usu. private information, intellectual property etc)/
+ 竊取 窃取 [[qie4qu3]] /to steal (usu. private information, intellectual property etc)/
- 約計 约计 [yue1 ji4] /to calculate to be roughly .../
+ 約計 约计 [[yue1ji4]] /to calculate to be roughly .../
- 綿延 绵延 [mian2 yan2] /(esp. of a mountain range) to be continuous; to stretch long and unbroken/
+ 綿延 绵延 [[mian2yan2]] /(esp. of a mountain range) to be continuous; to stretch long and unbroken/
- 自救 自救 [zi4 jiu4] /to get oneself out of trouble/
+ 自救 自救 [[zi4jiu4]] /to get oneself out of trouble/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83113
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:46:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76636 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 奴役 奴役 [nu2 yi4] /to enslave/
+ 奴役 奴役 [[nu2yi4]] /to enslave/
- 忙碌 忙碌 [mang2 lu4] /busy; bustling/
+ 忙碌 忙碌 [[mang2lu4]] /busy; bustling/
- 採光 采光 [cai3 guang1] /to get natural light (e.g. through a window)/
+ 採光 采光 [[cai3guang1]] /to get natural light (e.g. through a window)/
- 熏製 熏制 [xun1 zhi4] /to smoke; to cure over a fire/
+ 熏製 熏制 [[xun1zhi4]] /to smoke; to cure over a fire/
- 瘡瘍 疮疡 [chuang1 yang2] /sore; skin ulcer/
+ 瘡瘍 疮疡 [[chuang1yang2]] /sore; skin ulcer/
- 發愣 发愣 [fa1 leng4] /to stare blankly; to be in a daze/
+ 發愣 发愣 [[fa1leng4]] /to stare blankly; to be in a daze/
- 福分 福分 [fu2 fen5] /one's happy lot; good fortune/
+ 福分 福分 [[fu2fen5]] /one's happy lot; good fortune/
- 缺席 缺席 [que1 xi2] /to be absent/
+ 缺席 缺席 [[que1xi2]] /to be absent/
- 蜂巢 蜂巢 [feng1 chao2] /honeycomb; beehive/
+ 蜂巢 蜂巢 [[feng1chao2]] /honeycomb; beehive/
- 襯線 衬线 [chen4 xian4] /serif (typography)/
+ 襯線 衬线 [[chen4xian4]] /serif (typography)/
- 趕早 赶早 [gan3 zao3] /as soon as possible; at the first opportunity; the sooner the better; before it's too late/
+ 趕早 赶早 [[gan3zao3]] /as soon as possible; at the first opportunity; the sooner the better; before it's too late/
- 違規 违规 [wei2 gui1] /to violate the rules/
+ 違規 违规 [[wei2gui1]] /to violate the rules/
- 集訓 集训 [ji2 xun4] /to train together; to practice as a group/
+ 集訓 集训 [[ji2xun4]] /to train together; to practice as a group/
- 黏著 黏着 [nian2 zhuo2] /to adhere; to stick together; to bond; to agglutinate/
+ 黏著 黏着 [[nian2zhuo2]] /to adhere; to stick together; to bond; to agglutinate/
- 中學 中学 [zhong1 xue2] /middle school/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 中學 中学 [[zhong1xue2]] /middle school/
- 中軸 中轴 [zhong1 zhou2] /axis/(bicycle) bottom bracket/
+ 中軸 中轴 [[zhong1zhou2]] /axis/(bicycle) bottom bracket/
- 出氣 出气 [chu1 qi4] /to vent one's anger/to breathe out; to exhale/
+ 出氣 出气 [[chu1qi4]] /to vent one's anger/to breathe out; to exhale/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83112
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:30:05 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76635 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 別人 别人 [bie2 ren5] /other people; others; other person/
+ 別人 别人 [[bie2ren5]] /other people; others; other person/
- 參天 参天 [can1 tian1] /(of a tree etc) to reach up to the sky/
+ 參天 参天 [[can1tian1]] /(of a tree etc) to reach up to the sky/
- 害口 害口 [hai4 kou3] /see 害喜[hai4 xi3]/
+ 害口 害口 [[hai4kou3]] /see 害喜[hai4xi3]/
- 害喜 害喜 [hai4 xi3] /to react to pregnancy by experiencing morning sickness or a strong appetite for certain foods/
+ 害喜 害喜 [[hai4xi3]] /to react to pregnancy by experiencing morning sickness or a strong appetite for certain foods/
