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Change log entry 85516
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-07-26 11:20:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 79019 - submitted by 'encn' >>
i feel it's out of use in mainland china.


1) Should be "variant of" rather than "see"
2) As "madder" or "to hunt in spring", the simplified and traditional are both
蒐. As "to gather, to collect, to seek, etc" (a variant of 搜), the simplified
character is 搜 while the traditional is 蒐. Therefore both 蒐集 and 搜集 are
traditional forms of 搜集.

I'll submit a followup for 蒐|搜.
- 蒐集 蒐集 [sou1 ji2] /to gather/to collect/
# + 蒐集 蒐集 [[sou1ji2]] /(literary) see 搜集[sou1ji2]/
# Editor:
+ 蒐集 搜集 [[sou1ji2]] /variant of 搜集[sou1ji2]/
By MDBG 2024
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