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Change log entry 83620
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-11 23:47:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76910 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 76908 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>

Added idiom tag to 聪明伶俐

Do we really need 设在? There are hundreds of these that one could add... 停在, 放在, 蹲在, 飘在, 跪在, 坐在, etc, in theory almost any verb + 在 could be added. Unless there's something special about 设在?

Editor: Agree about 設在. I've commented it out.
- 一黑早 一黑早 [yi1 hei1 zao3] /at daybreak/
+ 一黑早 一黑早 [[yi1hei1zao3]] /at daybreak/
- 亞克力 亚克力 [ya4 ke4 li4] /acrylic (loanword)/
+ 亞克力 亚克力 [[ya4ke4li4]] /(loanword) acrylic/
- 先入為主 先入为主 [xian1 ru4 wei2 zhu3] /(idiom) the first impression is the strongest; to hold a preconceived notion (about sth)/
+ 先入為主 先入为主 [[xian1ru4wei2zhu3]] /(idiom) the first impression is the strongest; to hold a preconceived notion (about sth)/
- 冠名 冠名 [guan4 ming2] /to name (a sports team, a competition etc)/
+ 冠名 冠名 [[guan4ming2]] /to name (a sports team, a competition etc)/
- 吸粉 吸粉 [xi1 fen3] /to increase one's followers; to get more fans/
+ 吸粉 吸粉 [[xi1fen3]] /to increase one's followers; to get more fans/
- 坡道 坡道 [po1 dao4] /road on a slope; inclined path; ramp/
+ 坡道 坡道 [[po1dao4]] /road on a slope; inclined path; ramp/
- 大於 大于 [da4 yu2] /greater than; bigger than; more than/
+ 大於 大于 [[da4yu2]] /greater than; bigger than; more than/
- 實控人 实控人 [shi2 kong4 ren2] /(corporations law) actual controller/
+ 實控人 实控人 [[shi2kong4ren2]] /(corporations law) actual controller/
- 得出 得出 [de2 chu1] /to obtain (a result); to arrive at (a conclusion)/
+ 得出 得出 [[de2chu1]] /to obtain (a result); to arrive at (a conclusion)/
- 抱抱 抱抱 [bao4 bao4] /to hug; to give a cuddle/
+ 抱抱 抱抱 [[bao4bao4]] /to hug; to give a cuddle/
- 掐錶 掐表 [qia1 biao3] /to use a stopwatch/
+ 掐錶 掐表 [[qia1biao3]] /to use a stopwatch/
- 摺紙 折纸 [zhe2 zhi3] /to fold paper (to make origami articles); origami/
+ 摺紙 折纸 [[zhe2zhi3]] /to fold paper (to make origami articles); origami/
- 淋巴管 淋巴管 [lin2 ba1 guan3] /lymphatic vessel/
+ 淋巴管 淋巴管 [[lin2ba1guan3]] /lymphatic vessel/
- 滿意度 满意度 [man3 yi4 du4] /degree of satisfaction/
+ 滿意度 满意度 [[man3yi4du4]] /degree of satisfaction/
- 烤布蕾 烤布蕾 [kao3 bu4 lei3] /(loanword) crème brûlée/
+ 烤布蕾 烤布蕾 [[kao3bu4lei3]] /(loanword) crème brûlée/
- 獒 獒 [ao2] /(bound form) mastiff/
+ 獒 獒 [[ao2]] /(bound form) mastiff/
- 相親角 相亲角 [xiang1 qin1 jiao3] /"matchmaking corner", a gathering in a park for parents who seek marriage partners for their adult children by connecting with other parents who put up posters displaying their unmarried child's details/
+ 相親角 相亲角 [[xiang1qin1jiao3]] /"matchmaking corner", a gathering in a park for parents who seek marriage partners for their adult children by connecting with other parents who put up posters displaying their unmarried child's details/
- 聰明伶俐 聪明伶俐 [cong1 ming5 ling2 li4] /bright; clever; quick-witted/
+ 聰明伶俐 聪明伶俐 [[cong1ming5-ling2li4]] /(idiom) bright; clever; quick-witted/
- 術後 术后 [shu4 hou4] /postoperative; after surgery/
+ 術後 术后 [[shu4hou4]] /postoperative; after surgery/
- 設在 设在 [she4 zai4] /to set up in (a particular location)/
# + 設在 设在 [[she4zai4]] /to set up in (a particular location)/
- 謊稱 谎称 [huang3 cheng1] /to claim; to pretend/
+ 謊稱 谎称 [[huang3cheng1]] /to claim; to pretend/
- 鐵菱 铁菱 [tie3 ling2] /(military) caltrop (spiky metal device laid on the ground to create a hazard for enemy horses or troops in ancient times)/
+ 鐵菱 铁菱 [[tie3ling2]] /(military) caltrop (spiky metal device laid on the ground to create a hazard for enemy horses or troops in ancient times)/
- 毀 毁 [hui3] /to destroy; to ruin/to defame; to slander/
+ 毀 毁 [[hui3]] /to destroy; to ruin/to defame; to slander/
- 減稅 减税 [jian3 shui4] /to cut taxes/tax cut/
+ 減稅 减税 [[jian3shui4]] /to cut taxes/tax cut/
- 重審 重审 [chong2 shen3] /to reinvestigate/to investigate and reconsider a judgment/
+ 重審 重审 [[chong2shen3]] /to reinvestigate/to investigate and reconsider a judgment/
- 上樑 上梁 [shang4 liang2] /to lay an upper beam/(a building's) upper beam/(a bicycle's) top tube/
+ 上樑 上梁 [[shang4liang2]] /to lay an upper beam/(a building's) upper beam/(a bicycle's) top tube/
- 差商 差商 [cha1 shang1] /(math.) difference quotient/(math.) divided difference/(math.) finite difference/
+ 差商 差商 [[cha1shang1]] /(math.) difference quotient/(math.) divided difference/(math.) finite difference/
By MDBG 2024
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