- 強烈 强烈 [qiang2 lie4] /strong; intense/
+ 強烈 强烈 [[qiang2lie4]] /strong; intense/
- 彙總 汇总 [hui4 zong3] /to gather (data etc)/
+ 彙總 汇总 [[hui4zong3]] /to gather (data etc)/
- 得到 得到 [de2 dao4] /to get; to obtain; to receive/
+ 得到 得到 [[de2dao4]] /to get; to obtain; to receive/
- 性癖 性癖 [xing4 pi3] /sexual fetish/
+ 性癖 性癖 [[xing4pi3]] /sexual fetish/
- 救星 救星 [jiu4 xing1] /savior; liberator; emancipator; knight in shining armor/
+ 救星 救星 [[jiu4xing1]] /savior; liberator; emancipator; knight in shining armor/
- 氯仿 氯仿 [lu:4 fang3] /chloroform (trichloromethane CHCl3)/
+ 氯仿 氯仿 [[lu:4fang3]] /chloroform (trichloromethane CHCl3)/
- 猶如 犹如 [you2 ru2] /similar to; like/
+ 猶如 犹如 [[you2ru2]] /similar to; like/
- 理解 理解 [li3 jie3] /to comprehend; to understand/
+ 理解 理解 [[li3jie3]] /to comprehend; to understand/
- 病篤 病笃 [bing4 du3] /critically ill; on one's deathbed/
+ 病篤 病笃 [[bing4du3]] /critically ill; on one's deathbed/
- 精明 精明 [jing1 ming2] /astute; shrewd; smart/
+ 精明 精明 [[jing1ming2]] /astute; shrewd; smart/
- 編纂 编纂 [bian1 zuan3] /to compile (an encyclopedia etc)/
+ 編纂 编纂 [[bian1zuan3]] /to compile (an encyclopedia etc)/
- 襯托 衬托 [chen4 tuo1] /to serve to highlight; to serve as a backdrop or contrasting element/
+ 襯托 衬托 [[chen4tuo1]] /to serve to highlight; to serve as a backdrop or contrasting element/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83111
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:22:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76634 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 下腳 下脚 [xia4 jiao3] /to get a footing/
+ 下腳 下脚 [[xia4jiao3]] /to get a footing/
- 倒著 倒着 [dao4 zhe5] /backwards; in reverse; upside down/
+ 倒著 倒着 [[dao4zhe5]] /backwards; in reverse; upside down/
- 出殯 出殡 [chu1 bin4] /to accompany a deceased person to his last resting place; to hold a funeral/
+ 出殯 出殡 [[chu1bin4]] /to accompany a deceased person to his last resting place; to hold a funeral/
- 刑場 刑场 [xing2 chang3] /execution ground/
+ 刑場 刑场 [[xing2chang3]] /execution ground/
- 刑辱 刑辱 [xing2 ru3] /to humiliate by torture/
+ 刑辱 刑辱 [[xing2ru3]] /to humiliate by torture/
- 副業 副业 [fu4 ye4] /sideline; side occupation/
+ 副業 副业 [[fu4ye4]] /sideline; side occupation/
- 往年 往年 [wang3 nian2] /in former years; in previous years/
+ 往年 往年 [[wang3nian2]] /in former years; in previous years/
- 御賜 御赐 [yu4 ci4] /to be bestowed by the emperor/
+ 御賜 御赐 [[yu4ci4]] /to be bestowed by the emperor/
- 意淫 意淫 [yi4 yin2] /to fantasize; (esp.) to have a sexual fantasy about (sb)/
+ 意淫 意淫 [[yi4yin2]] /to fantasize; (esp.) to have a sexual fantasy about (sb)/
- 數據 数据 [shu4 ju4] /data/
+ 數據 数据 [[shu4ju4]] /data/
- 暫且 暂且 [zan4 qie3] /for now; for the time being; temporarily/
+ 暫且 暂且 [[zan4qie3]] /for now; for the time being; temporarily/
- 梵唄 梵呗 [fan4 bai4] /(Buddhism) chanting of prayers/
+ 梵唄 梵呗 [[fan4bai4]] /(Buddhism) chanting of prayers/
- 殆盡 殆尽 [dai4 jin4] /almost exhausted; nearly depleted; practically nothing left/
+ 殆盡 殆尽 [[dai4jin4]] /almost exhausted; nearly depleted; practically nothing left/
- 碎石 碎石 [sui4 shi2] /gravel; crushed rock; rock debris/
+ 碎石 碎石 [[sui4shi2]] /gravel; crushed rock; rock debris/
- 結石 结石 [jie2 shi2] /(medicine) calculus; stone/
+ 結石 结石 [[jie2shi2]] /(medicine) calculus; stone/
- 義賣 义卖 [yi4 mai4] /to hold a charity bazaar; to sell goods for a good cause/
+ 義賣 义卖 [[yi4mai4]] /to hold a charity bazaar; to sell goods for a good cause/
...[click view changes to see the full diff]...

