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Change log entry 9075
Processed by: miles (2009-04-19 06:32:06 GMT)
- 菲 菲 [fei1] /rich/luxurious/(chem.) phenanthrene/abbr. for Philippines/
+ 菲 菲 [fei1] /rich/luxurious/phenanthrene (chemistry)/abbr. for the Philippines 菲律賓|菲律宾[Fei1 lu:4 bin1]/
- 抵制 抵制 [di3 zhi4] /resistance/refusal (to cooperate)/boycott/
+ 抵制 抵制 [di3 zhi4] /to resit/to boycott/to refuse (to cooperate)/to reject/resistance/refusal/
+ 抵足而臥 抵足而卧 [di3 zu2 er2 wo4] /lit. to live and sleep together (idiom); fig. a close friendship/
- 讀書 读书 [du2 shu1] /study/read/
+ 讀書 读书 [du2 shu1] /to study/to read/
+ 抵罪 抵罪 [di3 zui4] /punished for a crime/
- 蘇珊 苏珊 [Su1 shan1] /Susan (from the Narnia chronicles)/
+ 蘇珊 苏珊 [Su1 shan1] /Susan (name)/
+ 波義耳 波义耳 [Bo1 yi4 er3] /Boyle (name)/Robert Boyle (1627-91), British and Irish scientist and pioneer chemist/
+ 洛錫安區 洛锡安区 [Luo4 Xi1 an1 qu1] /Lothian, Scottish region around Edinburgh/
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