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Change log entry 85032
Processed by: richwarm (2024-06-25 21:28:41 GMT)
Comment: - cross-ref in 騊駼 def
- v2 for 匈奴
- 騊駼 𫘦𬳿 [[tao2tu2]] /(literary) a well-regarded type of horse native to the northern regions, particularly associated with the Xiongnu people/
+ 騊駼 𫘦𬳿 [[tao2tu2]] /(literary) a well-regarded type of horse native to the northern regions, particularly associated with the Xiongnu people 匈奴[Xiong1nu2]/
- 匈奴 匈奴 [Xiong1 nu2] /Xiongnu, a people of the Eastern Steppe who created an empire that flourished around the time of the Qin and Han dynasties/
+ 匈奴 匈奴 [[Xiong1nu2]] /Xiongnu, a people of the Eastern Steppe who created an empire that flourished around the time of the Qin and Han dynasties/
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