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Change log entry 83521
Processed by: richwarm (2024-05-05 20:36:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76882 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 機制 机制 [ji1 zhi4] /mechanism/
+ 機制 机制 [[ji1zhi4]] /mechanism/
- 熔斷機制 熔断机制 [rong2 duan4 ji1 zhi4] /(finance) trading curb/circuit breaker/
+ 熔斷機制 熔断机制 [[rong2duan4 ji1zhi4]] /(finance) trading curb; circuit breaker/
- 希格斯機制 希格斯机制 [Xi1 ge2 si1 ji1 zhi4] /the Higgs mechanism, explaining the mass of elementary particles in the Standard Model/
+ 希格斯機制 希格斯机制 [[Xi1ge2si1 ji1zhi4]] /(physics) the Higgs mechanism/
- 震源機制 震源机制 [zhen4 yuan2 ji1 zhi4] /(seismology) focal mechanism/
+ 震源機制 震源机制 [[zhen4yuan2 ji1zhi4]] /(seismology) focal mechanism/
By MDBG 2024
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