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Change log entry 83183
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-22 20:11:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76700 - submitted by 'beansprout' >>
Changed the pinyin for 看 from kan1 to kan4 and tried to convert to v2 format.

Might be unnecessary/stylistic, but I also added "to be" in front of the "disillusioned..." sense.

References for pinyin tones & segmentation:
- PLC, Oxford, 现代汉语规范词典 (all via Pleco)
- 中華語文大辭典 (https://www.chinese-linguipedia.org/search_inner.html?keywords=%E7%9C%8B%E7%A0%B4%E7%B4%85%E5%A1%B5)
- 汉典 (https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E7%9C%8B%E7%A0%B4%E7%BA%A2%E5%B0%98)

LA ~ 原指看透人生,把生死榮辱、人情冷暖都不放在心上;現也指受挫折後,對世間一切抱持消極的態度。
例 「他看破紅塵出家為僧」、「他在破產後,看破紅塵,賣字度日」。

> 提起小沙彌,一般人的印象多來自日本卡通──一休和尚,或電影裡的釋小龍,不是聰明靈慧,就是功夫了得。然而,現今叢林中的小沙彌與卡通、電影裡的有什麼不同?跟一般同年齡的孩子又有何差異?為什麼小小年紀就看破紅塵,選擇出家?

> 沙彌雖小能入聖,小小年紀便已出家,既要遵守沙彌戒律,動靜坐臥也要有威儀,但不知他們小心眼裡在想些什麼?為什麼「看破紅塵」?
- 看破紅塵 看破红尘 [kan1 po4 hong2 chen2] /to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Buddhist monk)/disillusioned with human society/to reject the world for a monastic life/
# + 看破紅塵 看破红尘 [[kan4po4 hong2chen2]] /to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Buddhist monk)/to be disillusioned with human society/to reject the world for a monastic life/
+ 看破紅塵 看破红尘 [[kan4po4-hong2chen2]] /(idiom) to see through the illusions of the material world (often a precursor to becoming a Buddhist monk or nun); to become disillusioned with human society/
By MDBG 2024
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