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Change log entry 83706
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-17 07:24:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77070 - submitted by 'hanxue' >>
Chinese term for Dresden. Refer to Wikipedia entry https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BE%B7%E7%B4%AF%E6%96%AF%E9%A1%BF as an example

Editor: It's bit marginal because it's in Wikipedia. See the editor's note here:

Secondly, it's not the mainland Chinese word for Dresden, which makes it a bit more marginal yet.

However, it's a significant city, so I'll accept it (just).
# 德勒斯登 德勒斯登 [[de2 le4 si1 deng1]] /Dresden/
+ 德勒斯登 德勒斯登 [[De2le4si1deng1]] /(Tw) Dresden, capital of Saxony, Germany/
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