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Change log entry 83645
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-13 21:50:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76817 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
- used in a bilingual call for applicants https://oia.ncku.edu.tw/p/406-1032-252123,r3418.php?Lang=zh-tw
- Academia Sinica 學術處 translates 同主持人 as Co-PI https://www.sinica.edu.tw/CP/72
- used on the about page of a research lab website https://ymzadmin.oddist.org/?page_id=295
- shows up in a regulation (ZH) https://law.nstc.gov.tw/LawContent.aspx?id=GL000031

"共同主持人" 524,000

Editor: Seems to be a Tw term.

Google results
"共同主持人" site:.tw - 117k
"共同主持人" site:.cn - 37k

(trad) "協同主持人" - 208k
(simp) "协同主持人" - 5k

"When weather systems carrying acidic particulates encounter elevated terrain or warm southern air, water condenses and acid rain results," says Peng Chi-ming, one of the leaders of the EPA's acid rain monitoring program and CEO of Weather Risk Explore. "Northern and northeastern Taiwan get the worst of it."
# 共同主持人 共同主持人 [[gong4tong2 zhu3chi2ren2]] /(in a research project) co-principal investigator, or co-PI/
+ 共同主持人 共同主持人 [[gong4tong2 zhu3chi2ren2]] /(Tw) (in a research project) co-principal investigator, or co-PI/
By MDBG 2024
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