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Change log entry 83727
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-17 21:39:28 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 創牌子 创牌子 [chuang4 pai2 zi5] /(of a company) to establish a brand name/
+ 創牌子 创牌子 [[chuang4 pai2zi5]] /(of a company) to establish a brand name/
- 伊妹兒 伊妹儿 [yi1 mei4 r5] /email (loanword)/
+ 伊妹兒 伊妹儿 [[yi1mei4r5]] /(loanword) email/
- 兒化韻 儿化韵 [er2 hua4 yun4] /(Chinese phonetics) syllable final with r-coloring; rhotacized syllable final/
+ 兒化韻 儿化韵 [[er2hua4yun4]] /(Chinese phonetics) syllable final with r-coloring; rhotacized syllable final/
- 小偷兒 小偷儿 [xiao3 tou1 r5] /erhua variant of 小偷|小偷[xiao3 tou1]/
+ 小偷兒 小偷儿 [[xiao3tou1r5]] /erhua variant of 小偷|小偷[xiao3tou1]/
- 展銷會 展销会 [zhan3 xiao1 hui4] /trade show; sales exhibition/
+ 展銷會 展销会 [[zhan3xiao1hui4]] /trade show; sales exhibition/
- 拉拉蛄 拉拉蛄 [la4 la4 gu3] /mole cricket/
+ 拉拉蛄 拉拉蛄 [[la4la4gu3]] /mole cricket/
- 摹聲詞 摹声词 [mo2 sheng1 ci2] /(linguistics) onomatopoeic word/
+ 摹聲詞 摹声词 [[mo2sheng1ci2]] /(linguistics) onomatopoeic word/
- 沉澱物 沉淀物 [chen2 dian4 wu4] /precipitate; sediment/
+ 沉澱物 沉淀物 [[chen2dian4wu4]] /precipitate; sediment/
- 準譜兒 准谱儿 [zhun3 pu3 r5] /definite idea; certainty; clear plan; definite guidelines/
+ 準譜兒 准谱儿 [[zhun3pu3r5]] /definite idea; certainty; clear plan; definite guidelines/
- 被加數 被加数 [bei4 jia1 shu4] /augend; addend/
+ 被加數 被加数 [[bei4jia1shu4]] /augend; addend/
- 頭朝下 头朝下 [tou2 chao2 xia4] /(falling or suspended) head downwards; headfirst; headlong/
+ 頭朝下 头朝下 [[tou2chao2xia4]] /(falling or suspended) head downwards; headfirst; headlong/
- 麻醉劑 麻醉剂 [ma2 zui4 ji4] /an anesthetic; (fig.) a narcotic/
+ 麻醉劑 麻醉剂 [[ma2zui4ji4]] /an anesthetic; (fig.) a narcotic/
- 腳踏車 脚踏车 [jiao3 ta4 che1] /(Tw) bicycle; bike/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/
+ 腳踏車 脚踏车 [[jiao3ta4che1]] /(Tw) bicycle; bike/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/
- 代名詞 代名词 [dai4 ming2 ci2] /pronoun/synonym/byword/
+ 代名詞 代名词 [[dai4ming2ci2]] /pronoun/synonym/byword/
- 小妹妹 小妹妹 [xiao3 mei4 mei5] /little sister/little girl/(coll.) vulva/
+ 小妹妹 小妹妹 [[xiao3mei4mei5]] /little sister/little girl/(coll.) vulva/
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