Change log entry 87093 | |
Processed by: | richwarm (2024-11-02 22:15:14 GMT) |
Comment: |
<< review queue entry 80197 - submitted by 'richwarm' >> LA: 毛筆行筆手法之一。筆鋒均保持在筆畫的中間,不偏不倚。也作「正鋒」。 Ex. 嶺南畫派技法上的特色包括:對筆意骨法的靈活運用,以中鋒、側鋒、偏鋒、臥鋒、推、拖、逆筆等,使山勢、古木、峻石等有多層次變化,因此嶺南乍看之下有特別濃洌的感覺,高山峻嶺氣韻生動、大氣磅礡。歐豪年的黃山系列和黃河出水口可說是抓住了嶺南的真髓。 近年來,何延泰不僅自創圓融憨厚的「何體」正楷,寫出一幅幅溫潤篤靜、令觀者心境清明的心經及千字文等,還揣摩出失傳已久的蝌蚪文。「筆走中鋒」是他最堅持的理念,凝筆一揮,萬毫齊力,曳長的撇捺彎勾間,墨跡若隱若現而力透紙背。 |
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- 中鋒 中锋 [zhong1 feng1] /midfielder/center (basketball)/center forward (hockey, football)/ # + 中鋒 中锋 [[zhong1feng1]] /(sports) midfielder; (basketball) center; (hockey, soccer) center forward/(calligraphy) vertical brush position/ # # Editor: following discussion ... + 中鋒 中锋 [[zhong1feng1]] /(sports) midfielder; (basketball) center; (hockey, soccer) center forward/see 正鋒|正锋[zheng4feng1]/ # - 正鋒 正锋 [zheng4 feng1] /frontal attack (brush movement in painting)/ + 正鋒 正锋 [[zheng4feng1]] /(calligraphy) technique in which the shaft of the brush is kept upright, so that the tip of the brush runs along the center of the stroke (cf. 側鋒|侧锋[ce4feng1] and 偏鋒|偏锋[pian1feng1])/ # - 側鋒 侧锋 [ce4 feng1] /oblique attack (brush movement in painting)/ + 側鋒 侧锋 [[ce4feng1]] /(calligraphy) technique in which the shaft of the brush is held at an oblique angle, so that the tip of the brush runs near the edge of the stroke (cf. 正鋒|正锋[zheng4feng1] and 偏鋒|偏锋[pian1feng1])/ # - 偏鋒 偏锋 [pian1 feng1] /brush stroke to the side (calligraphy)/fig. side stroke/lateral thinking/ + 偏鋒 偏锋 [[pian1feng1]] /(calligraphy) technique in which the shaft of the brush is held at a low angle, so that the tip of the brush runs along the edge of the stroke (cf. 正鋒|正锋[zheng4feng1] and 側鋒|侧锋[ce4feng1])/(fig.) unorthodox or improper way of doing things/ |