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Change log entry 83449
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2024-05-02 13:42:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76800 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

3 examples ~ 夸夸其談 and 夸夸而談 and 夸夸其言.

Within a few years, the landscape changed. In 2003, the Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily entered the Taiwanese market, using copious images, sensationalism, commercialism and gossip mongering to sweep the island. This made the traditional newspapers, which had prided themselves on their serious discussion of political and social issues and on the quality of their reporting, seem disconnected and aloof. Amid industry-wide upheaval, Apple Daily (current daily circulation 520,000) became Taiwan's second-largest newspaper, overtaking the struggling United Daily News and China Times, both of which are seen as favoring Taiwan's reunification with China. Only the nativist Liberty Times (circulation 720,000) is larger.

Hsiao Jui-hua, the director of the Chaotai Consulting Company, attended the lecture, and she uses the term "different levels" to describe this gap. Whereas Porter, a top consultant to multinationals, speaks about global strategy, she herself serves medium-sized and small businesses that have the attitude that "the quicker they make money the better" and that "it's best to quit while you're still ahead." To have brand names, marketing networks, and sophisticated technology and R&D, you've got to spend a lot of money, and when you spend it you can't be sure you're going to be able to get it back.

Second, when discussing the purchase of technology, it's best to negotiate directly with the company that owns the technology. Companies should do their utmost to avoid going through individuals or trying to buy something on the cheap when it is unclear to whom the technology belongs. The world is full of technology brokers, all of them boasting about how they can help the buyer get the technology he wants. An unprincipled buyer can easily be sucked in.
- 誇誇其談 夸夸其谈 [kua1 kua1 qi2 tan2] /to talk big/to sound off/bombastic/grandiloquent/
+ 誇誇其談 夸夸其谈 [[kua1kua1-qi2tan2]] /to talk big; to sound off; to be full of hot air/
+ 夸夸其談 夸夸其谈 [[kua1kua1-qi2tan2]] /variant of 誇誇其談|夸夸其谈[kua1kua1-qi2tan2]/
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