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Change log entry 84199
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-30 06:04:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77188 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
i don't think it means order in the sense 'sequence', e.g. 'in the order of...' this would be not be a good match. There's a note in guifan cidian to this effect too.

social order/the state (of society) seem to me more too specific than it should be, 秩序 is just order, and social order is 社會秩序. To disambiguate the correct english sense of order i think it's better to give a couple examples: order (as in public order etc)

Editor: You make some good points. This definition was off the mark.
"public order" and "social order" are quite similar, so I've chosen some different examples.



- 秩序 秩序 [zhi4 xu4] /order (orderly)/order (sequence)/social order/the state (of society)/CL:個|个[ge4]/
# + 秩序 秩序 [[zhi4xu4]] /order (as in public order, social order etc); orderly state/
+ 秩序 秩序 [[zhi4xu4]] /order; orderliness (in society, in the classroom, on the roads etc)/
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