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Change log entry 84141
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-28 03:39:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77624 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
abbr for 學校名字/稱

After an hour or so, we reach our destination, Hong-Wen International Commercial High School. A big, eye-catching banner hanging from the school's sign reads: "Shanghai-Taiwan Cooperation."

Administrators at Tuniu Elementary, which is located on the banks of the Tachia River, often hear suggestions that they change the school's name, which means "earthen buffalo" in Chinese.

After half a century of Japanese rule, students in Taiwan were accustomed to using Japanese-style square canvas bookbags printed with the name of their school, and perhaps the school's emblem.

Then in 1994, Tiway Sayion applied for and received permission to change his school's name from Peifu Primary School to Tafalong Primary School. To date, it is the only school in the country that has received permission to change its name, and the only one with a name comprised of three Chinese characters-Ministry of Education policy mandates that all primary and secondary schools on Taiwan have names comprised of only two Chinese characters. That Tiway Sayion received this permission is a source of amazement and envy to the members of other tribes and tribal communities.
+ 校名 校名 [[xiao4ming2]] /school name/
By MDBG 2024
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