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Change log entry 85038
Processed by: richwarm (2024-06-26 01:23:17 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 一個樣 一个样 [yi1 ge5 yang4] /see 一樣|一样[yi1 yang4]/
+ 一個樣 一个样 [[yi1ge5yang4]] /the same; of the same type/
- 一塵不染 一尘不染 [yi1 chen2 bu4 ran3] /(idiom) untainted by even a speck of dust; spotlessly clean; (of a person) honest; incorruptible/
+ 一塵不染 一尘不染 [[yi1chen2-bu4ran3]] /(idiom) untainted by even a speck of dust; spotlessly clean; (of a person) honest; incorruptible/
- 七十年代 七十年代 [qi1 shi2 nian2 dai4] /the seventies; the 1970s/
+ 七十年代 七十年代 [[qi1shi2 nian2dai4]] /the seventies; the 1970s/
- 三點水 三点水 [san1 dian3 shui3] /name of "water" radical 氵[shui3] in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 85)/
+ 三點水 三点水 [[san1dian3shui3]] /name of "water" radical 氵[shui3] in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 85)/
- 並不 并不 [bing4 bu4] /not at all; by no means/
+ 並不 并不 [[bing4bu4]] /not at all; by no means/
- 並發 并发 [bing4 fa1] /to happen simultaneously/
+ 並發 并发 [[bing4fa1]] /to happen simultaneously/
- 中時 中时 [Zhong1 Shi2] /China Times (newspaper) (abbr. for 中國時報|中国时报[Zhong1 guo2 Shi2 bao4])/
+ 中時 中时 [[Zhong1-Shi2]] /China Times (newspaper published in Taiwan) (abbr. for 中國時報|中国时报[Zhong1guo2 Shi2bao4])/
- 中國時報 中国时报 [Zhong1 guo2 Shi2 bao4] /China Times (newspaper)/
+ 中國時報 中国时报 [[Zhong1guo2 Shi2bao4]] /China Times (newspaper published in Taiwan)/
- 乘組 乘组 [cheng2 zu3] /crew (on board a spacecraft)/
+ 乘組 乘组 [[cheng2zu3]] /crew (on board a spacecraft)/
- 九香蟲 九香虫 [jiu3 xiang1 chong2] /brown marmorated stinkbug (BMSB)/
+ 九香蟲 九香虫 [[jiu3xiang1chong2]] /brown marmorated stinkbug (BMSB)/
- 亂葬崗 乱葬岗 [luan4 zang4 gang3] /unmarked burial mound; untended graveyard; mass grave/
+ 亂葬崗 乱葬岗 [[luan4zang4gang3]] /unmarked burial mound; untended graveyard; mass grave/
- 二等公民 二等公民 [er4 deng3 gong1 min2] /second-class citizen/
+ 二等公民 二等公民 [[er4deng3 gong1min2]] /second-class citizen/
- 交淺言深 交浅言深 [jiao1 qian3 yan2 shen1] /(idiom) to talk intimately while being comparative strangers/
+ 交淺言深 交浅言深 [[jiao1qian3-yan2shen1]] /(idiom) to talk intimately while being comparative strangers/
- 人五人六 人五人六 [ren2 wu3 ren2 liu4] /(idiom) to make a show of being decent and proper; to display phony or hypocritical behavior/
+ 人五人六 人五人六 [[ren2wu3-ren2liu4]] /(idiom) to make a show of being decent and proper; to display phony or hypocritical behavior/
- 人盾 人盾 [ren2 dun4] /human shield/
+ 人盾 人盾 [[ren2dun4]] /human shield/
- 人礦 人矿 [ren2 kuang4] /(neologism c. 2023) (slang) the Chinese people, seen as a resource that is exploited for its value to the nation/
+ 人礦 人矿 [[ren2kuang4]] /(neologism c. 2023) (slang) the Chinese people, seen as a resource that is exploited for its value to the nation/
- 伸手派 伸手派 [shen1 shou3 pai4] /freeloader; moocher; sponger/
+ 伸手派 伸手派 [[shen1shou3pai4]] /freeloader; moocher; sponger/
- 住建部 住建部 [Zhu4 Jian4 bu4] /Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC (MOHURD) (abbr. for 住房和城鄉建設部|住房和城乡建设部[Zhu4 fang2 he2 Cheng2 xiang1 Jian4 she4 bu4])/
+ 住建部 住建部 [[Zhu4jian4bu4]] /PRC Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) (abbr. for 住房和城鄉建設部|住房和城乡建设部[Zhu4fang2 he2 Cheng2-Xiang1 Jian4she4bu4])/
- 住房和城鄉建設部 住房和城乡建设部 [Zhu4 fang2 he2 Cheng2 xiang1 Jian4 she4 bu4] /Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC (MOHURD)/abbr. to 住建部[Zhu4 Jian4 bu4]/
+ 住房和城鄉建設部 住房和城乡建设部 [[Zhu4fang2 he2 Cheng2-Xiang1 Jian4she4bu4]] /PRC Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) (abbr. to 住建部[Zhu4jian4bu4])/
- 保惠師 保惠师 [Bao3 hui4 shi1] /(Christianity) Paraclete/
+ 保惠師 保惠师 [[Bao3hui4shi1]] /(Christianity) Paraclete/
- 保暖 保暖 [bao3 nuan3] /to keep warm/
+ 保暖 保暖 [[bao3nuan3]] /to keep warm/
- 兇嫌 凶嫌 [xiong1 xian2] /alleged killer (or attacker); suspect in a case of violent crime/
+ 兇嫌 凶嫌 [[xiong1xian2]] /alleged killer (or attacker); suspect in a case of violent crime/
- 先公 先公 [xian1 gong1] /(literary) my late father/
+ 先公 先公 [[xian1gong1]] /(literary) my late father/
- 免責 免责 [mian3 ze2] /exemption from responsibility/
+ 免責 免责 [[mian3ze2]] /exemption from responsibility/
- 再生水 再生水 [zai4 sheng1 shui3] /reclaimed water; recycled water/
+ 再生水 再生水 [[zai4sheng1shui3]] /reclaimed water; recycled water/
- 分光 分光 [fen1 guang1] /(prefix) spectro-/
+ 分光 分光 [[fen1guang1]] /(prefix) spectro-/
- 初創 初创 [chu1 chuang4] /startup (company, phase etc); newly established/
+ 初創 初创 [[chu1chuang4]] /startup (company, phase etc); newly established/
- 剁手節 剁手节 [Duo4 shou3 jie2] /(jocular) a day of frenetic online spending, such as Singles' Day/
+ 剁手節 剁手节 [[duo4shou3jie2]] /(jocular) a day of frenetic online spending, such as Singles' Day/
- 劃重點 划重点 [hua4 zhong4 dian3] /to highlight or underline an important point/
+ 劃重點 划重点 [[hua4 zhong4dian3]] /to highlight or underline an important point/
- 化為烏有 化为乌有 [hua4 wei2 wu1 you3] /to go up in smoke; to vanish/
+ 化為烏有 化为乌有 [[hua4wei2-wu1you3]] /to go up in smoke; to vanish/
- 印本 印本 [yin4 ben3] /printed book; printed copy/
+ 印本 印本 [[yin4ben3]] /printed book; printed copy/
- 受得了 受得了 [shou4 de5 liao3] /to put up with; to endure/
+ 受得了 受得了 [[shou4de5liao3]] /to put up with; to endure/
By MDBG 2024
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