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Change log entry 84452
Processed by: richwarm (2024-06-06 09:21:32 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 勸服 劝服 [quan4 fu2] /to persuade; to convince; to win (sb) over/
+ 勸服 劝服 [[quan4fu2]] /to persuade; to convince; to win (sb) over/
- 叫醒 叫醒 [jiao4 xing3] /to awaken; to wake sb up; to rouse/
+ 叫醒 叫醒 [[jiao4xing3]] /to awaken; to wake sb up; to rouse/
- 山查 山查 [shan1 zha1] /variant of 山楂[shan1 zha1]/
+ 山查 山查 [[shan1zha1]] /variant of 山楂[shan1zha1]/
- 帶頭 带头 [dai4 tou2] /to take the lead; to be the first; to set an example/
+ 帶頭 带头 [[dai4tou2]] /to take the lead; to be the first; to set an example/
- 律呂 律吕 [lu:4 lu:3] /tuning; temperament/
+ 律呂 律吕 [[lu:4lu:3]] /tuning; temperament/
- 成名 成名 [cheng2 ming2] /to make one's name; to become famous/
+ 成名 成名 [[cheng2ming2]] /to make one's name; to become famous/
- 水勺 水勺 [shui3 shao2] /ladle; dipper (for water)/
+ 水勺 水勺 [[shui3shao2]] /ladle; dipper (for water)/
- 淚人 泪人 [lei4 ren2] /person who is crying their eyes out, whose face is wet with tears/
+ 淚人 泪人 [[lei4ren2]] /person who is crying their eyes out, whose face is wet with tears/
- 皚皚 皑皑 [ai2 ai2] /(literary) white as snow; pure white/
+ 皚皚 皑皑 [[ai2ai2]] /(literary) white as snow; pure white/
- 車轍 车辙 [che1 zhe2] /wheel rut; vehicle track/
+ 車轍 车辙 [[che1zhe2]] /wheel rut; vehicle track/
- 集材 集材 [ji2 cai2] /(forestry) to log; to skid; to yard/
+ 集材 集材 [[ji2cai2]] /(forestry) to log; to skid; to yard/
- 龐大 庞大 [pang2 da4] /huge; enormous; tremendous/
+ 龐大 庞大 [[pang2da4]] /huge; enormous; tremendous/
- 大瘡 大疮 [da4 chuang1] /syphilis/syphilitic ulcer/
+ 大瘡 大疮 [[da4chuang1]] /syphilis/syphilitic ulcer/
- 籌算 筹算 [chou2 suan4] /to calculate (using bamboo tokens on a counting board); to count beads/(fig.) to budget; to plan (an investment)/
+ 籌算 筹算 [[chou2suan4]] /to calculate (using bamboo tokens on a counting board); to count beads/(fig.) to budget; to plan (an investment)/
- 老化 老化 [lao3 hua4] /(of a person, population or material) to age/(of knowledge) to become outdated/
+ 老化 老化 [[lao3hua4]] /(of a person, population or material) to age/(of knowledge) to become outdated/
- 虛掩 虚掩 [xu1 yan3] /to partially obscure/(of a door, gate or window) slightly open; ajar; not fully shut; unlocked/(of a jacket or shirt) unbuttoned/
+ 虛掩 虚掩 [[xu1yan3]] /to partially obscure/(of a door, gate or window) slightly open; ajar; not fully shut; unlocked/(of a jacket or shirt) unbuttoned/
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