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Change log entry 9076
Processed by: rosswood40 (2009-04-20 09:17:18 GMT)
+ 怱怱 怱怱 [cong1 cong1] /hurriedly/
+ 急急忙忙 急急忙忙 [ji2 ji2 mang2 mang2] /hurriedly/
+ 怱 怱 [cong1] /hurried/hasty/
+ 橫綱 横纲 [heng2 gang2] /yokozuna/
+ 鴨梨 鸭梨 [Ya1 Li2] /Ya Li, a pear cultivar/
- 鴻雁 鸿雁 [hong2 yan4] /Swan Goose/
+ 鴻雁 鸿雁 [hong2 yan4] /swan goose/
+ 孜孜矻矻 孜孜矻矻 [zi1 zi1 ku1 ku1] /diligently/
+ 不怠 不怠 [bu4 dai4] /untiring/indefatigable/
+ 矻矻 矻矻 [ku1 ku1] /assiduously/
+ 奧里里亞 奥里里亚 [Ao4 li3 li3 ya4] /Aurelia, a hypothetical planet/
+ 藍月亮 蓝月亮 [Lan2 yue4 liang5] /Blue Moon, a hypothetical planet/
+ 錙銖必較 锱铢必较 [zi1 zhu1 bi4 jiao4] /to Haggle over every cent (idiom)/
+ 忘八蛋 忘八蛋 [wang4 ba1 dan4] /turtle's egg (highly offensive when directed at someone)/
+ 忘八旦 忘八旦 [wang4 ba1 dan4] /turtle's egg (highly offensive when directed at someone)/
+ 蹩腳 蹩脚 [bie2 jiao3] /inferior/
+ 性急 性急 [xing4 ji2] /impatient/
+ 失魂 失魂 [shi1 hun2] /to panic/
+ 㑇 㑇 [zhou4] /beautiful/
+ 㑳 㑳 [zhou4] /beautiful/
- 上下 上下 [shang4 xia4] /up and down/top and bottom/old and new/length/
+ 上下 上下 [shang4 xia4] /up and down/top and bottom/old and new/length/about/
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