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Change log entry 83694
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-17 05:32:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77061 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Not sure about pinyin segmentation: PLC has it as [ru2sang4-kao3bi3], but my other dictionaries don't include the dash.

Usage examples:

> "第二天晚上,玄奘在屋后摔倒且病情加重,五天之后,大唐三藏法师玄奘卧床圆寂。“京邑及诸州五百里内送者百万余人”,长安城方圆内外五百里的百姓,全部赶来送别,痛哭流涕,【如丧考妣】。 " (https://www.sohu.com/a/776870712_121839252)

> "少年时候,喜欢一个人恨不能把她变成自己身体的一部分,她刚说冷,我这边心里已经结冰了,她说难过,我立马【如丧考妣】,比她还难过,唯恐无法将自己的爱意表达出来。 " (https://weibo.com/5878571699/Oba0o5xji)

> "某天,我被发小拉去他家,那货【如丧考妣】地哭诉自己失恋了,拿出三瓶二锅头,五六包廉价花生,两个咸鸭蛋,一边哭,一边吃,一边喝,一边絮絮叨叨地讲情史。" (http://paper.people.com.cn/hqrw/html/2017-03/01/content_1761524.htm)

> "然而,蓝营张灯结彩喜气洋洋,白营却凄风苦雨【如丧考妣】,柯粉哭,幕僚哭,柯文哲自己也哭,哭成一团,眼看就要一夕团灭。 " (https://news.sina.cn/2023-11-24/detail-imzvsncv7039275.d.html)

> "近日,WTT新加坡大满贯赛男单世界第一樊振东第2轮爆冷出局。有人质疑樊振东是因为赛前看演唱会影响其状态,导致比赛失利的原因。但在笔者看来,竞技体育原本就是如此,偶尔的一次比赛失利,不至于让部分人如此痛心疾首、【如丧考妣】。" (https://www.ttb0571.com/content/2024-03/22/071269.html)


- 两岸通用词典 (https://www.zhonghuayuwen.org/#/latycd/detail?word=%E5%A6%82%E4%B8%A7%E8%80%83%E5%A6%A3): "像死了父母一样地伤心(考:死去的父亲;妣:死去的母亲)。形容非常悲痛(多含贬义)。也作“若丧考妣”。"

- XDHYCD, 5th ed. (via Kindle): "像死了父母一样的伤心和着急(含贬义)。"

- Chinese-English Dictionary of Contemporary Usage (https://archive.org/details/chineseenglishdi0000chiw): "as if one had lost father and mother (worried and anxious—derogatory)"

Editor: There are two schools of thought. One school never uses a hyphen in 4-character chengyu. Yin Binyong, on the other hand, advises that "Four-character Set Phrases that can be divided into two halves are linked by a hyphen. "

We tend to follow the "use a hyphen" school. However, this particular case is perhaps open to interpretation. You could say it can be divided into two halves 如丧+考妣, I suppose. But it might be better thought of as 如+(丧+考妣). So I'll leave it unhyphenated.

"Sun Yat-sen's death in Nanjing in 1925 triggered mourning in both mainland China and Japanese-controlled Taiwan."
# 如喪考妣 如丧考妣 [[ru2sang4kao3bi3]] /lit. as if bereaved, having lost one's own parents (idiom); fig. (usu. pejorative) inconsolable; distraught/
+ 如喪考妣 如丧考妣 [[ru2sang4kao3bi3]] /lit. as if in mourning for one's parents (idiom)/fig. (often pejorative) inconsolable; distraught/
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