Change log entry 83110
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:16:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76633 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 下鍋 下锅 [xia4 guo1] /to put into the pot (to cook)/
+ 下鍋 下锅 [[xia4guo1]] /to put into the pot (to cook)/
- 倒裝 倒装 [dao4 zhuang1] /(linguistics) to invert (word order)/
+ 倒裝 倒装 [[dao4zhuang1]] /(linguistics) to invert (word order)/
- 光環 光环 [guang1 huan2] /ring of light; halo; (fig.) glory; splendor/
+ 光環 光环 [[guang1huan2]] /ring of light; halo; (fig.) glory; splendor/
- 嫉恨 嫉恨 [ji2 hen4] /to hate out of jealousy; to resent/
+ 嫉恨 嫉恨 [[ji2hen4]] /to hate out of jealousy; to resent/
- 小廝 小厮 [xiao3 si1] /(literary) underage male servant/
+ 小廝 小厮 [[xiao3si1]] /(literary) underage male servant/
- 星空 星空 [xing1 kong1] /starry sky; the star-studded heavens/
+ 星空 星空 [[xing1kong1]] /starry sky; the star-studded heavens/
- 椰菜 椰菜 [ye1 cai4] /cabbage; broccoli; cauliflower/
+ 椰菜 椰菜 [[ye1cai4]] /cabbage; broccoli; cauliflower/
- 涼拌 凉拌 [liang2 ban4] /salad with dressing; cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. coleslaw)/
+ 涼拌 凉拌 [[liang2ban4]] /salad with dressing; cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. coleslaw)/
- 窸窣 窸窣 [xi1 su1] /(onom.) a rustling noise/
+ 窸窣 窸窣 [[xi1su1]] /(onom.) a rustling noise/
- 蕨類 蕨类 [jue2 lei4] /(botany) fern; bracken; brake/
+ 蕨類 蕨类 [[jue2lei4]] /(botany) fern; bracken; brake/
- 蜂擁 蜂拥 [feng1 yong1] /to swarm; to flock; to throng/
+ 蜂擁 蜂拥 [[feng1yong1]] /to swarm; to flock; to throng/
- 銀兩 银两 [yin2 liang3] /silver (as currency)/
+ 銀兩 银两 [[yin2liang3]] /silver (as currency)/
- 顯明 显明 [xian3 ming2] /obvious; evident; conspicuous; prominent; distinct; apparent/
+ 顯明 显明 [[xian3ming2]] /obvious; evident; conspicuous; prominent; distinct; apparent/
- 餘孽 余孽 [yu2 nie4] /remaining evil element; surviving members (of evil former regime); dregs (of a colonial administration)/
+ 餘孽 余孽 [[yu2nie4]] /remaining evil element; surviving members (of an evil former regime); dregs (of a colonial administration)/
- 齊聲 齐声 [qi2 sheng1] /all speaking together; in chorus/
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Change log entry 83109
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 02:12:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76238 - submitted by 'encn' >>



