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Change log entry 83601
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-10 05:54:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76969 - submitted by 'encn' >>
抢风/航行 construct, and couldn't find many examples

(follow-up comment) please ignore this submission. 抢风航行 is worth keeping as a good example of 抢风.

Editor: ok

I'm not sure about this one myself. If it does mean "tack against the wind", that doesn't seem like something that is obvious from 搶風 and 航行, because it's a maneuver that involves sailing in a zig-zag path (tacking), not merely "advancing into a headwind". In that case, it couldn't be called a mere construct.

Also, I note that our definition of 搶風 is "headwind; contrary wind", while in NA it's defined as a verb phrase "to go against the wind; to brave the wind".

Anyway, I'll just paste in a couple of examples I found, for future reference:

这并不是最好的开始,但结果却是相当漂亮,因为在我面前的大部分家伙为了更好的视野和更好的航道抢风航行到左边。我从右侧抢风航行穿过大部队,抢的早 ...

这时,就需要学习一项专业的技术了:抢风航行。 先把船头转向右前方。这时,逆风就变成了侧风。调整船帆,向右前方前行一段。然后,把船头转向左前方。再调整帆,再前 ...
# - 搶風航行 抢风航行 [qiang1 feng1 hang2 xing2] /to tack against the wind (sailing)/
By MDBG 2024
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