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Change log entry 84453
Processed by: richwarm (2024-06-06 09:37:07 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 刺戳 刺戳 [ci4 chuo1] /to stab; to pierce/
+ 刺戳 刺戳 [[ci4chuo1]] /to stab; to pierce/
- 拆卸 拆卸 [chai1 xie4] /to dismantle; to take apart/
+ 拆卸 拆卸 [[chai1xie4]] /to dismantle; to take apart/
- 提款 提款 [ti2 kuan3] /to withdraw money; to take money out of the bank/
+ 提款 提款 [[ti2kuan3]] /to withdraw money; to take money out of the bank/
- 臭味 臭味 [chou4 wei4] /bad smell; foul odor/
+ 臭味 臭味 [[chou4wei4]] /bad smell; foul odor/
- 致病 致病 [zhi4 bing4] /to cause disease; to be pathogenic/
+ 致病 致病 [[zhi4bing4]] /to cause disease; to be pathogenic/
- 補貨 补货 [bu3 huo4] /to restock (an item); to replenish inventory/
+ 補貨 补货 [[bu3huo4]] /to restock (an item); to replenish inventory/
- 複雜 复杂 [fu4 za2] /complicated; complex/
+ 複雜 复杂 [[fu4za2]] /complicated; complex/
- 買醉 买醉 [mai3 zui4] /to get drunk; to drown one's sorrows/
+ 買醉 买醉 [[mai3zui4]] /to get drunk; to drown one's sorrows/
- 陳說 陈说 [chen2 shuo1] /to state; to assert/
+ 陳說 陈说 [[chen2shuo1]] /to state; to assert/
- 策略 策略 [ce4 lu:e4] /strategy; tactics/crafty; adroit/
+ 策略 策略 [[ce4lu:e4]] /strategy; tactics/crafty; adroit/
- 舊聞 旧闻 [jiu4 wen2] /outdated news/old anecdote; stories passed on from former times/
+ 舊聞 旧闻 [[jiu4wen2]] /outdated news/old anecdote; stories passed on from former times/
- 船舷 船舷 [chuan2 xian2] /the sides of a ship/(fig.) the dividing line between shipboard expenses and onshore freight charges/
+ 船舷 船舷 [[chuan2xian2]] /the sides of a ship/(fig.) the dividing line between shipboard expenses and onshore freight charges/
- 色彩 色彩 [se4 cai3] /tint; coloring; coloration/(fig.) flavor; character/
+ 色彩 色彩 [[se4cai3]] /tint; coloring; coloration/(fig.) flavor; character/
- 賞賜 赏赐 [shang3 ci4] /to bestow a reward/a reward/
+ 賞賜 赏赐 [[shang3ci4]] /to bestow a reward/a reward/
- 轉型 转型 [zhuan3 xing2] /to undergo fundamental change; to transition; to transform/to update (to a new model of product)/
+ 轉型 转型 [[zhuan3xing2]] /to undergo fundamental change; to transition; to transform/to update (to a new model of product)/
- 嬋娟 婵娟 [chan2 juan1] /(literary) beautiful woman/(literary) lovely; graceful/(literary) the moon/
+ 嬋娟 婵娟 [[chan2juan1]] /(literary) beautiful woman/(literary) lovely; graceful/(literary) the moon/
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