Editor: inserted a hyphen
# 推杯換盞 推杯换盏 [[tui1bei1huan4zhan3]] /(idiom) to drink together in a convivial atmosphere/
+ 推杯換盞 推杯换盏 [[tui1bei1-huan4zhan3]] /(idiom) to drink together in a convivial atmosphere/

Change log entry 83108
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 01:42:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76621 >>
开源 is used as an adjective also in other combinations: "开源数据集" open source dataset, 开源项目 "open source project", ...



I want to stress that Taipei City has been working harder than any other locality at expanding its tax base, finding other revenue sources, and economizing.

The advantage of an endowment fund system is that the results of efforts to cut back waste and increase revenues will all end up in the school's own pocket.

The NHI reform bill proposes to broaden sources of income by raising "health taxes" on tobacco products, raising air pollution fees, and requiring those responsible for public disasters, food poisoning, and major traffic accidents to pay the medical expenses of the victims.
- 開源 开源 [kai1 yuan2] /to expand one's financial resources/abbr. for 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3]/
# + 開源 开源 [kai1 yuan2] /open source/to expand one's financial resources/abbr. for 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3]/
+ 開源 开源 [[kai1yuan2]] /to establish additional sources of revenue/(computing) open source (abbr. for 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3])/

Change log entry 83107
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 01:29:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76622 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
e.g. 高爾夫球手 golfer

釋義: 球員。
# 球手 球手 [[qiu2shou3]] /player (of a ball game)/
+ 球手 球手 [[qiu2shou3]] /(ball sports) player/

Change log entry 83106
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 01:23:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76620 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
variant of 藥劑師

Editor: Thanks for paying attention to the pinyin formatting.

And in the Hong Kong movie version of The Eagle-shooting Heroes, the pharmacist Dr. Huang had a pet cat.

National Union of Pharmacist Associations

Fang-hua is a pharmacist who has run her own pharmacy in a seaside village in Tainan County for nearly 20 years.
+ 藥師 药师 [[yao4shi1]] /pharmacist/

Change log entry 83105
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-19 00:58:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76630 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
see -> used in
- 餄 饸 [he2] /see 餄餎|饸饹[he2 le5]/
+ 餄 饸 [[he2]] /used in 餄餎|饸饹[he2le5]/
- 餎 饹 [le5] /see 餄餎|饸饹[he2 le5]/
+ 餎 饹 [[le5]] /used in 餄餎|饸饹[he2le5]/
# 餄餎 饸饹 [he2 le5] /noodles either made of buckwheat or sorghum/

Change log entry 83104
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 22:29:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76625 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
+ 瀉劑 泻剂 [[xie4ji4]] /laxative/

Change log entry 83103
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 21:53:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76624 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Terms are interchangeable synonyms, with main difference 合同 is more common in Mainland, 合約 in Taiwan. 份 is correct MW. "treaty" sense seems wrong here, that's 條約.

Editor: That's better. Thanks.
Other MWs are also used, of course:
- 問題是,自從簽了那紙合約,戴武光一幅畫也畫不出來。
- 1981年底,來自德國五千雙潛水鞋的一紙合約,
- 截至今年4月底,該交易所已發行了1,969個合約組、1萬3,437個合約,
- 合同 合同 [he2 tong5] /(business) contract/CL:個|个[ge4]/
# + 合同 合同 [he2tong5] /contract; agreement/CL:份[fen4]/
- 合約 合约 [he2 yue1] /treaty/contract/
# + 合約 合约 [he2yue1] /contract; agreement/CL:份[fen4]/
+ 合同 合同 [[he2tong5]] /contract; agreement/CL:份[fen4]/
+ 合約 合约 [[he2yue1]] /contract; agreement/CL:份[fen4]/

Change log entry 83102
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 21:14:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76626 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Correct measure words: 張 and 把 are the standard ones.
套 seems rather exotic/unusual for it.

