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Change log entry 83613
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-10 22:04:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76976 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Not necessarily credit card - could be access card, badge etc

1) "Not necessarily credit card"
The definition already indicates that it's not necessarily a credit card. A swipe card, for example, is not a credit card.

2) "to swipe a card"
a) 刷卡 is not necessarily a "swipe" (sliding motion). It can be "touch" or "wave" (hold near) a card-reader. It can also be "enter the card details manually into a form on a website."
b) All of those methods, including "swipe", are encompassed by the current definition: "to use a (credit/swipe/smart/etc) card".
# - 刷卡 刷卡 [shua1 ka3] /to use a credit card (or swipe card, smart card etc)/
# + 刷卡 刷卡 [[shua1ka3]] /to swipe a card/to use a credit card/
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