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Change log entry 84612
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-06-11 20:37:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77785 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 切結書 切结书 [qie4 jie2 shu1] /affidavit; written pledge/
+ 切結書 切结书 [[qie4jie2shu1]] /affidavit; written pledge/
- 客群 客群 [ke4 qun2] /market segment/
+ 客群 客群 [[ke4qun2]] /market segment/
- 貶損 贬损 [bian3 sun3] /to mock; to disparage; to belittle/
+ 貶損 贬损 [[bian3sun3]] /to mock; to disparage; to belittle/
- 出生證 出生证 [chu1 sheng1 zheng4] /birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1]/
+ 出生證 出生证 [[chu1sheng1zheng4]] /birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1]/
- 深喉 深喉 [shen1 hou2] /deep throating (sex act)/a deep throat (anonymous informant)/
+ 深喉 深喉 [[shen1hou2]] /deep throating (sex act)/a deep throat (anonymous informant)/
- 違法亂紀 违法乱纪 [wei2 fa3 luan4 ji4] /lit. to break the law and violate the rules (idiom)/fig. misconduct/
+ 違法亂紀 违法乱纪 [[wei2fa3-luan4ji4]] /lit. to break the law and violate the rules (idiom)/fig. misconduct/
- 切入 切入 [qie1 ru4] /to cut into; to penetrate deeply into (a topic, area etc)/(sports) (soccer etc) to penetrate (the defenses of the opposing team)/(cinema) to cut (to the next scene)/
+ 切入 切入 [[qie1ru4]] /to cut into; to penetrate deeply into (a topic, area etc)/(sports) (soccer etc) to penetrate (the defenses of the opposing team)/(cinema) to cut (to the next scene)/
- 坑 坑 [keng1] /pit; depression; hollow/tunnel; hole in the ground/(archaic) to bury alive/to hoodwink; to cheat (sb)/
+ 坑 坑 [[keng1]] /pit; depression; hollow/tunnel; hole in the ground/(archaic) to bury alive/to hoodwink; to cheat (sb)/
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