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Change log entry 84486
Processed by: richwarm (2024-06-07 21:02:35 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 之所以 之所以 [zhi1 suo3 yi3] /(after a noun N and before a predicate P) the reason why N P/Example: 我之所以討厭他|我之所以讨厌他[wo3 zhi1 suo3 yi3 tao3 yan4 ta1] "the reason why I dislike him (is ...)"/
+ 之所以 之所以 [[zhi1suo3yi3]] /(after a noun N and before a predicate P) the reason why N P/Example: 我之所以討厭他|我之所以讨厌他[wo3 zhi1suo3yi3 tao3yan4 ta1] "the reason why I dislike him (is ...)"/
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