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Change log entry 83582
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-09 04:01:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76936 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Underground malls in Taiwan eg 台北地下街, 中山地下街, 東區地下街

1. 由於目前的經營者都是早期的傳統攤商,年齡層偏高,不擅長產品的形象塑造與包裝行銷,加上商品與鄰近的三水街、廣州街等同質性高,對消費者而言,特別走入地下街的誘因不足。

2. 其實,這波全民藝術瘋醞釀已久,各大美術館觀展人潮逐年倍增,展品甚至「外溢」到周邊社區與捷運地下街,在在顯示民眾接受度大為提升。

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Thanks for clarifying that underground street" is a literal translation. Unless it's labeled as "lit.", it comes across as Chinglish or gives people the wrong impression. Also, we generally don't give literal translations of headwords, especially if it's obvious what the literal translation would be.

You recently added "underground mall" as a 2nd sense in Wiktionary's entry for 地下街. I think it's very likely that the 1st sense listed – "underground street" – was in fact intended to provide a definition for the same thing you defined (i.e. underground mall). The contributor who added "underground street" indicates on their profile page that they are a native speaker of Mandarin who has only a basic knowledge of English. I would say your wording should *replace* their definition instead of being added as a 2nd sense.
# 地下街 地下街 [[di4xia4jie1]] /underground street/underground mall/
+ 地下街 地下街 [[di4xia4jie1]] /underground shopping arcade; underground mall/
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