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Change log entry 84300
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-06-02 15:26:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77589 - submitted by 'encn' >>
couldn't find any source say 韩信 wrote such poem


I'm guessing this entry originates from this page https://baike.baidu.com/item/鹍/16399653

Which has a (very) long poem, one of its lines has 鵾雞 in it:
>Geese cry as they migrate south, storks twitter their mournful cries
However the poem is 九辩, by 宋玉.

There's another poem that goes
where the first line is about the 鹍 turning into a 鹏 (though the 鹍 is now written as 鲲).
But since that's a standard 4-line poem it's probably not the "long poem" mentioned in the definition. It's also not related to 鵾雞.

All that is to say, I think you're right and 韩信 didn't write either poem. (I'm not even sure if 鹍鸡曲 is a real poem)

And even if there really was such a poem, written by 韩信, I think it's too obscure to warrant an entry.
- 鵾雞曲 鹍鸡曲 [kun1 ji1 qu3] /long poem by 韓信|韩信[Han2 Xin4] (-196 BC)/
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