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Change log entry 83691
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-17 03:02:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 77014 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
+香菸, variant used in Taiwan (菸 not on 通用规范汉字表), only has the cigarette sense

"smoke from burning incense" can be shorten.

Additional MWs from PAVC textbook.

Additional meaning for 香煙:
(Some dictionaries also have "ancestal sacrifice" and some such but that looks like misinterpretation of the core meaning of this metaphor)

1) The (Tw) label applies when the *lexeme* is specifically Taiwanese, and not when it's only a matter of orthographic variation. The following dictionary follows the same principle, which is why 塑膠袋 is labeled (臺) but 香菸 is not.


Also, while 菸 is *used* in Taiwan, it isn't *specific* to Taiwan. For example, the following entries are included in MacGillivray's "A Mandarin-Romanized Dictionary of Chinese" (4th edition, 1918):
菸 tobacco
菸捲 a cigar
菸蔴店 a tobacco and hemp shop

And 中华大字典 (originally published in 1915) has the following entry:

2) > "Some dictionaries also have "ancestral sacrifice" and some such."
Even the definition you quoted mentions it (祭祖). The expression 接續香煙 means "continue incense smoke" — i.e. continue burning incense in honor of the ancestors (祭祖), which is something that can only be done if the family line continues.

3) 香煙|香烟[[xiang1yan1]]
Double brackets are not used for cross-references.
- 香煙 香烟 [xiang1 yan1] /cigarette/smoke from burning incense/CL:支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2]/
# + 香煙 香烟 [[xiang1yan1]] /cigarette (CL:支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2],根[gen1],包[bao1],盒[he2])/incense smoke/(fig.) posterity; continuation of family line/
# + 香菸 香烟 [[xiang1yan1]] /(Tw) cigarette (variant of 香煙|香烟[[xiang1yan1]])/
+ 香煙 香烟 [[xiang1yan1]] /smoke from incense (burned as an offering to one's ancestors); (fig.) continuation of family line/cigarette (CL:支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2],根[gen1],包[bao1],盒[he2])/
+ 香菸 香烟 [[xiang1yan1]] /cigarette (variant of 香煙|香烟[xiang1yan1])/
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