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Change log entry 84592
Processed by: richwarm (2024-06-10 22:15:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 78010 - submitted by 'encn' >>
Zhong4 should be Zhong1

usu. used in 中油资本, 中油六建, 中油集团 etc
so i'd delete this entry


中油公司董事長林聖忠在論壇中指出,早在1970年代,中油公司就曾與美國大洋(Oceanic Exploration)、海灣石油(Gulf oil)、柯林敦國際(Clinton International)等多家美國石油公司合作,在第2至第4礦區進行油氣鑽探;但十餘年後,因領海主權爭議擴大,不得不暫時擱置開發計畫。
Lin ­Sheng-­chung, chairman of CPC (Taiwan’s state-owned and largest petroleum firm), noted at the forum that as early as the 1970s CPC had begun cooperating with US oil companies to conduct exploratory drilling in Blocks II through IV. But CPC had no choice but to shelve development projects in the 1980s because of widening disputes over sovereignty.

“That year, I practically camped out at the CPC offices for months on end in an effort to convince CPC to take part in the venture,” says Lee.

The fact that the nearby coral mountains of Shou-shan and Ban-ping-shan render it nearly inaccessible to traffic along with the presence of the China Petroleum Corporation refinery and the Nanzi Export Processing Zone, have cemented its unappealing image as Kao-hsiung's rundown blue-collar and immigrant laborer district.


- 中油 中油 [Zhong4 you2] /CNPC, China National Petroleum Corporation (abbr.)/
+ 中油 中油 [[Zhong1you2]] /CPC Corporation, a state-owned petroleum company in Taiwan (abbr. for 台灣中油|台湾中油[Tai2wan1 Zhong1you2])/
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