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Change log entry 83600
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-10 05:17:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76957 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
"防空避難 / Air Defense Shelter" signs are plastered all over taiwanese cities

Editor: 防空避難 is an *activity* (evacuation in the event of an air raid) not a *place* (air defense shelter). It's something you *perform* (進行), as in 本次演練亦模擬空襲警報發生之當下如何進行防空避難,..., not something you *build* or *take shelter in*.

Chinese terms for "air defense shelter" include 防空避難所 and 防空避難設施. A typical classifier for these shelters is 處. If you Google "處防空避難", you find that the term this classifier actually applies to is 防空避難所 or 防空避難設施 etc., not 防空避難.

E.g. 全台共11萬處防空避難所.
(Not 全台共11萬處防空避難.)

(Not 台北有4600個防空避難.)

I didn't find much evidence of verb usage:
> "應該防空避難" 0 results
> "他們防空避難" 1 result
Google displayed 13 results for "如何防空避難", but that small number wasn't terribly convincing. Anyway, in general, if you are submitting a definition that isn't in dictionaries, typically lots of examples of usage are necessary to justify it. It would help this project if you could supply some of them yourself.
# 防空避難 防空避难 [[[fang2kong1 bi4nan4]]] /to take cover from an airstrike/air defense shelter/
By MDBG 2024
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