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Change log entry 87083
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-11-01 15:15:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 80193 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) As a trad form, 來台 is far more common.
site:.taiwan-panorama.com "來台" - 4,570
site:.taiwan-panorama.com "來臺" - 119

2) "visit"?
Not necessarily. They may come for an official posting or other long-term stay.
- 丁日昌,是接續沈葆楨來台辦理「船政」的福建巡撫,他於光緒二年(一八七六年)來台後,立即開始調查全島情勢,
- 九七大限將屆,據說香港毒梟有意轉移陣地來台,情勢仍然詭譎。
- 海洛因從金三角出來後,多半經過泰國曼谷,由當地的大盤商接洽台灣買主後,以漁船走私的方式,將巨量毒品藏在漁船上特製的夾層、鍋爐等處所,走私闖關來台。

In addition, 來台 is specifically something that Taiwanese people say, whereas "visit Taiwan" can be said by anyone anywhere.

3) "esp. PRC?"
Of course, many do come from the PRC, but in many cases, they come from other places.
- 國際媒體來台,
- 去年立委選舉,來台觀察選情的加州大學柏克萊分校教授高棣民,就注意到海外歸國人士在選戰中扮演的核心角色。
- 這次來台採訪的各路媒體,
- 法國亞維儂藝術節執行長費弗爾.達爾西伉儷,日前應邀來台參加文建會會慶。
- 因為日本來台的官員多半也能做漢詩,所以對詩社比較鬆,
- 來臺 来台 [lai2 Tai2] /to visit Taiwan (esp. from PRC)/
+ 來台 来台 [[lai2-Tai2]] /to come to Taiwan/
+ 來臺 来台 [[lai2-Tai2]] /variant of 來台|来台[lai2-Tai2]/
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