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Change log entry 84451
Processed by: richwarm (2024-06-06 09:15:14 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 先賢 先贤 [xian1 xian2] /(literary) ancient sage/
+ 先賢 先贤 [[xian1xian2]] /(literary) ancient sage/
- 唱詞 唱词 [chang4 ci2] /libretto; lyrics/
+ 唱詞 唱词 [[chang4ci2]] /libretto; lyrics/
- 報償 报偿 [bao4 chang2] /to repay; to recompense/
+ 報償 报偿 [[bao4chang2]] /to repay; to recompense/
- 嫩綠 嫩绿 [nen4 lu:4] /tender green; soft green/
+ 嫩綠 嫩绿 [[nen4lu:4]] /tender green; soft green/
- 小盡 小尽 [xiao3 jin4] /lunar month of 29 days/
+ 小盡 小尽 [[xiao3jin4]] /lunar month of 29 days/
- 忍冬 忍冬 [ren3 dong1] /honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)/
+ 忍冬 忍冬 [[ren3dong1]] /honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)/
- 灘頭 滩头 [tan1 tou2] /beach; sand bank/
+ 灘頭 滩头 [[tan1tou2]] /beach; sand bank/
- 落筆 落笔 [luo4 bi3] /to put pen to paper; to start to write or draw/
+ 落筆 落笔 [[luo4bi3]] /to put pen to paper; to start to write or draw/
- 顯然 显然 [xian3 ran2] /clearly; evidently; obviously/
+ 顯然 显然 [[xian3ran2]] /clearly; evidently; obviously/
- 馥郁 馥郁 [fu4 yu4] /strongly fragrant/
+ 馥郁 馥郁 [[fu4yu4]] /strongly fragrant/
- 剪刀 剪刀 [jian3 dao1] /scissors/CL:把[ba3]/
+ 剪刀 剪刀 [[jian3dao1]] /scissors/CL:把[ba3]/
- 平緩 平缓 [ping2 huan3] /level; almost flat; not strongly sloping/(fig.) moderate; mild-mannered; gentle/
+ 平緩 平缓 [[ping2huan3]] /level; almost flat; not strongly sloping/(fig.) moderate; mild-mannered; gentle/
- 廢氣 废气 [fei4 qi4] /exhaust gas/industrial waste gas/
+ 廢氣 废气 [[fei4qi4]] /exhaust gas/industrial waste gas/
- 廢話 废话 [fei4 hua4] /nonsense; rubbish; superfluous words/You don't say!; No kidding! (gently sarcastic)/
+ 廢話 废话 [[fei4hua4]] /nonsense; rubbish; superfluous words/You don't say!; No kidding! (gently sarcastic)/
By MDBG 2024
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