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Change log entry 83206
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-23 22:47:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76713 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>

- PLC (via Pleco): "(verb) (literary) not at all; not in the least (or slightest)" with the examples "了无惧色 show no trace of fear; look completely undaunted" and "了无生趣 lose all interest in life"

- Guifan (via Pleco): "(动) 完全没有"

- MoE Revised (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=63164&q=1&word=liao3%2Cwu2): "一點也沒有。《五代史平話.唐史.卷下》:「段凝出入公卿間,揚揚自得、了無慚色。」"
# 了無 了无 [[liao3wu2]] /to completely lack; to be not in the least/
+ 了無 了无 [[liao3wu2]] /to completely lack; to have not even the slightest/
By MDBG 2024
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