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Change log entry 83649
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-13 23:45:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76819 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
can be misunderstood to mean co-PI

a collaborator is a research project contributer but isn't underneath the PI
ref (https://www.ju.edu/sponsoredprograms/research-tool-box/faq.php)
ref (https://osp.finance.harvard.edu/collaboratorconsultant-other-significant-contibutor)

"協同主持人" 166,000
# 協同主持人 协同主持人 [[xie2tong2 zhu3chi2ren2]] /(in a research project) collaborator of the investigator(s)/
+ 協同主持人 协同主持人 [[xie2tong2 zhu3chi2ren2]] /(Tw) (in a research project) collaborator of the investigator(s)/
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