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Change log entry 85491
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-07-24 15:51:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 78905 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"When I first began attending the ecological class, my father was always nagging me and saying I was putting aside more appropriate tasks to go every day to look at frogs, and how could that lead anywhere?" laughs Kuan Yu-fu, one of those certified as a nature guide.

"As for the rest of us - myself included- although we still have companies to run or appear to have serious matters (正经事) to perform, we spend most of the days merely pretending to do so (while slumping on the sofa and sipping coconut water. Shhh.)"


+ 正經事 正经事 [[zheng4jing1shi4]] /an important matter (sth work-related or productive etc)/
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