Editor: If you think 套 is incorrect or exotic, maybe for you it's actually a good classifier to include in the definition. I mean, you don't learn anything new if everything in the entry is already familiar to you.


- 這套椅子很耐用
- 這套椅子是檀木做的
- 一天,羊仁安请刘文辉赴宴。刘文辉见了这套椅子,连声称赞。
- 椅子 椅子 [yi3 zi5] /chair/CL:把[ba3],套[tao4]/
# + 椅子 椅子 [yi3 zi5] /chair/CL:把[ba3],張[zhang1]/
+ 椅子 椅子 [[yi3zi5]] /chair/CL:把[ba3],張[zhang1]/

Change log entry 83101
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-18 12:35:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75121 - submitted by 'encn' >>
1.健康地活着。多用于老人。 2.完好地存在。





Editor: It's a verb

Some (more) usage:
# 健在 健在 [jian4 zai4] /living and healthy; alive and well/
# Editor:
+ 健在 健在 [[jian4zai4]] /(of an elderly person) to be alive and in good health/to be intact/

Change log entry 83100
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-18 12:08:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76383 - submitted by 'encn' >>
could find examples of 糯米臀. but there's a similar term 糯米屁股

八点多坐到现在还不愿走,真是糯米屁股[汗][晕] 每次都这样,什么人啊




因為出口的訂單愈來愈多,車衣女工需要日夜不停趕工完成,行內人謂當年上班坐上車衣間後,忙得整日不能離座休息,而自謔為糯米屁股 // opposite of 'lazy bones'
- 糯米臀 糯米臀 [nuo4 mi3 tun2] /lazy bones (dialect)/

Change log entry 83099
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-18 11:35:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76614 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 74120 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E5%A0%91%E5%A3%95, https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A0%91%E5%A3%95%E6%88%98
+ 塹壕 堑壕 [[qian4hao2]] /trench; entrenchment/
+ 塹壕戰 堑壕战 [[qian4hao2zhan4]] /trench warfare/

Change log entry 83098
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-04-18 11:34:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76603 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 只 只 [zhi1] /variant of 隻|只[zhi1]/
+ 只 只 [[zhi1]] /variant of 隻|只[zhi1]/
- 隻 只 [zhi1] /classifier for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc/
+ 隻 只 [[zhi1]] /classifier for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc/
- 祇 只 [zhi3] /variant of 只[zhi3]/
+ 祇 只 [[zhi3]] /variant of 只[zhi3]/
- 衹 只 [zhi3] /variant of 只[zhi3]/
+ 衹 只 [[zhi3]] /variant of 只[zhi3]/
- 只 只 [zhi3] /only/merely/just/but/
+ 只 只 [[zhi3]] /only; merely; just/

