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Change log entry 85500
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-07-25 12:01:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 78993 - submitted by 'encn' >>
any examples of 骆驼 meaning blockhead.
wrong classifer.


"any examples of 骆驼 meaning blockhead."

"(coll.) blockhead; ninny" was copied verbatim from ABC. It's hard to find
online examples since the vast majority of results will be for camels, but
here's one


Personally, I've heard 骆驼 used as a metaphor for stubbornness, which isn't
quite the same as blockhead or ninny but I suppose it's close enough. There's
also a saying (perhaps dialectal) 骆驼骨头,驮重不驮轻, meaning something similar
to 吃硬不吃软.


"wrong classifier."

It's correct, possibly because of the connection between camel humps and
mountain peaks (camel hump is "驼峰" after all). And it's actually more commonly
used than other classifiers for large animals like 头 and 匹.

峰骆驼: 358 hits
头骆驼: 170 hits
匹骆驼: 148 hits

- 駱駝 骆驼 [luo4 tuo5] /camel/(coll.) blockhead/ninny/CL:峰[feng1]/
# + 駱駝 骆驼 [[luo4tuo5]] /camel/
# Editor:
+ 駱駝 骆驼 [[luo4tuo5]] /camel (CL:峰[feng1],匹[pi3],頭|头[tou2])/(coll.) blockhead; ninny/
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