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Change log entry 83418
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-30 21:53:58 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 朦 朦 [meng2] /used in 朦朧|朦胧[meng2 long2]/
+ 朦 朦 [[meng2]] /used in 朦朧|朦胧[meng2long2]/
- 洩 泄 [xie4] /(bound form) to leak out; to discharge; (fig.) to divulge/
+ 洩 泄 [[xie4]] /(bound form) to leak out; to discharge; (fig.) to divulge/
- 浠 浠 [Xi1] /name of a river in Hubei/
+ 浠 浠 [[Xi1]] /name of a river in Hubei/
- 臈 腊 [la4] /old variant of 臘|腊[la4]/
+ 臈 腊 [[la4]] /old variant of 臘|腊[la4]/
- 袷 袷 [qia1] /used in 袷袢[qia1 pan4]/
+ 袷 袷 [[qia1]] /used in 袷袢[qia1pan4]/
- 陸 陆 [lu4] /(bound form) land (as opposed to the sea)/
+ 陸 陆 [[lu4]] /(bound form) land (as opposed to the sea)/
- 麒 麒 [qi2] /used in 麒麟[qi2 lin2]/
+ 麒 麒 [[qi2]] /used in 麒麟[qi2lin2]/
- 帳 帐 [zhang4] /(bound form) curtain; tent; canopy/variant of 賬|账[zhang4]/
+ 帳 帐 [[zhang4]] /(bound form) curtain; tent; canopy/variant of 賬|账[zhang4]/
- 竇 窦 [dou4] /hole; aperture/(anatomy) cavity; sinus/
+ 竇 窦 [[dou4]] /(literary) hole; aperture/(anatomy) cavity; sinus/
- 笑 笑 [xiao4] /to laugh; to smile/to laugh at/
+ 笑 笑 [[xiao4]] /to laugh; to smile/to laugh at/
- 陜 陜 [xia2] /variant of 狹|狭[xia2]/variant of 峽|峡[xia2]/
+ 陜 陜 [[xia2]] /variant of 狹|狭[xia2]/variant of 峽|峡[xia2]/
- 繃 绷 [beng1] /to draw tight; to stretch taut/to tack (with thread or pin)/(bound form) embroidery hoop/(bound form) woven bed mat/
+ 繃 绷 [[beng1]] /to draw tight; to stretch taut/to tack (with thread or pin)/(bound form) embroidery hoop/(bound form) woven bed mat/
- 謝 谢 [xie4] /to thank/to apologize/(of flowers, leaves etc) to wither/to decline/
+ 謝 谢 [[xie4]] /to thank/(bound form) to apologize/(bound form) to decline; to refuse/(bound form) (of flowers, leaves etc) to wither/
- 被 被 [bei4] /quilt/to cover (with)/(literary) to suffer (a misfortune)/used to indicate passive voice (placed before the doer of the action like "by" in English passive-voice sentences, or, if the doer is not mentioned, before the verb)/(since c. 2009) (sarcastic or jocular) used to indicate that the following word should be regarded as being in air quotes (as in 被旅遊|被旅游[bei4 lu:3 you2] to "go on a trip", for example)/
+ 被 被 [[bei4]] /quilt/to cover (with)/(literary) to suffer (a misfortune)/used to indicate passive voice (placed before the doer of the action like "by" in English passive-voice sentences, or, if the doer is not mentioned, before the verb)/(since c. 2009) (sarcastic or jocular) used to indicate that the following word should be regarded as being in air quotes (as in 被旅遊|被旅游[bei4 lu:3you2] to "go on a trip")/
- 機 机 [ji1] /(bound form) machine; mechanism/(bound form) aircraft/(bound form) an opportunity/(bound form) crucial point; pivot/(bound form) quick-witted; flexible/(bound form) organic/
+ 機 机 [[ji1]] /(bound form) machine; mechanism/(bound form) aircraft/(bound form) an opportunity/(bound form) crucial point; pivot/(bound form) quick-witted; flexible/(bound form) organic/
- 安 安 [an1] /(bound form) calm; peaceful/to calm; to set at ease/safe; secure; in good health/content; satisfied (as in 安於|安于[an1 yu2])/to place (sb) in a suitable position (job)/to install; to fix; to fit/to bring (a charge against sb)/to harbor (certain intentions)/ampere (abbr. for 安培[an1 pei2])/
+ 安 安 [[an1]] /(bound form) calm; peaceful/to calm; to set at ease/safe; secure; in good health/content; satisfied (as in 安於|安于[an1yu2])/to place (sb) in a suitable position (job)/to install; to fix; to fit/to bring (a charge against sb)/to harbor (certain intentions)/ampere (abbr. for 安培[an1pei2])/
- 股 股 [gu3] /thigh/part of a whole; portion of a sum/(stock) share/strand of a thread/low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科[ke1]/classifier for long winding things like ropes, rivers etc/classifier for smoke, smells etc: thread, puff, whiff/classifier for bands of people, gangs etc/classifier for sudden forceful actions/
+ 股 股 [[gu3]] /thigh/part of a whole; portion of a sum/(finance) stock; share/strand of a thread/low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科[ke1]/classifier for long winding things like ropes, rivers etc/classifier for smoke, smells etc: thread, puff, whiff/classifier for bands of people, gangs etc/classifier for sudden forceful actions/
- 開 开 [kai1] /to open (transitive or intransitive)/(of ships, vehicles, troops etc) to start/to turn on; to put in operation; to operate; to run/to boil/to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc)/(directional complement) away; off/carat (gold)/abbr. for Kelvin, 開爾文|开尔文[Kai1 er3 wen2]/abbr. for 開本|开本[kai1 ben3], book format/
+ 開 开 [[kai1]] /to open (transitive or intransitive)/(of ships, vehicles, troops etc) to start/to turn on; to put in operation; to operate; to run/to boil/to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc)/(directional complement) away; off/carat (gold)/abbr. for Kelvin, 開爾文|开尔文[Kai1er3wen2]/abbr. for 開本|开本[kai1ben3], book format/
By MDBG 2024
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