Change log entry 83097
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 09:59:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76616 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 圓珠 圆珠 [yuan2 zhu1] /bead/
+ 圓珠 圆珠 [[yuan2zhu1]] /bead/
- 富裕 富裕 [fu4 yu4] /prosperous; well-to-do; well-off/
+ 富裕 富裕 [[fu4yu4]] /prosperous; well-to-do; well-off/
- 尋求 寻求 [xun2 qiu2] /to seek; to look for/
+ 尋求 寻求 [[xun2qiu2]] /to seek; to look for/
- 展示 展示 [zhan3 shi4] /to reveal; to display; to show; to exhibit/
+ 展示 展示 [[zhan3shi4]] /to reveal; to display; to show; to exhibit/
- 建造 建造 [jian4 zao4] /to construct; to build/
+ 建造 建造 [[jian4zao4]] /to construct; to build/
- 握持 握持 [wo4 chi2] /to hold in one's hand; to grip/
+ 握持 握持 [[wo4chi2]] /to hold in one's hand; to grip/
- 樂土 乐土 [le4 tu3] /happy place; paradise; haven/
+ 樂土 乐土 [[le4tu3]] /happy place; paradise; haven/
- 浪子 浪子 [lang4 zi3] /loafer; wastrel; prodigal son/
+ 浪子 浪子 [[lang4zi3]] /loafer; wastrel; prodigal son/
- 澱粉 淀粉 [dian4 fen3] /starch; amylum (C6H10O5)n/
+ 澱粉 淀粉 [[dian4fen3]] /starch; amylum (C6H10O5)n/
- 精肉 精肉 [jing1 rou4] /(dialect) lean meat/
+ 精肉 精肉 [[jing1rou4]] /(dialect) lean meat/
- 金黃 金黄 [jin1 huang2] /golden yellow; golden/
+ 金黃 金黄 [[jin1huang2]] /golden yellow; golden/
- 太宗 太宗 [Tai4 zong1] /posthumous name given to the second emperor of a dynasty/King Taejong of Joseon Korea (1367-1422), reigned 1400-1418/
+ 太宗 太宗 [[Tai4zong1]] /posthumous name given to the second emperor of a dynasty/King Taejong of Joseon Korea (1367-1422), reigned 1400-1418/
- 尺寸 尺寸 [chi3 cun5] /size; dimensions; measurements (esp. of clothes)/(coll.) propriety/
+ 尺寸 尺寸 [[chi3cun5]] /size; dimensions; measurements (esp. of clothes)/(coll.) propriety/
- 感知 感知 [gan3 zhi1] /perception (the process of perceiving sth with the senses)/to sense; to feel; to detect; to be aware of/
+ 感知 感知 [[gan3zhi1]] /perception (the process of perceiving sth with the senses)/to sense; to feel; to detect; to be aware of/
- 搬動 搬动 [ban1 dong4] /to move (sth) around/to move house/
+ 搬動 搬动 [[ban1dong4]] /to move (sth) around/to move house/
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Change log entry 83096
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 09:41:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76615 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 丁丁 丁丁 [ding1 ding1] /(neologism) (slang) penis (丁丁 resembles "JJ", which is short for 雞雞|鸡鸡[ji1 ji1])/
+ 丁丁 丁丁 [[ding1ding1]] /(neologism) (slang) penis (丁丁 resembles "JJ", which is short for 雞雞|鸡鸡[ji1ji1])/
- 中毒 中毒 [zhong4 du2] /to be poisoned/
+ 中毒 中毒 [[zhong4du2]] /to be poisoned/
- 內裡 内里 [nei4 li3] /the inside/
+ 內裡 内里 [[nei4li3]] /the inside/
- 全軍 全军 [quan2 jun1] /whole army/
+ 全軍 全军 [[quan2jun1]] /whole army/
- 土改 土改 [tu3 gai3] /land reform (abbr. for 土地改革[tu3 di4 gai3 ge2])/
+ 土改 土改 [[tu3gai3]] /land reform (abbr. for 土地改革[tu3di4 gai3ge2])/
- 奔襲 奔袭 [ben1 xi2] /to carry out a long-range raid/
+ 奔襲 奔袭 [[ben1xi2]] /to carry out a long-range raid/
- 意志 意志 [yi4 zhi4] /will; willpower; determination/
+ 意志 意志 [[yi4zhi4]] /will; willpower; determination/
- 授粉 授粉 [shou4 fen3] /to pollinate/
+ 授粉 授粉 [[shou4fen3]] /to pollinate/
