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Change log entry 84792
Processed by: richwarm (2024-06-15 07:13:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 78227 - submitted by 'encn' >>
not idiom
wrong def
i'd regard it as a construct in 逐次近似法

Editor: The sad history ~

1) Wu Guanghua, ed. 《汉英大词典》 has both entries:
逐次近似 successive approximation
逐次近似法 convergence method; method of successive approximation

2) ABC/Wenlin copied the entry for 逐次近似
Someone at Wenlin arbitrarily called it "f.e." (fixed expression) presumably because there are four characters, just like a typical chengyu!

3) A former editor copied it into cc-cedict.

4) It was deleted because it was part of a large-scale copying of ABC entries.

5) Another editor decided it was a shame to lose those deleted entries.
He put some of them back (hundreds, I think), including 逐次近似, this time attempting to paraphrase the original definition instead of copying verbatim.

And that's how we ended up with this "idiom" with the wrong definition.
- 逐次近似 逐次近似 [zhu2 ci4 jin4 si4] /successive approximate values (idiom)/
By MDBG 2024
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