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Change log entry 83184
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 20:27:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76702 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Note: Some sources seem to suggest that mao1 might also be an acceptable pronunciation (as an offshoot of the "躲藏/to hide" sense?), but other sources list only the pronunciation mao2. I wasn't sure, so I just left the 貓|猫[mao1] entry as is for now.


- XDHYDCD / HYDCD (via Pleco):【máo】"方言。弯曲。" Neither dictionary lists mao1 as an alternative pronunciation.

- 汉典 (https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E8%B2%93):【máo】"[动] (1)〈方〉∶彎曲 [arch]。如:小偷貓腰鑽過橋洞外的鐵絲網跑了 (2) 另見 māo"

- 中華語文大辭典 (https://www.chinese-linguipedia.org/search_inner.html?keywords=%E8%B2%93):【máo】"彎(腰)。貓著腰往前跑|挺直身子,別貓腰。"

- 现代汉语词典, 5th ed. (via Kindle):【máo】"[猫腰](máo ∥yāo)同“毛腰”。另见māo"

- PLC (via Pleco):【māo】"bend forward," with the example "猫腰 bend down"【máo】"stoop"【máoyāo】"bend down"

- 最新林語堂漢英詞典:【māo】"V.t.【貓腰】Arch one's back." Lists mao1 as the primary pronunciation and mao2 in parentheses, with the caveat that the dictionary is from 1987/pretty old and probably Hong Kong-pronunciation-based.


中華語文大辭典 suggests that mao1yao1 is the pronunciation in Taiwan (https://www.chinese-linguipedia.org/search_inner.html?keywords=%E8%B2%93%E8%85%B0), but this is not universally agreed upon:

- 重編國語辭典修訂本 (https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=29335): Lists only the pronunciation mao2yao1.

- 遠流活用成語大辭典 (https://lib.ctcn.edu.tw/chtdict/content.aspx?TermId=50145): "maó (毛) [動] 彎腰。例:貓腰。" Does not list mao1 as an alternative pronunciation.

Editor: By adding "Taiwan pr. [mao1yao1]", I don't mean to indicate that it isn't also pronounced that way elsewhere by some people.
+ 貓 猫 [[mao2]] /used in 貓腰|猫腰[mao2yao1]/
# Editor:
- 貓腰 猫腰 [mao2 yao1] /to bend over/
+ 貓腰 猫腰 [[mao2yao1]] /to bend over; to stoop down/Taiwan pr. [mao1yao1]/
By MDBG 2024
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