- 放鬆 放松 [fang4 song1] /to relax; to slacken; to loosen/
+ 放鬆 放松 [[fang4song1]] /to relax; to slacken; to loosen/
- 日照 日照 [Ri4 zhao4] /Rizhao, prefecture-level city in Shandong/
+ 日照 日照 [[Ri4zhao4]] /Rizhao, prefecture-level city in Shandong/
- 普法 普法 [pu3 fa3] /to disseminate knowledge of the law/
+ 普法 普法 [[pu3fa3]] /to disseminate knowledge of the law/
- 海外 海外 [hai3 wai4] /overseas; abroad/
+ 海外 海外 [[hai3wai4]] /overseas; abroad/
- 獎賞 奖赏 [jiang3 shang3] /reward; prize; award/
+ 獎賞 奖赏 [[jiang3shang3]] /reward; prize; award/
- 稅率 税率 [shui4 lu:4] /tax rate/
+ 稅率 税率 [[shui4lu:4]] /tax rate/
- 興許 兴许 [xing1 xu3] /(coll.) perhaps/
+ 興許 兴许 [[xing1xu3]] /(coll.) perhaps/
- 行刺 行刺 [xing2 ci4] /to assassinate/
+ 行刺 行刺 [[xing2ci4]] /to assassinate/
- 過戶 过户 [guo4 hu4] /to transfer ownership (of a vehicle, securities etc); (real estate) conveyancing/
+ 過戶 过户 [[guo4hu4]] /to transfer ownership (of a vehicle, securities etc); (real estate) conveyancing/
- 靦臉 腼脸 [tian3 lian3] /shameless; brazen/
+ 靦臉 腼脸 [[tian3lian3]] /shameless; brazen/
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Change log entry 83095
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-18 09:20:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76613 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 再次 再次 [zai4 ci4] /once more; once again/
+ 再次 再次 [[zai4ci4]] /once more; once again/
- 另行 另行 [ling4 xing2] /(to do sth) separately; as a separate action/
+ 另行 另行 [[ling4xing2]] /(to do sth) separately; as a separate action/
- 叩拜 叩拜 [kou4 bai4] /to bow in salute; to kowtow/
+ 叩拜 叩拜 [[kou4bai4]] /to bow in salute; to kowtow/
- 壁虎 壁虎 [bi4 hu3] /gecko; house lizard/
+ 壁虎 壁虎 [[bi4hu3]] /gecko; house lizard/
- 專注 专注 [zhuan1 zhu4] /to focus; to concentrate; to give one's full attention/
+ 專注 专注 [[zhuan1zhu4]] /to focus; to concentrate; to give one's full attention/
- 尿床 尿床 [niao4 chuang2] /to wet the bed/
+ 尿床 尿床 [[niao4chuang2]] /to wet the bed/
- 應當 应当 [ying1 dang1] /should; ought to/
+ 應當 应当 [[ying1dang1]] /should; ought to/
- 懶得 懒得 [lan3 de2] /not to feel like (doing sth); disinclined to/
+ 懶得 懒得 [[lan3de5]] /not to feel like (doing sth); disinclined to/
- 敏銳 敏锐 [min3 rui4] /keen; sharp; acute/
+ 敏銳 敏锐 [[min3rui4]] /keen; sharp; acute/
- 暴躁 暴躁 [bao4 zao4] /irascible; irritable/
+ 暴躁 暴躁 [[bao4zao4]] /irascible; irritable/
- 治保 治保 [zhi4 bao3] /law enforcement and protection of the public (as provided in the PRC by local security committees 治保會|治保会[zhi4 bao3 hui4])/
+ 治保 治保 [[zhi4bao3]] /law enforcement and protection of the public (as provided in the PRC by local security committees 治保會|治保会[zhi4bao3hui4])/
- 泥漿 泥浆 [ni2 jiang1] /slurry; mud/
+ 泥漿 泥浆 [[ni2jiang1]] /slurry; mud/
- 純化 纯化 [chun2 hua4] /to purify/
+ 純化 纯化 [[chun2hua4]] /to purify/
- 設立 设立 [she4 li4] /to set up; to establish/
+ 設立 设立 [[she4li4]] /to set up; to establish/
- 附會 附会 [fu4 hui4] /to add parallels and interpretations (to a story etc); to develop and embellish; to interpret (often in a strained manner)/
+ 附會 附会 [[fu4hui4]] /to add parallels and interpretations (to a story etc); to develop and embellish; to interpret (often in a strained manner)/
- 離開 离开 [li2 kai1] /to depart; to leave/
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