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Change log entry 84359
Processed by: richwarm (2024-06-04 08:20:55 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 夫妻 夫妻 [fu1 qi1] /husband and wife; married couple/
+ 夫妻 夫妻 [[fu1qi1]] /husband and wife; married couple/
- 強求 强求 [qiang3 qiu2] /to insist on; to demand; to impose/
+ 強求 强求 [[qiang3qiu2]] /to insist on; to demand; to impose/
- 災難 灾难 [zai1 nan4] /disaster; catastrophe/
+ 災難 灾难 [[zai1nan4]] /disaster; catastrophe/
- 熟讀 熟读 [shu2 du2] /to read and reread sth until one is familiar with it/
+ 熟讀 熟读 [[shu2du2]] /to read and reread sth until one is familiar with it/
- 盡數 尽数 [jin4 shu3] /to count all of them/
+ 盡數 尽数 [[jin4shu3]] /to count all of them/
- 砸毀 砸毁 [za2 hui3] /to destroy; to smash/
+ 砸毀 砸毁 [[za2hui3]] /to destroy; to smash/
- 自創 自创 [zi4 chuang4] /to create; to come up with (an idea etc)/
+ 自創 自创 [[zi4chuang4]] /to create; to come up with (an idea etc)/
- 親緣 亲缘 [qin1 yuan2] /blood relationship; genetic relationship; consanguinity/
+ 親緣 亲缘 [[qin1yuan2]] /blood relationship; genetic relationship; consanguinity/
- 載荷 载荷 [zai4 he4] /load/
+ 載荷 载荷 [[zai4he4]] /load/
- 閃灼 闪灼 [shan3 zhuo2] /to glitter/
+ 閃灼 闪灼 [[shan3zhuo2]] /to glitter/
- 驟變 骤变 [zhou4 bian4] /to change suddenly; to change abruptly/
+ 驟變 骤变 [[zhou4bian4]] /to change suddenly; to change abruptly/
- 鬼魔 鬼魔 [gui3 mo2] /demon/
+ 鬼魔 鬼魔 [[gui3mo2]] /demon/
- 基準 基准 [ji1 zhun3] /(surveying) datum/standard; criterion; benchmark/
+ 基準 基准 [[ji1zhun3]] /(surveying) datum/standard; criterion; benchmark/
- 樹蔭 树荫 [shu4 yin1] /shade of a tree/Taiwan pr. [shu4 yin4]/
+ 樹蔭 树荫 [[shu4yin1]] /shade of a tree/Taiwan pr. [shu4yin4]/
- 混合 混合 [hun4 he2] /to mix; to blend/hybrid; composite/
+ 混合 混合 [[hun4he2]] /to mix; to blend/hybrid; composite/
- 轉椅 转椅 [zhuan4 yi3] /swivel chair/children's roundabout/
+ 轉椅 转椅 [[zhuan4yi3]] /swivel chair/children's roundabout/
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