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Change log entry 83858
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-20 22:00:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77212 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

1. 用來組成棺材的木板;也指棺材。

2. 比喻面無表情。
例 「她整天冷冰冰的,一副棺材板臉孔」。

3. 一種臺灣小吃。源自臺南。將厚片吐司炸到金黃色後撈起,中間挖空,填入奶油麵糊,配上雞肉、豌豆、蝦仁、馬鈴薯、花枝等材料,再放上土司的蓋子即成。因形狀與過程像棺材封棺,故稱。

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The cuisine of Taiwan has absorbed a multitude of foreign influences, but it has also innovated many of its own xiaochi. Take, for instance, the macabre-sounding "coffin board." It's made by taking thick slices of bread and putting them in a deep fryer until crisp. You then cut off the top and carve out the middle, so that it forms a container. Inside, you place a filling-say a bisque made of chicken liver, peas, potato, shrimp, cuttlefish and so forth. Finally, you put the top back on. It's akin to a modern soup placed in a loaf of French bread.

Much of Min cuisine consists of soups. Cao Ming-zong, a student of Kee-lung's culture and history, says that many xiao-chi evolved from Min dishes such as its meat and fish stews. But others were invented here, including favorites such as "coffin board." The dish, a thick slab of toast hollowed out in the center and filled with seafood soup, blends Chinese and Western flavors in a local original.

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# 棺材板 棺材板 [[guan1cai5ban3]] /coffin board/coffin bread (Taiwanese snack)/
+ 棺材板 棺材板 [[guan1cai5ban3]] /wooden board used to make a coffin (also refers to the coffin itself); (fig.) (of a facial expression) grim; unsmiling/coffin bread, a Taiwanese snack consisting of a thick slab of bread, fried or toasted, then hollowed out, filled with a thick stew, and capped with a "coffin lid" (slice of fried bread)/
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