Change log entry 83852 | |
Processed by: | kbaiko (2024-05-20 17:24:34 GMT) |
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<< review queue entry 77211 - submitted by 'encn' >> couldn't find examples, maybe it's too slangy ---------- Editor: >扎鲁除外,他天天跑前跑后地扎款,想找艾斯美拉鲁达王室要点矿石。 >“好多人都没拿到最后的30%,因为投资方拿着剧本去扎款,如果没扎到,那编剧最后的30%也就拿不到了。 >正是破了产的港商明叔,有一段时间不知他的下落了,我还以为他不是去美国淘金,就是回香港扎款去了,没想到他还留在北京。 >改革的核心其实就一件事:找钱。韩三平管这叫“扎钱”“化缘”,融资,那是后来好听的说法。他曾带着46个导演、编剧到横店集体“化缘”,带着20多个导演去成都“扎款” >这句话说让王朔有些羞愧,是呀,我怎么混他们那个圈儿里去了,那个年代的影视从业者确实也风评不高。光听说他们找冤大头扎款,然后拍出一部部烂戏,让观众骂,让投资人骂,自己出门也臊不搭眼。 >钱多的主叫“款”,也叫“大款”、“款爷”。钱少点儿的,叫“款哥”、“款姐”。挣钱多的活则叫“页子活”。不是“款”也不是“腕”,又没“页子活”可干,还想过上“幸福生活”(不是贫嘴张大民的那种),那就只好自个儿想办法了。于是有“练摊”的,有“蹭饭”的,有当“托儿”和干“走合”的,还有切汇、抄肥,黑了心宰人的。“练摊”就是摆个小摊儿挣俩小钱,“蹭饭”就是厚着脸皮不花钱白吃白喝,“托儿”就是冒充顾客帮着雇主推销东西(往往是假冒伪劣),“走合”就是在买方和卖方之间牵线搭桥利用差价牟取好处,“切汇”就是在外汇交易中扣下一方应得的部分款项,“抄肥”就是看见有油水的买卖就捞他一把,或者拦路打劫,半道里把货截走,北京人称之为“驴叼夜草”。反正怎么着也得想办法“扎款”(搞钱)。 People with lots of money are called "款", or "Big 款", or "Grandfather 款". People with a bit less money are called "Brother 款", "Sister 款". Jobs that pay a lot are known as "页子活". People who are neither "款" nor "腕"*, and don't have a "页子活", but still want to be rich, have to come up with ideas. As a result there are people who "练摊", people who "蹭饭", people who act as "托儿", people who "走合", furthermore, there's people who "切汇", "抄肥", and finally black-hearted people who rip others off. "练摊" refers to setting up a street stall to earn money. "蹭饭" refers to those who thicken their face and freeload off others. "托儿" are shills who pose as customers to help their employers sell wares (usually of low quality). "走合" refers to making a profit as a middleman. "切汇" is the practice of swindling money when exchanging foreign currency. "抄肥" is the practice of reaping profits, or outright robbery. Anyways, all of these are methods to "扎款" (earn money). *腕: slang for a famous person/celebrity |
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# - 扎款 扎款 [zha1 kuan3] /to obtain money/to earn money (slang)/ # Editor: + 扎款 扎款 [[zha1kuan3]] /(slang) to obtain money; to earn money/ |